Windows 8 cd rom not working

Type devmgmt. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or select Allow. When you are prompted to confirm that you want to remove the device, select OK.
After the computer restarts, the drivers will be automatically installed. If your problem is not solved, try the next method. From Start , search for Device Manager. Open Device Manager from the search results, and select the View menu. Choose Show Hidden Devices. If there are additional entries, right-click them and then choose Uninstall.
This problem may be caused by two Windows registry entries that have become corrupted. To use Registry Editor to delete the corrupted Registry entries, follow these steps:. Type regedit in the Run dialog box, then press Enter. In the right pane, select UpperFilters. Note You may also see an UpperFilters. You do not have to remove that entry. Click UpperFilters only. If you do not see the UpperFilters registry entry, you still might have to remove the LowerFilters registry entry.
To do this, go to step 7. In the right pane, select LowerFilters. Note If you do not see the LowerFilters registry entry, go to the next method. Note : To use this method, you must be logged on to Windows as an administrator. To verify that you are signed in as an administrator, bring up the Control Panel, select User Accounts , and then choose Manage User Accounts.
Page content loaded. Can i get answers, plase? This topic has 55 views, but not even one answer. Come on people, help me.
May 24, AM. In Desktop, click on Windows Explorer, the thing that looks like a folder on the left at the bottom. You can click on it to open it up.
Nope, there is no drive D there and the other thing is, secuROM. It did not work then. I updated boot camp drivers couse i thought that it would help me with this problem. May 25, AM in response to rtheb In response to rtheb. This is the basic method to get rid of the problem of CD-Drive not working. Here are the steps:. This is more or less a conclusive step to eliminating the problem of CD-Drive not working.
However, this solution is recommended only for the advanced users as there is a need to perform the process as an administrator. Alongside, make sure that you create a backup of your registry. The instructions for the same can be sought from the website. In reply to slance's post on November 23, Uninstalling iTunes Solve my problems.
Thankx Brooo.!! ThanXx uuu Sooo sooo much.!! In reply to RavinduChamara's post on February 8, After updating to Win8. Any suggestions? In reply to InspireVida's post on February 28, Hi, There is a problem with one of the features in iTunes that causes the same problem I don't use iTunes myself, so I can't be more specific In reply to slance's post on February 28, I installed this driver twice and didn't work!
And it worked Blessings to you