Aluminum fencing installation instructions

2022.01.16 00:32

Use a magnetic level to assist you in leveling all of the posts. Return to posts you have previously installed as you go to check their level.

Straighten them as necessary. You need to stay on it so the concrete does not set up on you with a post out of level. Insert aluminum panels one section at a time, once the concrete has dried. This is usually like an erector set process and requires the nuts, bolts, and screws that the fencing company provides.

Your email address will not be published. Aluminum fences add security, curb appeal, and value to your home and yard. Here are a few photos showing the aluminum panels racked to follow grade:. All of our aluminum fencing is easy to install! Cost to install an aluminum fence.

Ornamental fence line posts are typically spaced a maximum of six feet apart but check your style for specifics. These factors affect the total cost for your fence project. Aluminum fence installation labor is usually charged by the foot. But, rest assured, if you start your aluminum fence project with fence workshop, you will quickly discover that your aluminum fence can be installed very easily yourself.

We will walk you though the fence installation process step by step. In addition to your aluminum fencing products, you will probably need 1 a post hole digger or auger, 2 gravel, 3 a level, 4 a screw driver, 5 a shovel, 6 a rubber mallet, 7 concrete mix, 8 a wheelbarrow, and 9 a hacksaw.

It is easy to install the fence panels to posts. At the end of a run, you may have to trim a panel down to fit. Next measure each stretch of fence. Installing your own aluminum fence seems like such a great idea…. Aluminum fence panels are easy to cut with a hacksaw, and they are designed for the rails to fit into the slots on the posts. At this stage you are able to see your own aluminum fence taking shape.

Here you can see the swivel bracket installed on one of our infinity aluminum fence panels. Once your concrete is set and dry, insert the aluminum fence panels one section at a time. Aluminum fencing is esay to install. Fence panels in heights of 2. On this page, we offer a brief overview of challenges that may need to be addressed before embarking on a DIY fencing project. Some helpful tips are also presented to spark your creativity, but we don't go into the fine details and planning of your overall landscaping.

That we leave to you and the professionals who may share with us the privilege of serving you. Helpful Ideas for Success! This means you can easily keep an eye on the pool area.

Beyond your yard there may be a beautiful lake, a wooded area, or just wild flowers. Most local codes do not permit privacy fences taller than 6', which means you'll be boxed in while others from a distance may still be able to look in. Take a look at our extensive photo gallery and then ask yourself, ''How could a big tall plastic wall be this attractive?

Keep Fence Clear of Objects or Grade Inclines Always remember that when a pool is involved, fences are subject to more restrictions for the safety of children.

Please take the time to review our pool safety link. For instance, keeping fences a safe distance away from objects outside the pool area such as air conditioner units is addressed by the BOCA pool safety code and is almost universally enforced by inspectors. This is a good idea for the protection of children. When retaining walls are involved and it is not possible to maintain adequate clearance from the incline, consider installing your fence on the high ground!

When planning your walkway, keep in mind that the gate needs to be wide enough so that you are able to install the gate posts on each side of the concrete, therefore, we recommend leaving yourself a little extra space. For instance, if you are going to have a 48' wide gate, an ideal limit for the width of your walkway is 45''.

Pavers can be more forgiving, but it's still better to plan ahead, as shown. Usually, the fence is ordered in advance of the installation of the concrete, so you'll want to go over this point with the concrete installers. Don't assume anything!

Talking about these details with your concrete professional will ensure the success of your project! One last thing, when hugging the concrete with your fence, there is a key point to remember.

Often, when the concrete is angled and not square with the gate, the gate itself needs to be made wider to span the distance! This issue is resolved in one of three ways, by narrowing the walkway, by widening the gate, or installing the gate square with the concrete and then angling the adjacent fencing. Advise your contractor of your decision! Of course, at times mounting posts directly onto concrete will be necessary. Our FAQ link addresses these circumstances and the best way to plan for success!