The five love languages singles edition review
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Wishlist Wishlist. Advanced Search Links. Product Close-up. Add To Cart. English eBook Singles. Paperback Spanish Book Singles Edition. Paperback English Book Singles Edition. Paperback Spanish Book Singles. Related Products.
Janye V. Ben Stuart. Right Jackie Kendall , Debby Jones. Jackie Kendall , Debby Jones. Have a question about this product? Ask us here. Ask a Question What would you like to know about this product? Connect With Us. Sign In Desktop Site. I know that after reading any personality book, you tend to see those traits explored in everyone.
I would say that five love languages has a Christian backbone, but the book itself was not an exploration of Scriptures but more of a human analysis. There were Scripture verses shared, but it wasn't the emphasis of the book. At the same time, I do think that the principles shared are Scriptural--such as looking out for others' needs, and not for only yourself.
Though this was written for singles, I felt a heavy lean toward "singles and dating, or wanting to date. Chapman stands with dating such as "date around so you know what personality will fit with you". So, all-in-all, this was a book that I could filter out some things I disagreed with yet glean a lot of good from.
Oct 12, Jodie rated it did not like it. Did you know that this author is also the author of 5 Languages of Love for married people? At the beginning I really enjoyed it. There were some examples, a little discussion, but as the book continued the author just kept on referring to college students and giving them advice, then them Did you know that this author is also the author of 5 Languages of Love for married people? There were some examples, a little discussion, but as the book continued the author just kept on referring to college students and giving them advice, then them coming back and being like YOU ARE RAD.
Often there were tears involved, or people being taken back by his wild suggestions. My recommendation, just read a Wikipedia article on the 5 languages of love instead. While concept is actually amazing, and something to think about, the examples are just too long winded probably to pad out the word count. If you still wanna read this, search online. I read it for free on some PDF website I'm very happy to have finally read this book.
I knew I would benefit from and enjoy learning about the love languages, and already agreed with what I had heard of them. What I wanted to gain most was a better understanding of each language and how to apply the knowledge in my life, especially as a single.
So the version was perfect! Well-written and informative, the only reason I didn't read it fast enough was because there was much for me to contemplate, analyze, and set goals with. I'm pretty I'm very happy to have finally read this book. I'm pretty sure this is going to go right up there with my keen interests in such things like birth order and learning techniques.
A perfect time in my life to be reading this book considering experiences over the past few years, currently reading "A Single Voice," and trying to work on this year's gift to the Savior. Sep 19, Ntombezinhle Nzama rated it it was amazing. I first read this book a few years ago and I found it to be life changing.
I started reading it again just to remind myself of the concepts of the book. There are 5 love languages: 1. Receiving gifts 3. Acts of service 4. Physical Touch 5. My primary love language is quality time followed by receiving gifts. Understanding the 5 love languages actually made me understand people better as well as myself and to be able to express love in a way that makes them I first read this book a few years ago and I found it to be life changing.
Understanding the 5 love languages actually made me understand people better as well as myself and to be able to express love in a way that makes them feel more loved. I think this is one of those books that the whole world should read! Jan 19, Emma Haddock rated it did not like it Shelves: non-fiction , audiobook. Do not recommend unless you want a relationship reminiscent of the s. So I may or may not have listened to this very quickly, because it was about to expire on OverDrive lol :P I think I definitely would have gotten more out of it had I physically read it haha It still was an interesting "read" though!
I haven't had as much spare time lately to read, so that's why I have been doing audiobooks so much Five years ago, in the context of a volunteer team, I was introduced to "the five love languages. It explores this concept from the viewpoint of various singles never married, widowed, divorced. As an avid stor Five years ago, in the context of a volunteer team, I was introduced to "the five love languages.
As an avid story-lover, I thoroughly enjoyed Gary Chapman's use of true stories to illustrate how an awareness of the five love languages has helped people cultivate, mend, or excel in their various relationships.
Romantic, familial, platonic—the nature of the relationship doesn't matter. Of course, he's promoting his idea, so it's not in his interest to share instances of failure. Nonetheless, the book's versatile selection of success testimonies inspires confidence that there is great insight to be found in this philosophy.
It's evident that the author really believes what he teaches. There are some nuances or side points of The 5 Love Languages: Singles Edition that I question, but for the most part, it was an enriching read. For one person, uplifting and affirming words are the key to the heart, while for another it's quality time. In His Word, God exhorts us to look not only to our own interests but also to the interests of others Philippians and to consider how to stir up one another to love and good deeds Hebrews The fact is, while we all need love from both God and people , our interests look different at a grassroots level.
It takes thoughtful consideration to know what will stir up love in another. I really appreciate the attention this book gives to exploring the dynamics of human relationships. I would be interested in reading more of his spinoffs based on the core concept of the five love languages, and I would recommend this book to anyone interested in exploring the dynamics of human relationships as God has made it.
Apr 02, Phoebe rated it did not like it Shelves: non-fiction-reference , not-my-cup-of-tea. Um, too bad this book was primarily focused on nudging singles towards marriage. Maybe my experience of 5 Love Languages for Singles was less charming because I listened to it via a generic audiobook male reader, versus Chapman's cheerful drawl.
Perhaps because the gray morality that crops up in the initial book was made more apparent to me in this edition as the author instructs conventionally oriented straight people to respect their parents regardless of how the parent is treating them, avoid Um, too bad this book was primarily focused on nudging singles towards marriage.
Perhaps because the gray morality that crops up in the initial book was made more apparent to me in this edition as the author instructs conventionally oriented straight people to respect their parents regardless of how the parent is treating them, avoid living together pre-marriage cohabitating leads to dissatisfaction and divorce, as backed up by 'facts' and studies and the Bible , and avoid the 'sin' of non-monogamy it's been tried and failed horribly, unlike marriage which I guess never fails horribly if you do it 'right'?
Clearly, I wasn't the target audience for this book since I have different opinions on all three. What threw me the most wasn't the assumption that everyone is or should be striving towards a s nuclear family model to achieve life-satisfaction, it was the story about an adopted girl whose adoptive parents bad-mouthed the girl's later young woman's birth mother, calling her undeserving and problematic for a selection of behaviors that sounded more like the birth mother was suffering from poverty and mental health struggles than any innate flaws of character or moral standing.
The interaction between adopted child and adoptive family, to me, showing red flags of abuse and I was deeply turned off by Chapman's acceptance of it, even while I appreciated his 'everything is fixable' attitude.
I just wanted that adopted child to get the heck out of dodge and build an intentional family somewhere else who wouldn't use manipulative, blaming and aggressive behaviors to distance her from the person who birthed her, as though the adoptive family somehow deserved a child more because they had money.
Run for the hills. What this book lacks most aside from the obvious re: LGBT and lack of POCs , I thought, was acceptance of single-hood as a legitimate state with its own many advantages. Bolster the singles, don't drive them like cattle towards romantic entrapment. The 5 love language frame is fun and interesting --it's application to any type of relationship seems a book worth writing and, unfortunately, only glimpses of that book are available here.
He explains that people give and receive love in five different ways through words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, and gifts and that the best way to love someone is through their language rather than your own. Your well-meant gift might not mean as much as a word of encouragement and a hug to someone whose primary love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch—despite your best intentions.
Knowing what makes people feel loved and appreciated will help you to convey to them effectively in ways that are meaningful to them that you love and appreciate them.
I finally decided to read the book after being inspired to love people better. Not because I was doing a particularly poor job of it, mind you; it was just a desire that had been bubbling up inside me, a worthwhile pursuit and part of a decision to really focus on, develop, and appreciate my relationships with people. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in love the action as opposed to simply love the feeling. Loving people well is not always an intuitive business, though I think many of us feel it should be; and this is especially true when people receive love in ways that are different from our own preferred ways of giving and receiving love.
The older I get, the more I recognize the importance of devoting time and attention in this area of life. Oct 17, A rated it it was ok. This book was unnecessarily long by about pages. The example stories were boundless, banal and repetitive. I felt like I was reading a "Read 'The 5 Love Languages' book if you want your life to change forever!
Every story culminated in the fact that it all worked out thanks to the book. I kept saying out loud "Alright already! You've got my vote! As I mentioned in my previous update I think it was a bit vapid for my taste. It's not one a my favorites which is a let down because I had high hopes for it.
You can translate the fundamental teachings of this book to all relationships in your life - romantic love, friendship, and even professional relationships.
I read in high school and am going to read his book, The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace which is specifically focused on professional relationships.
His concept is so simple yet has a profound impact on the way we understand and interpret relationships. Sometimes with this sort of book, the advice seems "airy-fairy" or unrealistic to me. However the love languages concept resonated with me,. I was able to see myself reflected. Even more significantly, I had a potentially difficult conversation coming up and this caused me to stop and rethink my approach and think that is the true mark of success.
The book was able to apply to my life, and in a positive way. Jul 13, Shaina rated it it was ok. I think that the five love languages part was really good. The rest of the book was a lot of repeating etc Like what I used to do when I needed to extend my college paper.
Overall helpful info, but could have done the same good if written in an article and not a book. It did make me think how I could improve my relationships with those around me which I'm going to follow through with. Jan 28, Brent Soderstrum rated it it was amazing. Being a single who has had his struggles with the female gender I found this book very enlightening.
This book isn't geared solely towards dating it also deals with friendships, work relationships, parents and your kids. Basically there are five types of love languages that we all speak and we each have one that is predominate. If you figure out what the person's love language is you can "speak" it to them and fill their love tank.
The five love languages are 1 words of affirmation, 2 gifts, 3 Being a single who has had his struggles with the female gender I found this book very enlightening. The five love languages are 1 words of affirmation, 2 gifts, 3 acts of service, 4 quality time and 5 physical touch. It gives you hints on how to figure out what the other person's love language is. It also contains a test to take to determine what your love language is.
I also found it interesting that the author has found that there is a two year period in a new relationship in which speaking the love language of the other person isn't necessary. This is the "tingle" period.
Once this two year period ends, and it will, you need to work at maintaining the love that was soooo present in the relationship before. Good read and can be done quickly. Love is what seperates us from animals so we should find ways to express it to those who are important to us.
Dec 06, Ryan rated it liked it. This was a pretty easy read. Chapman uses good flow and all his arguments are smooth and organized. It is a bit difficult to see myself before learning what was in the book, but I think I tended to believe that some of the love languages were good and some were just superficial. This book changed my views on that and has helped me realize that people do actually receive l This was a pretty easy read.
This book changed my views on that and has helped me realize that people do actually receive love in ways that I understand in my mind but not in my heart. All this is pretty much what Chapman explains is typical of most people. I think this should help me to understand and love the people that I am close with, but in my opinion is far less effective for acquaintances than he seems to suggest. However, I was disappointed to find that many the examples were about couples in romantic relationships.
Do people not have deep relationships outside of a significant other now? Although I found some of the content of this book helpful in terms of looking at myself and my relationships, I also found several elements problematic.
I guess I should not have been surprised by the blatant heteronormativity, but what bothered me most was Chapman's advice for individuals in abusive physically or sexually, he did not mention other types of relationship abuse relationships. The author is doing harm by reinforcing stereotypes about people who stay in abusive relationships I be Although I found some of the content of this book helpful in terms of looking at myself and my relationships, I also found several elements problematic.
The author is doing harm by reinforcing stereotypes about people who stay in abusive relationships I believe the word he used for those that stay in sexually coercive relationships was "desperate" , so it concerns me that this man is a counsellor.
I also found his examples to be overly and unbelievably positive and unrealistic. Nov 28, Laura rated it did not like it. Not a fan of this version. Also, he's a bit heavy-handed with his Christianity-based examples.
The premise of this theory seems sound, but the unnecessary scripture quoting and the judgmental marriage-as-default perspective is a turn-off. Not to mention he reuses several paragraphs in each chapter from his earlier book. Womp womp. Not just in terms of my marriage, but in terms of how I interact with my children, other family members, and even friends.
This is an awesome book to help people not only have more meaningful and loving romantic relationships, but relationships in all areas friends, family, children, etc. This is a MUST read for everyone. And it's less than pages, so why not? This is a solid book. If you've read one of the other love language books, this won't be anything very different, except Chapman applied it more to singles and those dating. As with all his books I've read, it has helpful information but gets repetitive.
Amazing how spot on this is I am a believer! Shelves: biblical-counseling , christian-non-fic. I appreciate what Mr. Chapman discusses within his book. Having heard about the "Love Language" books, I had never read them, as they were mainly directed towards married couples or parents.
Why should I - as a single woman - want to wade through yet another book dedicated to people who are in a stage of life that I was not, but desired to obtain and yet could not? That being said, I was very excited that Mr.
Chapman decided to address Christian Singles. However, I was severely disappointed with I appreciate what Mr.