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[Kindle] Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow download

2022.01.16 06:57

Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow. David Jeremiah

Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow

ISBN: 9780785224112 | 240 pages | 6 Mb
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What is holding you back in life? No matter your circumstances!  No matter where you are in life!  No matter your age!  God wants you to move FORWARD! Beloved Bible teacher and New York Times Bestselling Author, Dr. David Jeremiah reveals his personal approach to life and how to find the presence and purpose of God in your future!  This book is a master class in how to live fearlessly and get your life in focus! The inspirational content gives you practical biblical insight into the “what’s next” in your life. Learn how God wants to expand your dream, give you divine direction, plant within you a life purpose, equip you with tools to overcome fear, grant you great personal accomplishment, and find a mission that will outlive your life! Don’t get stuck in your past failures or sins or allow present circumstances to keep you from fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. Let Forward be the step-by-step plan of action you’ve needed to move past where you are to where you want to be. Find joy in pursuing the next steps God has for you and move FORWARD!

Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your
Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow. Front Cover. David Jeremiah. Thomas Nelson, 2020 - Religion - 240 pages. 0 Reviews. Forward Study Guide: Discovering God's Presence and
Forward Study Guide: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow - Kindle edition by Jeremiah, Dr. David. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks  Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your
Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow [Jeremiah, Dr. David, Arnold, Henry O., Jeremiah, Dr. David] on *FREE*  Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your
Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow Unabridged Audiobook on MP3-CD (9781713571674) by Dr. David Jeremiah. Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose - Pinterest
Forward: Discovering God's Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow by Dr. David Jeremiah. Relying on previous good deeds or dwelling on past sins can be 

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