Msi install conditions

2022.01.14 16:47

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If your software only works on certain versions of Windows, you should be using launch conditions to prevent users from installing it on unsupported platforms. To keep things easy, I have organized the launch conditions using the table format of the LaunchCondition table in the InstallShield Direct Editor. In this example, the application will only work on bit versions of Windows. Therefore, the launch condition could be something like this:. This is the converse of Example 1.

That is, the application requires bit Windows and it will not run on bit Windows. In this example, the application will run on three versions of Windows and each should have certain service packs. The last three conditions apply to only specific versions of Windows. Most setups install files to privileged locations such as the Program Files folder or the System folder. Use the [ Evaluate The order in which the searches will be performed when the condition is evaluated matches the order showed in the list.

If this option is selected, at least one search must fail in order to install the prerequisite. Choose another prerequisite that conditions the installation of this prerequisite. If the selected prerequisite is not being installed, this prerequisite will not be launched.

By default the prerequisite uses bit locations on a bit machine. Table of Contents. Prerequisite Install Conditions Tab In this tab you can set the install conditions of a new prerequisite or change the install conditions of an existing one. Supported Windows Versions This section allows you to specify which Windows versions are supported by the prerequisite. Install only if the Windows language is one of the following Restricts the prerequisite to run only if the Windows Operating System is installed in one of the specified languages.

Privacy policy. This section describes the syntax of conditional statements used by the MsiEvaluateCondition function and the action sequence tables. For more information, see, Examples of Conditional Statement Syntax. Literal text containing quotation marks cannot be used in conditional statements because there is no escape character for quotation marks inside literal text.

To do a comparison against literal text containing quotation marks, the literal text should be put in a property. The following table shows the prefixes to use to access various system and installer information for use in conditional expressions. The following table shows the logical operators in conditional expressions, in order of high-to-low precedence. The following table shows the comparison operators used in conditional expressions. These comparison operators can only occur between two values.

The following table shows the substring operators used in conditional expressions.