Ms-dos print to windows printer
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Interleaved 2 of 5 Optionally, DOSPrinter inserts a mod 10 checksum character at the end, if bit 0 of flag c is set to 1. Valid barcode characters are 0 - 9. Invalid characters are replaced with zeroes. The specification requires that the barcode must have even number of digits. If you provide odd number of digits, DOSPrinter adds a zero at the beginning to satisfy the specification.
You can override the automatic generation of start and stop characters by setting the bit 3 of flag c to 1. Valid characters are numbers, uppercase letters and characters '-','. Other characters are skipped. If you provide the checksum digit, it is ignored and replaced by DOSPrinter.
Valid barcode characters are 0 - 9 Valid number of digits are 6, 10 and 12 with the check digit included, or 5, 9 and 11 without the check digit. CODE 93 Two checksum characters are required for this barcode type. It is a high-density barcode, suitable for long alphanumeric data. CODE Checksum character is required for this barcode type. DOSPrinter calculates and inserts one automatically if bit 0 of flag c is set to 1.
It is a high-density barcode especially dense for numbers , suitable for long alphanumeric data. Invalid characters are ignored. Codabar There is no checksum character for this barcode. You must manually provide the start and stop characters, which could be characters A, B, C or D. Other, invalid characters are ignored. Download this file for an example of how to use the ESC B command. There are two methods to change the orientation to Landscape: 1. This is very simple, but changes the orientation globally, for all the pages under that job.
The rule for this two commands is: If an ESCo command is found at the beginning of the page, it affects the current page and next pages. If it is not at the beginning of the page, it affects next pages. Beginning of the page is first 20 bytes of the page.
Download this file for an example of the usage of ESCo command. You can set different number of copies for different pages. The rule is: If the ESCnN sequence is found at the beginning of the page, it affects the current page and next pages. If it is not at the beginning of the page, it affects next pages only. Download this file for an example of the usage of ESCnN command.
Some printers are not capable to print multiple-page copies virtual printers, for example. How to print on both sides of the page duplex printing : Not all printers can print in duplex.
These methods are simple, but changes the paper source globally, for all the pages under that job. How to find the values for n L and n H? There is a form of this command to help you with that.
This form of command shows a message box like the image on the right, displaying all possible paper sources with their ID numbers for the currently selected printer.
For example, if DOSPrinter has been initially set to send the reports to a printer and you'd like to change that behaviour to send the reports to email.
You have two options to do that: Option 1. Unload a running DOSPrinter instance, then reload it again with a different switches in the command line. The command line would be: DOSPrinter. For example: DOSPrinter. This option is less agressive. It does not load and unload DOSPrinter. The text "switches" must be enclosed in the qouble quotes ". If an ESC"switches" sequence is found at the beginning of the file, it affects the current file and next ones. If it is not at the beginning of the file it affects next files only.
Note that you don't have to insert this ESC sequence in your existing reports. You can issue ESC"switches" sequence in a separate file that has the same filename as the report file. In that case make sure that you haven't added some extra spaces or line feeds in the file, because DOSPrinter could render this file as an empty page. You can also change this value at your own risk. The translations are stored in the editable text file Language.
The printer type or model is not important! We will use the printer port only, not the driver. Of course, you can input some other filename for the printer port name. After the port file is specified, click Close. Click Sharing on the menu. Then click on Shared as. Input a network name for the printer, something like "DummyPrn". MyPcName is your network computer name. Later, you can insert this line in a batch file, right before calling your program. This will only work if your PC is connected to a network including dialup.
Try: prn2file , or prindir9 local: prindir You basically have three options: 1. A virtual machine with installed bit Windows or DOS. For example, vDos Plus And it even has its merits for running DOS with Windows 32 bit. DOSPrinter is a bit program so it can run on both bit and bit versions of windows without worrying about the versions. Download bit version of DOSPrinter for that case.
The only difference is that the demo version sometimes prints a demo message on the first page and it is valid for 30 days. If you find DOSPrinter useful, buy a registered copy. That is the case with some drivers produced by HP, or others, especially drivers for cheap ink-jets. The strange behaviour is that they are printing slow, or not rendering some fonts or code pages, or else.
The solution is to install another printer driver. The easiest thing to do is to use a compatible driver that already exist in your windows. For example, if you have a HP DeskJet , and is behaving oddly, follow this instructions: 1. Click "Start" 2. Click "Control Panel" 3. Click "Printers and Faxes" 4. Click "Add Printer" 5. The wizard will ask for the printer port. Select the same port the existing driver uses. From the "Manufacturers" list select "HP".
This way we installed a generic DeskJet driver, which works all right in all the circumstances. You can use it together with the existing, original driver from the printer box. This uses Acrobat Reader or Word to print the report to the driver in question. Pricing and Licensing: There are two distinctive types of DOSPrinter license: standard single user and unlimited developer.
Contact us for further details about prices and purchasing options. Newest release: 3. Windows 8 is backward compatible with older version 3 drivers, so your old printer model will work on Win8. The only problem with ver. Fixed the bug with bad jpg image in PDF file under Windows 7 - 64 bit.
Before this version the printer driver handled this function. Now DOSPrinter copies the pages by itself. Redisegned "Configurator" dialog. Click here for details. Before was in BMP only. For setting the percent of text width. No restrictions anymore for printing in landscape orientation. You can specify the image resolution now.
Added the possibility to set up the time interval to guard over the caller's window focus - bug fix: the underline command now underlines the spaces as well as any other character ver 2. Old was ':' ver 2. Old was "DOSPrint". It is fixed to dpi by default.
Bojan Banko Alternet software bojan. You could try setting the compatibility mode for the shortcut maybe Windows95 Can't say I can think of much else at this point.
It worked. Thanks again. If you're asking for technical help, please be sure to include all your system info, including operating system, model number, and any other specifics related to the problem.
Also please exercise your best judgment when posting in the forums--revealing personal information such as your e-mail address, telephone number, and address is not recommended. Please note: Do not post advertisements, offensive material, profanity, or personal attacks. Please remember to be considerate of other members. All submitted content is subject to our Terms Of Use. I have been trying to print a report from an MS-DOS program and the printer prints only one line per page.
So, a report that used to be of two pages would be of pages now. Any suggestions? Share Flag. All Answers. Collapse -. Printfil allows printing to Windows printers, from Dos, Windows programs or Unix, Linux, legacy applications running on a Windows PC via telnet or other terminal emulator software.
Does the DOS program support this printer? In DOS each program communicated directly with printer and each program had to have it own driver. The DOS program supports this printer. How do I make the program and printer communicate with each other? I'm betting that the USB to Parallel Device didn't come with any DOS Drivers so you are relying on Windows to try to make the printer work and it is currently only capable of sending 1 line per page and sort of work correctly.
I cant remember the last time I printed from DOS. I must have been Can you pipe info in DOS or is that just linux? I don't know much about DOS commands myself as I don't use it very frequently. I am using this design software that our company had bought centuries ago. I agree with one of the other posts that adding a parallel port is probably your best option.