Attitude workbook 1 cd download

2022.01.16 00:32

What is 2. In Question 34 this is done by moving the decimal point two places to the right, which is 5. What you do to one number must also be done to the other so that 2. Now divide 5 into in the normal way. What has to be added to to give ? Making up sets of 12, how many will be left over from a group of ? If there are rials to the pound sterling, how many pounds sterling can be bought for Test score 1—2 3—4 5—8 9—12 13—16 17—20 21—25 26—30 31—35 36—44 Score for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 potential If you do well in Test 4 and enjoy arithmetic and other problems involving calculations you may want to consider careers that have a strong numerical element, such as those in accountancy, finance, adminis- tration and economics.

You are given a series of numbers. Your task is to see how they form a relationship with each other. You then have to choose the number that would go next in the series, choosing one from the four possible answers provided.

It is advisable to have a piece of scrap paper and a pencil to do any working out that may be necessary. The first example below has been done already to show you how.

The answer to Example 2 is a because the series is reducing by 2. The answer to Example 3 is d because the gaps between the numbers are 3, 6, 12 and 24, so 48 is needed to fill the gap between the last and missing number. So, 48 added to 47 is Alternatively, this series can be done by doubling each of the numbers in the series and adding 1. If you are timing yourself you have 10 minutes to do as much as you can.

You must work as quickly and as accurately as possible. Do not start until you are ready. Descending series work in exactly the same way. This is when it becomes almost essential to have scrap paper in order that you can try out various combina- tions. In the example above: 6 10 14 18 22? You are given five pairs of numbers. Two of the pairs have a relationship. You have to find the pairs that go together. The example below has been done already to show you how. The larger figure is 3 times the smaller figure.

The fact that the numbers are around the other way does not matter. Sometimes the numbers are the same way, sometimes they are not. No other pair would be logical. When you find the correct answer, write in the box in the same way as in the example. You may find it helpful to have a piece of scrap paper. Try the following for yourself. Work as quickly and accurately as you can. Do not guess, because that counts against you. You have 10 minutes. Always try to make the numbers as small as you can, which makes it easier to see the relationship with another number.

In the first place try to divide the smaller number of the pair into the larger one. For example, in Question 4, divided by 6, gives you , which makes a pair with answer d. To reduce numbers to a manageable size remember that any pair of numbers that are even can always be divided by 2. If one or both of a pair is odd it cannot be divided by 2, so try 3, then 5, 7, and so on until your divisor is too large to go into either number.

When you have a spare moment, simply take a number, say, any number from 1 to 15, and count up in multiples of that number. Another good exercise to do in your head is to take a small number, such as 2, and keep doubling it.

Potential in this area could point to many careers where the analysis of quantitative data is important. Such areas might be as diverse as marketing and science, because both involve the use of statistics.

You have to see what is relevant in the information with which you are presented. When performance on this test is better than that on any other test it generally indicates that your level of academic attainment has not been fully expressed, even if you have already done well academically. You are given a series of pictures, lines or diagrams.

Your task is to see how they go together, then work out which will be the next figure in the series. You have to choose one from the four possible answers provided. Example Which comes next? The long bar, which slopes from right to left, is always added first. If you are timing yourself you have 6 minutes to do as much as you can.

Put the correct answer in the box. Which comes next? It is unlikely that any of the problems will actually be very complex. Always look for the simplest logical solution. You have to hold the image in your mind while working out the rest of the problem, and mentally constructing where the image is going to emerge. In Question 13 the white circle is moving up and down while the black circle is moving around the big circle.

Those who do well on this visual test are often good at research and ordering information, for example, in social or historical research as well as other sciences connected with biology. In one type of problem you are given an example of how two pictures relate to one another and you have to see how the next picture relates to one of the four possible answers provided. In the second type of problem you have to see how one of the objects is different from the others.

Examples Example 1 This This is to is to this this as as this this is is to to a a b b c d d Answer Example 2: Which is the odd one out? In Example 2 the answer is b because it is the only one where one figure does not fit inside another and because both figures are the same size. This is to to this this as as this is to to a a b c d d Answer 2. If you are unsure whether this is allowed, ask the test administrator. If you are working from a book like this, or from a booklet, unless you are given permission you should not mark the booklet in any way.

You are almost bound to lose out if you do not follow the instructions given, especially in regard to damaging property that is not yours. If you are allowed to draw, or do calculations or whatever is necessary, do not worry what your rough work looks like: it is only your answer that counts. Although it is sometimes possible to say that each of the figures is odd, being different from the others, you must look for the easiest logical solution, not a complex one.

For example, in Question 4, a is the only diagram to have two shapes that also overlap, while b is the only square. Shape c is the only triangle, while d is the only shape that does not fill a space.

This This is to this this as this this is to a b b c d Answer 8. This This is to is this this as as this this is to is to a b c c d d Answer This This is to to this this as as this this is to to a a b b c c d d Answer This isis to to this as as this is is to a b c c d d Answer This test is a good predictor of how well you can see how various things or ideas go together.

This type of visual aptitude is often associated with success in biological sciences and many areas of research. Decide the picture that comes next at the bottom of each line and select your answers from the chart on page The answer will always need to have two letters which reference the row and column on the chart at which the answer is found.

In the three examples number 1 has been done already to show you how. Examples 1 2 3? In Example 3 the shaded five-sided figure appears every other time. It will appear next in line.

Expert tip Have plenty of scrap paper ready. Follow this rule whenever you take a test. In this particular test where it is necessary to remember more and more information, you will find it helpful to make a note of what you are doing as you work out the problem. In the case of this test, you may find it more convenient to draw any figures that need to be remembered. You will need to keep looking back at the reference chart on page as you do the test.

Have scrap paper and a pencil in case you need it. Answer Expert tip One way to work out these problems is to break them down into parts and do each part separately. For example, in Question 7, take the shape, which has a sequence, circle, circle, polygon, circle, circle, polygon, so that the next will be circle. Write it down or draw it on your scrap paper. Then consider the shades, which are alternately shaded then white, so the next will be shaded. You now have a shaded circle.

From the chart this is EM or ME. Answer Expert tip Your working notes or drawings will not be judged. In most tests you will have to hand in any rough notes. This is merely disposed of: it is not eval- uated because it is not a part of the test itself. It is your answer that counts, not any workings out that you used to get to your answer.

CQ BP DL AM EO EK AN FQ AO BL EN BM AQ EL BN CL AK FP EM DM FL CK DK This test often reveals decision making and managerial potential, and people who do well display the ability to see through a problem, and how to deal with it in the most simple, direct way. For these reasons, people with this type of talent are often regarded as natural leaders. Why such an abstract test is able to reveal talent in this way is not yet properly understood.

We do this all the time in our daily lives, without giving it a thought, but psychologists have not yet discovered how a solid, three- dimensional shape is held in the mind, let alone what mental processes allow us to turn it around in our heads. It is a vital skill anyway, and one that some people are better at than others, as with most skills, which is the reason it is tested.

The shapes become increasingly rounded until precise defi- nition is almost lost. There are two types of problem. Look at the examples below to see how the test is done. Examples Example 1. If the figure below on the left was folded together it would make a box. Imagine the box is made of paper or card, so that you cannot see through it. On this box, a line has been drawn across one of the sides. You have to say which of the alternatives would be made from the unfolded figure on the left.

Example 2 take away leaves A. In both types of problem, remember that the answers might have been turned around or turned over, but still could be correct. If you are timing yourself, you have 6 minutes. Answer B. Answer C. Answer D. Answer F. Answer G. Answer H. Answer Expert tip You can turn the test paper around or upside down if it enables you to see the problem more clearly.

Answer J. Answer K. Answer L. Answer N. Answer O. Answer P. They are funda- mental to a range of careers in engineering and technology. All the blocks are the same size. Each block has six faces because the ends of the block also count as faces. Blocks that connect only at the edges or at corners do not count. In the space provided, you have to write in the number of faces touched by each of the blocks. In the example below, the answer for block A has been given already to show you how.

Complete the answers for the other blocks, B, C and D. Then read the explanation to make sure you understand what you have to do in this test.

Example A. If you are timing yourself you have 5 minutes to do as many as you can. Answer A. As there is no proper working out to do, apart from counting the number of sides, it wastes time to draw the figure yourself. The quickest way to do the test is simply to count as you go along. Many people do not do as well as they could on this test because they spend too much time on checking.

If you make a careful count as you proceed, checking will rarely be necessary, while a very occasional error is unlikely to count against you.

Answers A. This is the type of test that has been used as one way of estab- lishing a talent for architecture and engineering, which require various operations of forming, molding and modelling. You are shown a shape in the middle of the page. Below it are five other shapes. Each of these is numbered. You have to decide whether each of the alternatives is identical to the original shape. Each one of the shapes might be the original shape, but turned around and possibly also turned over.

It must be the same height and thickness to qualify as a version of the original shape. The first example has been done for you. If you are timing yourself you have 10 minutes. It is better to leave out an item you are unsure of. You will not be penalized for omitting items. It is the final score that is important. If you do well on this test you must have a talent for design visual- ization that has probably emerged already in some artistic way.

This potential can be used in many areas of study and work. These range from art and design work itself, to almost any kind of problem where infor- mation has to be fitted together to create a final picture.

This is why many people who work in web design, for example, have this talent. What is also being measured is how well you can maintain your concentration. At the same time, you have to substitute symbols for numbers, thus making the task more complex. The test is in three parts, to enable you to see whether you are more proficient with words, numbers or pictures. Practice on all of the tests in this chapter can improve your performance. You are given a list of names.

Your task is to decide which one comes first in alphabetical order and which one comes last. Look at the example to see how you are to give your answer. Both letters must be marked correctly to score a point. Do the next example yourself. You must get both letters correct and also in the correct order to score a point. Expert tip Remember not to guess; accuracy is what is being looked for and this may be more important than the overall total. BD CD CE AF BA FD ED DC AC AD FC EC FB DF DA DE FA FE DA Obtaining the total score Count up the number of correct answers: Add 2 if no mistakes: Test score: Establishing your level of potential Test score 1—2 3—4 5—8 9—12 13—16 17—20 21—24 25—27 28—33 34—42 Score for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 potential Your scores can be used further when you get to Chapter 6.

Test 13 is regarded as a good predictor of orderliness with admin- istrative tasks, but looks in a broader way at habits of accuracy and attention to detail.

The symbols represent numbers. You have to work out different sums by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

You then have to choose the symbols that represent the correct answer. The first example will show you how, then do the other examples yourself. Answer Example 3.

Answer Example 4. Answer In Example 2 the symbols represent 4 plus 8, so the answer is Work quickly and accurately to get as many correct as you can. If you are testing yourself you have 10 minutes. Expert tip It is useful to be able to write in the numbers besides the symbols. This means you do not have to keep the value of each symbol in your head and makes the final computation easier.

Therefore, if this is not your book, you should photocopy the pages of this test before you start. In any test, remember not to mark any test booklet without permission.

Expert tip Do not rush through the test. Most people cannot do all of the items in the time given. Work at the pace at which you believe you are getting the items correct.

Accuracy is essential. Answer 7. The test attempts to imitate the systems tasks that are found in many organizational tasks where dealing with information and data is important. Accuracy in this task is essential so the number you actually get right may not be the deciding factor in whether you are offered a job.

Someone who is slow, but makes no or very few errors, may be preferable to a higher scorer who also makes lots of faulty judgements. You have to write down the answer. Make sure you do this clearly. Look at the example to see what you have to do. The first question has been answered already. Write in the answers to the next two questions yourself. Example The graph shows how many cars of different colours were sold in a showroom during one year.

How many blue cars were sold during the year? Which colour of car becomes less popular during the year? In which quarter are most cars sold? The answer to Question 1 is , since this is the total of 20, 30, 80 and 30, the numbers for each quarter.

The number of sales went from 60 to 40, then 30 and then The total for this quarter was , that is, 80 blue, 30 red and 40 white.

You need to work quickly and accurately. If you are timing yourself you have 10 minutes to do as many as you can.

Have some scrap paper ready so that you can do any rough working as necessary. What is the most popular form of transport? How many more children travel by car than by train?

How many children do not walk to school? What fraction go by train compared with those who walk? What percentage of children cycle? Expert tip Charts are intended to make the interpretation of information as easy as possible. In the graph above, your eye can guide you to the answer quickly.

Interpreting a chart like this is usually no more than simple addition or subtraction of column totals. How many dollars would be exchanged for 4 pounds? How many dollars could be exchanged for 10 pounds? How many pounds would you get for 12 dollars? What is a dollar worth in pounds? What is the difference in price in dollars? What is the ratio of dollars to pounds? The ratio of one quantity to another is the proportion that the first is to the second.

The timetable below shows the schedule of stops for regular buses and for the three extra buses, X, Y and Z.

Where no time is given, there is no stop. The regular service departs from the station every hour on the hour commencing at Of the three extra buses, which is the quickest? If you miss Bus X at Main Road, how long will you have to wait for the next bus? Which bus must you take at Bank, if you have an appointment at Theatre Avenue for If you miss Bus Z, but take the next bus, what time will you arrive at Central Square?

What is the average temperature for the first three months? By how many times is it hotter in May than January? If trends continue, how hot is it likely to be in July?

Temperatures for the months July to December were 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 and 0. What was the average temperature for the year? Expert tip An average is found by adding together the quantities and dividing by the number of quantities involved.

The increasing lines show the outward journeys and the reducing lines show the homeward journeys. The horizontal axis shows the time and the vertical axis the distance in miles. The bus and the train begin their journeys at The car begins its journey at For how long did the car stop during the morning?

How many times did the bus and train pass each other? What was the average speed of travel of the train from How many miles in total did the car travel? What was the average speed of the bus including any halts? How much did Security cost? What fraction of the total was the combined expenditure of Security, Education and Miscellaneous?

What is the ratio of the combined expenditure on Planning and Administration to Health? It is useful as it is easy to see how the different segments or slices contribute to the total pie. Regular Charts are used in order to convey information in a simple, logical way; they are not designed to be problems, but are intended to be easy.

What is being measured is how quickly you can read and make sense of them. This interest and ability is a vital component which fits with many numerical and administrative professions, particularly those connected with economic disciplines.

You have a minute to concentrate upon a page of items. When you turn the page you have to write down as many as you can of the items you have seen. Make sure you write clearly. Example Look at the following information. There are pictures, words and numbers for you to concentrate on and to remember. If you are timing yourself, give yourself 2 minutes.

Time yourself exactly. After this exact time, turn the page and write down as many of the items as you can. Give yourself a further 2 minutes to do this. When you turn over, you will see that some of the items have already been written in for you to show you how. You can write them in any order. Check your answers by looking back at the previous page. If you are timing yourself, do this exactly.

Expert tip Memory tests are the most critical as regards timing of all tests. This is because any lapse of concentration can drastically affect your score. For the same reason, make sure, as always, that you will not be disturbed or distracted during the critical period.

This is so essential because the mind does not lapse in concentration so much as naturally begin to process other thoughts and seek other sources to stimulate it.

You have exactly 2 minutes to look at the following numbers, then go on to the next page. You will then have 2 minutes to write down as many as you can remember. You have exactly 2 minutes. You have 2 minutes to look at the following words, then go on to the next page. You have exactly 2 minutes to look at the following pictures, then go on to the next page.

Obtaining the total score Count up the number of correct answers: Add 2 if no mistakes: Test score: Establishing your level of potential Test score 1 2—3 4—5 6—7 8—9 10—12 13—14 15—16 17—18 19—22 Score for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 potential Your scores can be used further when you get to Chapter 6. How well you do on this type of task can give insights into whether you are able to focus your mind when necessary and also how easily you might be distracted.

This type of evidence can also be useful as an indication of which area of work or study might suit you best — broadly, working with either words, numbers or images. The Starter level provides true beginners with an accessible entry point to the course, while levels 1 to 5 take students from elementary to advanced level.

Attitude helps students develop solid learning foundations through a comprehensive program of language exposure, analysis, and practice, providing the confidence students need in order to express themselves, reflect who they are, and approach learning with enthusiasm. Students are presented with interesting, thought-provoking content from which language skill development exercises naturally flow.

At the end of each unit, a comprehensive Language Resource and Develop Your Writing or Study Skills section encourage learner autonomy. Learner development is a key focus throughout the course with helpful Language Notes, Warnings, Glossaries and Useful Language sections, providing essential support for reading texts and other activities. Teacher's Book: Interleaved student book pages plus all the elements needed to make teaching with Attitude a success.