Agilent 7673 manual

Page 6 Turret error Page 8 Contents Page 9: Setting Up Setting Up You must complete the following tasks during installation to be ready to turn on the power. Page 11 Setting Up The modules of the automatic liquid sampler "" [type C] tower, tray and controller The modules of the automatic liquid sampler The automatic liquid sampler is made up of three modules: The GA controller and communications module supplies power and communications to the injector and tray.
Page The Modules Of The Automatic Liquid Sampler Setting Up The modules of the automatic liquid sampler Figure 1 illustrates how the automatic liquid sampler is an integral part of the analytical system.
One or two injectors With or without the tray With or with out the bar code reader Controller Controller configured to communicate with Caution Do not place any instruments that release heat on top of or underneath the controller. Space considerations Electrical power requirements The controller is the power source for the injector and tray.
It must be off or flush with the front panel before you plug in the power cord. GA injector module The instructions and hardware are packaged together with the tray.
Mounting the injectors The first part of each step describes how to mount the injector over the front inlet injection port. Lower the injector so that the pin in the base enters the hole in the disk on the mounting bracket. Turret Mounting pin Front mounting post Disk Figure 6. Be sure the gas lines are not routed under the feet or the mounting pin.
Turn the turret so you can see the inlet of the GC, and open the door to the syringe. These movements could damage the tray arm. If you need to move the arm, turn it in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
Lower the tray onto the bracket. Position the tray so that it sits flat on the bracket with the raised arrow pointing toward the right the front injector. Move the injector cable out of the way. Figure Locking the tray Snap the tab of each tray quadrant into a slot on the base of the tray.
The numbers on the quadrants should match the numbers on the base. There are 11 connectors and two sets of switches for defining the communication type. Page Installing The Controller Setting Up Installing the controller This section covers connecting the injector and tray cables to the controller, connecting the controller to the GC, connecting the controller to the data handling device, and plugging in the controller.
Find the power cord in the controller box. Check the shape of the plug and the source voltage listed on the packing contents sheet. Page Configuration Switch Definitions Setting Up Installing the controller Setting the configuration switches There are 16 switches on the back of the controller. Figure 14 and Figure 15 show the switches and settings for five common types of communications. Page 29 Setting Up Installing the controller Table 3. Be sure the spring clamps on either side of the plug snap onto the connector.
Note the TOP label on the connector for orientation purposes. Tray Injector Figure Connecting the injector and tray cables Connecting the tray cable Plug the cable into the tray connector on the back panel of the controller. Be sure all the communication cables are installed and fastened securely. Be sure any external control or data handling devices are configured correctly by referring to the appropriate manual.
GA Controller Front Back Page 33 Setting Up Installing the controller Page 34 Preparing for Operation Page Specifications Preparing for Operation Preparing sample vials The location and thickness of a vial label can affect the delivery of the bottles to and from the injector.
Agilent Technologies recommends the position and maximum label thickness shown in the following diagram. No label 5. Some of the dimensions are too difficult to measure without special instruments. Microvial insert Crimp cap sample vial 5 minimum 8. Dimensions for sample vials and microvial inserts Sample caps and septum Although septa come in different colors, the characteristics are measured by inertness and type of composition.
Page Filling Sample Vials Preparing for Operation Preparing sample vials Figure 19 illustrates the recommended and minimum diameter for vial cap apertures. Specifications of vial cap aperture Use amber glass vials for light-sensitive samples. The last specification to consider is the total height of the capped vial. Page Crimp Capping Sample Vials Preparing for Operation Preparing sample vials For large volumes and multiple injections, you will have to decide how to divide the sample among several vials to obtain reliable results.
You have to be aware when sample volume is low. For example, if the vials are less than half full, contaminants from the previous sample injection or solvent washes may affect the sample. Page 40 Preparing for Operation Preparing sample vials Lift the vial into the crimper, and squeeze the handle until the bottom grip reaches the adjuster screw.
Crimping caps Caution Vials that do not have properly crimped caps may cause sampler errors. When a tray is not installed, you may be able to use sample vials with no caps, snap-on caps, or screw-on caps depending on your application.
White sample insert White sample insert for sample 2 for sample 3 Turret Sample 1 Figure Specifying tray positions with a integrator and or GC Using the injector fan The purpose of the fan is to push cool air over the samples and solvent to keep them cooler. Page 44 Preparing for Operation Using the injector fan Caution This procedure requires protection against electrostatic discharge.
Use a static control wrist strap connected to a ground part no. If you do not use static protection, you may damage the electronics of the injector. You can use diffusion caps or septa on these bottles to reduce evaporation and diffusion of your solvents and waste. Page Filling And Placing The Bottles For many common solvents, the rate of diffusion out of the bottle is less with a diffusion cap than with a septum that has been punctured with a standard syringe needle.
Diffusion cap Agilent Technologies recommends using a diffusion cap instead of a septum to reduce solvent contamination and evaporation. Page 47 Preparing for Operation Preparing the solvent and waste bottles Empty and rinse each waste bottle.
Shows position of syringe tip when dispensing waste Place the bottles in the appropriate positions on the injector turret according to the table on page Position 3 in the turret can be used as sample 3 or solvent B. The injector alternates dispensing waste between the two positions. System Solvent Waste Page Estimating The Maximum Number Of Sample Vials Preparing for Operation Preparing the solvent and waste bottles solvent bottles in both positions and set the run parameters for solvent washes from both positions e.
Page 52 Preparing for Operation Preparing the solvent and waste bottles Using the equation to estimate Substitute the parameters of your application into both equations. Page 53 Preparing for Operation Preparing the solvent and waste bottles Substitute the parameters of your application into equations S and W. In the left-hand column, find the number of solvent wastes and sample washes you need.
In the left-hand column, find the largest number of solvent washes you need from a solvent bottle, answer 3. Read across this row to the column indicating the number of injections you are taking from each vial, answer 2. Sample washes occur before the injection. When sample is limited, you can use a solvent prewash to wet the syringe before drawing sample.
Page Selecting And Installing Syringes Preparing for Operation Selecting and installing syringes Selecting and installing syringes Selecting syringes Select the type of syringe you need based on the inlet injection port you are using and the volume of sample you want to inject. The syringe needle must have a cone tip. Do not use sharp-tipped needles. These needles tear the inlet septum causing leaks. Needle shapes Select the appropriate syringe needle gauge.
Injection volumes depend on sample volume setting, syringe size and injection type Caution Failure to use an on-column syringe when injecting into an on-column inlet could damage the injector, syringe and column. Page Installing Syringes Preparing for Operation Selecting and installing syringes If there are ridges, polish the needle by pulling it through a folded piece of fine emery paper between your finger and thumb until the ridges are gone.
Be careful not to modify the special blunt tip of the syringe. Check for a sticky plunger. Page Checking Your Work Preparing for Operation Selecting and installing syringes Move the plunger carrier loop down and tighten the plunger screw.
Checking your work Move the plunger carrier up and down. If the syringe plunger does not move along with the carrier, repeat the previous steps. Be sure the plunger carrier screw is tight. Page Maintaining The Inlet Preparing for Operation Maintaining the inlet Caution Do not operate the injector without a syringe in place because the syringe latch may interfere with the motor if it is allowed to swing freely. To check the alignment of the syringe needle to ensure an average septum life of injections, follow these instructions: Pull down the syringe carriage until the needle tip is near the top of the inlet septum nut.
Page Changing Or Cleaning Liners Preparing for Operation Adapting for cool on-column injection Changing or cleaning liners Most samples contain nonvolatile material that accumulates on and partially pyrolyzes on the liner. Replace the liner or clean the liner periodically.
Some active components interact with the glass liner and glass wool plug of the capillary liner. Page Chapter 3 Operation Operation Page Setting The Run Parameters Operation Setting the run parameters Setting the run parameters This section describes each run parameter, lists the range of values for the common controlling devices, and contains three examples. The run parameters tell the injector and the tray what to do.
For example, they tell the injector how much sample to inject and tell the tray where to find sample vials. Page 69 Operation Setting the run parameters Number of sample washes Specifies the number of times the syringe is rinsed with sample before the injection.
The injector lowers the needle into the sample vial, fills the syringe to eight-tenths its full volume, and empties it into one of the waste bottles. Number of sample pumps Specifies the number of times the syringe plunger is moved up and down while the needle is in the sample to expel air bubbles and improve reproducibility. Larger volumes cause sample to be lost through the purge vent and may contaminate carrier inlet lines.
Dwell time This setpoint specifies the time delay of the needle in the inlet for both pre- and post-injection. Page 71 Operation Setting the run parameters parameter also holds the syringe in the inlet for 4 seconds after the injection.
The plunger speed during the pump and waste dispensing does not change. Page Injection Mode Operation Setting the run parameters Sampling depth This setpoint allows you to move the position of the needle tip up or down to approximate locations from the nominal position of zero default. Default is the standard position see Figure Standard position 1 ml 3. Page 73 Operation Setting the run parameters Position This setpoint indicates which tower is on which inlet front or back. Typically, the location of the injector cable in the controller box, front or back, is the position associated with that injector.
With an INET integrator and dual injectors, this setpoint specifies which injector, front or back, is associated with the INET data channel and which is associated with the auxiliary data channel. Page 74 Operation Setting the run parameters Table 4. What happens during a run? From the point when you start the run, the automatic liquid sampler does the following: The syringe carriage, plunger carrier, injector turret, tray arm, and gripper move to their home positions.
Page 76 Operation What happens during a run? The injector waits until the GC sends a ready signal to continue. Page Checklist Operation Checklist Checklist Use this checklist to make sure the sampler is ready before you begin. Sample vials are half full Cap centered, no wrinkles, septum is flat Sample inserts and vials match the run parameters Tray quadrants snapped in place 4.
Starting a run or sequence After completing the checklist above, start the run or sequence by pressing the start button on the injector or entering the appropriate command at your controlling device. Page Using Two Injectors Operation Using two injectors To restart an aborted sequence from the point of interruption: Identify the last sample vial that was run successfully.
Check the vial number of the last successful chromatogram. Reset the parameter that identifies the first sample vial to the next vial number. Page 80 Operation Using two injectors When you set up the run parameters, you must identify which data channel is for which injector.
Different communication devices assign the position and data channel differently. Synchronous N-1 injection mode To inject the same sample into the front and back inlet in the same run, you must do the following: Prepare two sets of sample vials, two vials for each sample. Page Four Methods Of Control Operation Four methods of control Four methods of control There are a number of ways to control the automatic liquid sampler.
Each controlling device allows different functionality when using the GA or B injectors. Always check the manual of your chosen controlling device for exact feature sets. Page Examples Of Operation Operation Examples of operation Examples of operation This section describes the basic steps to set up your automatic liquid sampler using different methods of control.
The following examples are for three specific systems with one injector module mounted over the front inlet. For more information on other types of configurations, see the manual of your controlling device. Scroll to the desired setpoint. Enter a setpoint value, or turn the setpoint on or off. Sample tray setpoints Press [Sample Tray] to access the sample tray and bar code reader setpoints. Page Storing Injector Setpoints Operation Series GC Control Storing injector setpoints After setting up injector setpoints, sample tray setpoints, and bar code reader configurations, store them as part of a method.
This method becomes a part of the sequence used to run the samples. Press [Method], and scroll to the method number you wish to use. It is divided into subsequences, each of which uses a single method plus a priority sequence and postsequence events.
The sequence definition control table is accessed by pressing [Seq]. Storing a sequence Up to five sequences can be stored. To store a sequence, press [Store][Seq]. This opens the Store Sequence control table. Page 91 Operation Special considerations when using an integrator with a Series GC Figure 46 shows an example of the injector parameter portion of a method printout using a Series GC, a integrator, and a GA injector in the front position and a B in the back position.
Page 93 Operation integrator with a GC Set the viscosity delay to zero. Set the sample size injection volume to 1 ml. Set the injection speed to fast. Page Washes Operation Multitechnique ChemStation control with a Series GC Washes Sample preinjection Number of times the syringe is rinsed with the next sample following any preinjection solvent washes.
The number of stops is automatically calculated based on your entry for injection volume and syringe size. You can indicate whether or not you are using a Nanoliter Adapter at the Injector Configuration dialog box.
Extended Injector Parameters dialog box Viscosity Number of seconds the syringe plunger should pause between the last pumping stroke and the injection stroke. Valid entries: 0. PostInjection Dwell Time in hundredths of a minute for the needle to stay in the inlet after the plunger is depressed to inject sample.
Page Standalone Control Standalone Control The GA controller has two standalone configurations, synchronous and asynchronous. Page Standalone Control Setting the run parameters Open the door to the injector control switches where the start and stop buttons are located. The door hinge is on the left-hand side. Page Sample Size Standalone Control Setting the run parameters Sample size Set the sample size with the two switches below the sample size label shown in Figure The following table shows the injection volumes for each of the switch settings.
Page Injection Standalone Control Setting the run parameters Injection Set this switch to specify the speed of the syringe plunger during the injection strokes and whether or not the syringe needle stays in the inlet after injection of the sample.
Page Number Of Injections Per Vial Standalone Control Setting the run parameters Caution The slow setting is only recommended for a few specific splitless and cool on- column applications. Agilent Volatiles Interface. Agilent AC Power Components. Agilent Capillary Injection Port. Agilent Catalyst Assembly.
Agilent CO2 Cryogenic Cooling. Agilent Cool On-Column Inlet. Agilent Electron Capture Detector. Agilent Flame Ionization Detector. Agilent Flame Photometric Detector. Agilent Site Prep Checklist. Agilent N Site Prep. Agilent Consumable Parts list. Agilent - Turbomolecular Pump System Parts. Agilent - Repeller Parts. Agilent - Printed Circuit Boards and Components. Agilent - O-rings and Seals. Agilent - Misc Analyzer Parts.
Agilent - Ion Source Parts. Agilent - Foreline Pump System Parts. Agilent - Diffusion Pump System Parts. Agilent - Consumable Supplies. Agilent - Cables, Fuses and Switches. HP - Analyzer Parts. HP - Cables. HP - Consumables and maintenance supplies. HP - Effluent splitter.
HP - GC Interface. HP - Ion Source Parts. HP analyzer parts list. HP Shipping Instructions. HP Site prep Checklist. HP vacuum o-rings. HP Vacuum System Parts.
HP Parts - Electronics. HP Parts - Gauge Controller. HP Parts - Ion source. HP Parts - Jet Separator. HP Parts - Miscellaneous. HP Parts - Vacuum System. HP Parts - Analyzer. HP Parts - Consumables. HP Covers and related components - GC. HP HP Misc Valve Hardware. HP Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector.
HP OvenFlapAssembly. HP Packed Column Inlet. HP Valve Actuator Assembly. HP Valve Box Assembly. HP Valve Control Cables.
HP Valve Control Solenoids. HP W Series Valve. HP Oven Fan Motor. HP Flame Photometric Detector. HP to Agilent Automatic Liquid Sampler. HP - B-C Tray turret.
HP B-C Tray arm assembly. HP GA injector logic assembly. HP GA injector module - External view. HP GA injector - high-density turret. HP GA injector backplate.
HP GA injector - standard turret. HP GA injector tower. HP GA injector covers. HP Carousel Bottom Subassemblies. HP Carousel Top Subassemblies. HP Carousel. HP Control Unit Cover. HP Control Unit. HP Covers Subassemblies. HP Electronics. HP Elevator Arm. HP Elevator Assembly. HP External Cables. HP Horizontal Loader Componenets. HP Horizontal Loader Subassemblies. HP Housing. HP Insulation.