Uiuc ms finance program
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The MSF program offers courses in the following areas of finance: asset management, corporate finance, data analytics and fintech, quantitative finance, real estate, and finance research.
Students can specialize in one of these areas by following a specialization track. By specializing in a specific area of finance, students become more marketable to employers in that area.
A minimum of 16 credits of courses in any chosen area is needed to be awarded a specialization. Please click on the links below to see the extensive offerings in each specialization.
A concentration is an extension of a graduate major comprised of a coherent set of courses some or all of which count toward the major. Students must take a minimum of 12 credits of the required courses in order to earn a concentration.
The MSF offers three concentrations. Unlike the specialization, the concentration will appear on your final transcript:. All of our extensive elective offerings are included in at least one of the MSF Specializations listed above.
Here is a list of the electives that have been offered in the MSF program in previous semesters. Please visit the Finance Course Catalog to view course descriptions. How creative are you? Women's Coffee Chat: Online Programs.
Core Courses MSF students are from a variety of backgrounds, not necessary in business or finance. As a Gies student, you can take advantage of a full array of resources and the experience of our Gies Business Career Services professionals to prepare you for these recruiting opportunities. Demand is also projected to increase as the growth of "big data" will require higher quality of analysis. The MSF program is designed with big data in mind with specializations in quantitative finance, data analytics, and fintech.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. How creative are you? Women's Coffee Chat: Online Programs. If an offer of admission is made, the official transcript s are required to be submitted upon arrival to campus. If you've not yet completed your undergraduate degree at the time of application, we will review your application based on the in-progress unofficial transcripts you have uploaded.
Upload your resume: Your professional resume should include personal information name, address, telephone number and email address , educational background, work experience start and end dates for each position and a brief description of responsibilities , internship experience, educational training, professional associations, and leadership experiences.
Please limit your resume to one page. Upload your academic statement of purpose: Your academic statement of purpose should specifically answer the following questions. Please limit your statement to words or less. Once you enter their information into the online application, they will be notified to submit a letter of reference on your behalf.
Provide proof of funding and Declaration and Certification of Finances Form international students only : In order for your visa eligibility document to be issued, we will need appropriate funding documents uploaded directly into your online application.
This is not required for application review, but will be needed if you are offered admission. International students are required to show proof of funding for living expenses in addition to all tuition and fees.
Upload a copy of your passport international students only : In order for your visa eligibility documents to be issued, we will need a copy of your passport information and photo, including dependents, if applicable.