Best pc nascar games
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Those that want a more ongoing experience and like the idea of simulation racing might find iRacing appealing. This is a subscription service game with players usually throwing together builds with racing wheels and other peripherals to get more immersion.
For what it does, fans have enjoyed this game and the different races or leagues they could participate in which does focus on your skill level. While the main components from the previous games were included in this title, the big change-up here was working with a team which meant being able to switch to a different car in the race. During the race, players could switch to control a driver of another car on their team which certainly added a twist element in how you would strategize your racing on the fly.
However, there was another big component added as well which allowed players to send out commands to their team. Players could trigger their team to follow the player or provide a block.
There was even a USB microphone attribute added to the game which allowed players to trigger these commands through the in-game crew chief using the headset. If you have the game already then you can enjoy some NASCAR content which was the first time the automotive sport was featured in the Gran Turismo series.
After all, the Gran Turismo series, in general, was made to represent a wide range of vehicles and racing in general so fans were finally able to see the popular NASCAR sport make its way into the game series in the Gran Turismo 5 installment. Your Score. Rate this:. Share this? Take on racing? Or, choose your favorite series and take on a full pack of horse-powered monsters?
See it, feel it, hear it Buy on. Play Sound. Please enter your birth date to watch this video:. January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Enter. Critic Reviews. Score distribution:.
Positive: 12 out of Mixed: 2 out of Negative: 0 out of Gaming Age. While some newbies to the sport or gamers who prefer arcade style action may be turned off by the relentless realism, I say it is better to sacrifice the weaker links in favor of the hardcore fans that make this sport what it is today.
All this publication's reviews Read full review. Gaming Nexus. This means you need your pc and internet connection — no more, no less. No expensive game consoles, no buying or renting games. Many websites offer games for free and many of the games offered have the same if not even better quality than the popular game consoles. There are lots of different genres of computer games available nowadays, but among the most popular are the sports games, and more specifically the racing games.
NR4 was the real groundbreaker in the Papyrus series of games—there was a bigger leap from NR3 to this than NR4 to In the long run, that proved to be a mistake. The biggest and baddest out there right now doesn't even need to feature officially licensed vehicles to make it cool. Even more impressive is the fact that iRacing keeps up such production standards for many different classes of cars, adding everything from trucks to sports cars to IndyCars.
The game actually retains a lot of code from NR, as many former Papyrus developers worked on the game. Bleacher Report Logo. Join Newsletter.