Bc comix games fenton mi
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At the store, the co-owners and business partners sell comics, host gaming tournaments and provide an avenue for people to explore their imaginations. The trio chose Fenton as a location for their store because there's no other comic or gaming shops elsewhere in the area. If you're into Spider-Man, we're going to have lots of that.
If you're into Dark Horse's line of comics The Huffmans and Quigley also plan to offer free gaming tables by June and after-hours gaming tournaments.
They also plan to provide complimentary pricing and grading of comic books and specialty ordering by customer request.
Their Web site is www. We're in it for the love of it. It is a temporary location while they gear up to move next door to a space more than double in size, at E. Grand River Ave. The Huffmans also acquired inventory—comic books, board games, card games, toys and collectibles—from two comic stores they purchased from previous owners last year. They moved inventory from the previous businesses, Dire Comics, which was once in downtown Howell, and Nerdageddon, which was in downtown Brighton, to their Genoa Township location.
They have their fingers crossed that by national Free Comic Book Day, May 5, the store will be moved into the 9,square-foot space next door, which was under renovation as of Tuesday. But they later decided to shut them down and consolidate everything to a single, larger location. He said another issue was limited parking in downtown Brighton in the evening, when the store hosts gaming events and parties.
The couple also said they hope to keep overhead costs down by operating from a single location. BC Comix and Games will give away up to five free comics per customer and host guest comic book artists, 10 a.