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Come for the soundtrack, stay for the silky smooth combat and pitch-perfect blend of genres. There's hack and slash, there's shoot 'em up, there's text adventures, there's RPG elements — Nier: Automata has it all, and in spades. The dazzling combat is split between three crazy sexy cool android protagonists who twirl and flip in hypnotic ways - and while its fun to hack and slash away at enemies with the quiet fury of a robot, the game really shines when you start customizing those robotic elements.
Pick what chip is installed in your metal head and swap them in and out as needed, depending on the enemies you're facing - add that to one of four weapons in your arsenal and you'll have an ever-changing flurry of devastating combos at your disposal.
The ending will linger with you long after and make you want to go back and get whatever extra info you can.
The Outer Worlds is a game that lets Obsidian show off its best talent: making RPGs with great dialogue, engaging characters, and a world that drags you in and never lets you go.
The Outer Worlds feels like Firefly and Mass Effect had a neon space baby and you are the caretaker of its future - no pressure. Sure, this game asks you to do a lot of talking in order to get to the best, cystipig-meatiest bits it has to offer, but almost every conversation you have with the denizens of Halcyon will delight you in some way. Brilliant voice acting coupled with cracking writing and surprisingly deft facial animations means you're going to be picking favorites and picking them fast.
This only makes every decision more difficult, which is the mark of a great RPG: the ability to make you sweat with anxiety over a superficially innocuous dialogue option.
Kingdom Hearts 3 might have fourteen years of dev time under its belt, but the second installment in the trilogy excluding all the other games in the franchise, looking at you Re:Coded is still superior. Kingdom Hearts 2 , released three years after the original, expands on the brilliant Kingdom Hearts concept a young boy named Sora gains the power of a mysterious keyblade and must travel through Disney worlds to stop the evil Heartless from spreading while polishing rough edges and expanding outwards with gusto.
Whereas the small worlds in the original often felt mind-numbingly difficult to navigate, the sequel boasts beautiful level design that feels more legible while still being expansive. Plus, the combat upgrades make gameplay faster and smoother, and the addition of Drive Forms allows you to change Sora's form to activate new abilities. The boss battles are tough, but not impossible there's no way to get back the years I shaved off of my life during that Clayton battle in the original , making it the best game in the series for gamers who don't like to be frustrated to the point of ripping out their eyelashes individually see the aforementioned Clayton battle.
In "classic RPG" fashion, develop your own custom player hero from scratch, recruit heroes into your party, explore the world, obtain quests and seek your destiny, all through a modern browser. Murder your enemies, murder your friends.. Murder everyone? Hell why not steal a few cars, smuggle some drugs and test your limits as a gangster in this addictive on gangster MMORPG. Go on a journey into the world of Fa'Diel and explore unknown regions.
Face and capture hundreds of magical creatures, find special items to forge new equipment and join other heroes in epic real-time Raid Battles! Elethor is a semi-idle text-based browser game designed to be played by occasionally checking in. Choose which monsters you want to fight and collect their drops. Then use those drops to craft your very own gear. Choose how you want to upgrade your gear and progress to higher tiers of gear by fighting bigger baddies!
Visit the Prison Struggle website! Visit the Street Racerz website! Mafia Rules Ever wanted to do Crimes? Visit the Mafia Rules website! Mobsters United In this remake of the original Mobsters from Myspace, you play with 7 to 25 mobsters in one account. Visit the Mobsters United website! Visit the Bloodletting website! RsBattle RsBattle is an idle text-based browser RPG that can be played from any device with a web browser and internet access!
Visit the RsBattle website! MafiaBattle Interested? Visit the MafiaBattle website! Visit the eDominations website! Visit the SimpleMMO website! Visit the Mirage Online Classic website!