Ssh ftp windows server 2008 r2
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Featured on Meta. New post summary designs on greatest hits now, everywhere else eventually. Related 0. Hot Network Questions. Question feed. You may also create a self-signed certificate locally, but in such case users of your FTPS server will be warned , when connecting to the server.
In such case, you need to tell the FTP server to use only the range that is opened on the firewall. Use a Data Channel Port Range box for that. Any time you change this range, you will need to restart FTP service. Learn about the latest security threats, system optimization tricks, and the hottest new technologies in the industry.
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Introduction There are a number of command line options available to configure Window Server over the network. What is SSH? Post Views: 41, Featured Links. Featured Product. Join Our Newsletter Learn about the latest security threats, system optimization tricks, and the hottest new technologies in the industry. Only issue is that you have to manually start the service the first time or the GUI wont load to let you set the root path.
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