Aboriginal studies program

Choose to take a single subject, or combine your work as part of a degree. Our student advisors can assist you with your enrolment, help you plan your studies and answer any questions about how studying through OUA works.
We'll be in touch to answer your questions. Explore some of the oldest continuing cultures in human history. Why study Indigenous studies online? Investigate the issues that influence the lives of Indigenous people across the globe, with a focus on the experience of Indigenous Australians. Inform your understanding through exploring topics including spirituality, colonialism, representation, and identity.
A background in Indigenous studies is especially useful to inform work in the public sector, museums, schools and universities and the legal system. Studying online means that you can explore this broad discipline, while bringing new understanding to your everyday.
View 1 related degree. Presently, there is a shortage of Aboriginal teachers in BC, while an increasing number of Aboriginal people desire to become teachers. The purpose of the program is to build upon and strengthen the cultural heritage and identity of professionals in training. NITEP site. Take this 6-Week Massive Open Online Course MOOC and engage with Indigenous knowledge keepers, educational leaders, and resources to enhance your understanding and knowledge of practices that advance reconciliation in the places where you live, learn, and work.
MOOC site. The program provides prospective forestry professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the discipline of forest management. CAFP site. Many Aboriginal students choose the Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program, an ideal venue for developing the interdisciplinary approach to Indigenous areas of study.
ISGP site. The Indigenous Legal Studies Program works to enhance Aboriginal involvement in the legal profession by providing legal education relating to Aboriginal issues and supporting the legal education of Aboriginal students.
Since , hundreds of Aboriginal students have graduated from the Peter A. If you need further assistance with accessibility for any of these resources, please get in touch with us at SecondaryEducationUnit det.
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