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So he introduces himself by his rank as 'Major Theron Royd'. When Verena confides in him about strange goings on at an old, perhaps haunted, Priory where he agrees to go along with her to investigate. And there he is bludgeoned unconscious by a After intervening she is instantly, irresistibly attracted to him — but, as she explains, she is already, unwillingly, promised in marriage to Fergus, the new Earl of Lydbrooke.
Not only does she not love him — she feels sure the Earl is marrying her only for her father's large fortune it is common knowledge the Fergus is wildly extravagant and in terrible debt. Soon it is revealed that "John Hamilton! On hearing that Ivan is alive, Fergus had tried not once but twice to murder him in the hope of holding on to the title.
Now Farica is caught up in a "crusade, of right against wrong, of good against evil that we have to win! But unlike the other Society debutantes she is reluctant to be pinned down by marriage — indeed she has refused proposals from countless suitable suitors, the latest being from the richest Duke in the whole of England.
Infuriated, Marcia's father decides to force her to marry the illustrious French Duc de Roux, whose father was an old and distinguished friend of his. And she will not marry unless it is for love and love alone. And yet, almost in spite of herself, she realises that her heart has other ideas.
When she finds out that the Saddened to hear that the Marquis has died — she's glad his heir, Vincent, will be coming home from his army posting in India to claim his title. But then Fate strikes another blow with the news that Vincent has been killed! Reluctantly, Charisa and her father prepare to welcome the next in line — half-French Gervais Mawde. But as soon as he arrives they sense something is wrong. Penniless, he immediately sets about selling off the family treasures and dismissing loyal servants, even the Vicar!
Worse still he forces his attentions on a shy and unworldly Charisa. It was a bestseller. She went on to write myriad novels and earn legions of fans, she also wrote under her married name Barbara McCorquodale.
Some of her books were made into films. She gathered as many wedding dresses as she could so that service brides would have a white gown to wear on their wedding day. She also campaigns for the rights of Gypsies, midwives and nurses. Barbara Cartland McCorquodale passed away on 21 May , with still unpublished manuscripts, that are being published posthumously. Rosina declared that no man could be trusted, including Sir John Crosby, member of parliament, whom she had secretly loved since girlhood.
Now a debutante, she found herself caught. The Marquis of Kexley seems to have everything a girl could want - wealth, good looks, intelligence, athletic prowess - and a title.
The only thing he doesn't possess is respect for the legion of women who throw themselves at him, desperate to claim some of his attention. He firmly. Helsa, the exceptionally beautiful daughter of the Reverend Alfred Irvin, is thrilled when she learns that Irvin Hall, their vast ancestral home, has been rented for a large sum by a certain Lady Basset. Her Ladyship wishes to host a grand house party and has invited a number of distinguished. Sylvia, daughter of the Duke of Belham, is bored with the various young men she meets at Lady Lamborne's masked ball.
At last she escapes their attentions and makes her way into the cool, moonlit garden, where she encounters a masked stranger. The following morning, Sylvia's father reveals that he. Download ». Barbara Cartland was the most prolific bestselling author in the history of the world.
She was frequently in the Guinness Book of Records for writing more books in a year than any other living author. In fact her most amazing literary In , the BBC aired a dramatization of the life of Barbara Cartland , starring Anne Reid, who bears a remarkable resemblance in pink.