Pygame 2.6 windows
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We only had 4 days We learnt a lot during this. The compilation instructions for pygame 2 were improved so that more people could build development versions. We automated the installer generation for Windows, Mac, and pypi on github so other projects can copy this base-code and do it too.
Gif animation saving was started because when you release your game you want a gif right? Missing features and areas where documentation could be improved were identified animated sprites, and scenes anyone? Fixes to pymunk a great 2D physics engine were made so distributing physics games to end users is now easier. There's also an example of using the tile map loader PyTMX with the physics engine. We want to make distributing pygame apps easier for people.
You made your game, now you want to share it with your friends or even sell it right? The first place we made a release was on itch. There we uploaded the Mac, Windows, and source for people to download with a pay-what-you-feel option.
Next step is to release the game on Steam another popular games platform. We also have to make the game better! It's already a pretty fun mini game, but requires more mini games and more polish.
We also need to make pygame 2 pre-release binaries so that we can actually publish on Steam. Have fun. Download stuntcat here, and if you can afford some small money Thanks to everyone who chipped in! See the post on the PyPy blog: " PyPy for low latency systems ",. Let me give you a quick introduction about what you've stumbled upon here. Once you have finished getting started you could add a new project or learn about pygame by reading the docs.
We respect each other, and follow the Python community code of conduct , whilst we help each other make interesting things. We spell colour without the u sorry , and we always spell pygame with lower case letters. Also, please do excuse the mess - we're doing some renovations around here you see. Toggle navigation pip install. News New here? It's happy dance time. It looks like we're 20 years old.
You need to download pygame module which can be done easily by: pip install pygame This worked for me while I was facing issues with the websites instructions. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Podcast Making Agile work for data science. Stack Gives Back Featured on Meta. New post summary designs on greatest hits now, everywhere else eventually.
Linked 3. Related Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. When it does it may prompt for additional information. BAT must also be on the executable search path. The older instructions for hand building the dependencies are here. These go back to Pygame 1.
Compiling python extensions at the MinGW Wiki. At the top of the FAQ page there is a link to the old wiki, which has also changed addresses. SDL build instructions for Tux Paint. Seems the Msys install crashes For me it was the postinstall command. But Msys will still have to be hand configured for MinGW. Using forward slashes in the path is necessary. Toggle navigation pip install.
SDL 1.