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Wincc update 4

2022.01.16 00:41

The appropriate operator language is independent regardless of the language of the installed operating system. Every operator can individually choose the language of the displayed texts.

For example it is possible to display messages simultaneously using different languages when working in international teams. WinCC allows you to implement display languages in a simple and cost-effective manner. This is independent of the language set in the operating system. This means that it is possible to display multiple languages parallel to each other, such as message texts in European and Asian languages. This makes commissioning considerably easier in international teams. Resulting from the integration of the cross-reference editor it is on one hand possible to locate very fast the places where a special variable is used for example in case of troubleshooting.

On the other hand it is possible to release non used variables to align the license costs optimal to the actual project. Using the WinCC User Administration you consistently can assign and check the access rights of the users regardless if it is a local access or if the access is web based.

For up to user groups with up to single users each the access rights for WinCC functions can be administered. In total it is possible to assign different permissions.

Therefore it also covers the extended FDA safety requirements. But it is also possible to login using a chip card where name, domain and password is saved in encrypted form. The modern graphics system of WinCC supports the work of a project engineer as well by the use of standardized preconfigured picture components as when creating user definable picture components and faceplates. The use of these components enables the project developer to create his own at any time reusable company specific project standards which results in a much shorter Time-to- Market for the project.

Global settings which can be done in the graphics system enable the project engineers to implement once defined company standards in a WinCC project and to apply these timesaving to all picture objects which have the same attributes. It is also possible to export these settings and to import them again to any other WinCC project. On one hand this possibility supports the in-house standardizing in an efficient way and on the other hand it provides the opportunity that several project engineers can work on huge applications simultaneously in accordance with the company standards.

When creating images it is of course possible to do Direct2D soft shadows and to integrate SVG — files. Instead of using discrete colors the color palette is working with color indexes. This enables the user to realize customer-specific designs in a very simple way. If for example a customer wants to change the color from red to orange he only has to assign the color orange to the index for the color red. While changing this, the color of all red objects having the same index changes to orange Applying modular design makes it simple to create and to centrally manage custom specific faceplates.

Changes are automatically applied to all points where the faceplate is utilized. For example efficient operation is possible by the use of application specific menus and toolbars. It is possible as usual in Windows to either fix them or to leave them movable. This makes configuring even more efficient. Libraries and wizards accelerate make the setup of projects easier. Therefore they reduce the error rate dramatically.

Historical process information is saved as WinCC process value archives in the integrated, high-performance SQL database. The memory requirement is optimized through efficient algorithms and intelligent, loss-free compression functions such as the Swinging Door algorithm. To reduce the amount of data for long-term archiving, the data can be compressed even further.

To do so, the maximum value, minimum value or weighted mean, the sum or the difference is calculated for adjustable periods of time e. In addition to automatic archiving, it is possible to add values manually to the archive or to modify archive values later with the appropriate authorization.

This is required, for example, for laboratory values in some industries. For reasons of traceability, these values are marked as "modified manually" and the process is documented with an operation message. Efficient controls are integrated into WinCC process pictures for the display of current or historical data.

Process values can be displayed as a table or analyzed using a trend display. The display is either predefined or can be adjusted individually by the operator, if authorized. Numerous means of representation guarantee the best possible overview. The freely configurable toolbar functions also provide the option of integrating project-specific functions. In combination with the Ruler Controls, there is also the option of performing statistical calculations online without the need for programming.

The relevant statistics — maximum and minimum value, average value, weighted mean, integral and total — are displayed without delay for a time range selected in the Trend Control. Here, the display of the message information can be adapted precisely to the requirements of the operator. The settings made can be saved in user-specific or global templates.

The contents can then be exported directly as CSV file or printed out as report. A freely definable toolbar function also offers a maximum degree of flexibility. For examples, project-specific functions can be integrated. To maintain an overview when there is a large numbers of incoming messages, unimportant operating messages can be suppressed from the screen display via an alarm hiding function. The hidden messages are then archived in the background.

Numerous integrated statistics functions allow a comprehensive analysis of process states. The message hit list shows how long certain messages were pending on average and in total message duration and similarly the average and the total acknowledgment time. Of course, the messages can be filtered here by relevant events, message locations and time intervals.

This indicates quickly where critical points and bottlenecks in the production are located. To sort the messages in the message display for an evaluation, you can simply select the column heading and the required sorting criterion for example, "Frequency, descending". Historical plant data can be simply compiled in web-based dashboards or reports without programming knowledge. This ensures comprehensive access to plant information for each target group in the company managers, quality assurance, maintenance at all times.

During runtime, this data is exchanged simultaneously with the automation partners e. All change data is recorded in a tamper-proof database - the so-called Audit Trail - and displayed using the Audit Viewer. The two calendar options expand WinCC with calendar-based functionality. Joint calendar control is hereby used to plan times or validity periods. To be able to meet growing requirements, the visualization must be expandable at any time without causing technology incompatibilities or requiring completely new configurations.

Redundancy solutions for highest availability and security can be built up as well. In addition to scalable configurations, WinCC options and AddOns offer customer-fit extensions for technological and industry specific solutions. In this way, several coordinated operator control and monitoring stations can be operated together with networked automation systems.

All devices with HTML5-capable browser are supported. The reports created are always available on Web-based user interfaces and can be automatically distributed by email. State-of-the-art, innovative operational concepts with multi-touch gestures are rapidly gaining significance in the industrial environment.

The gestures that users know from consumer devices are particularly useful for more simple and intuitive operation of complex production plants. You can implement functionality such as zoom or wiping, for example, for screen navigation and panning. At last for you that offers additionally investment security. Using open interfaces helps you to automatize the engineering as well as the runtime and the access to archive data. Extensions of the runtime system Using WinCC it is possible to realize connections and dynamic sequences without programming only by the use of standard dialogues.

Examples for such scripts are the conversion of values or the automatic start of reports or of individual messages. When programming VB scripts you are supported by the use of a proprietary, comfortable editor with debugging support. When using scripts you have full access to the properties of all WinCC graphical objects and to the controls as well as to the object model of WinCC and the applications of other manufacturers.

This is very helpful for writing custom specific enhancements including debugging. By using this functionality engineers and users can make full use of their Visual Basic-knowledge.

VBA can be used to realize own standards, to handle recurring tasks, to create menu entries or configuration dialogues. This saves time and money. The WinCC function modules are exposed using interfaces which allow access to the data and the functions of the configuration environment as well as to the runtime system itself. Using this interface you are able to apply WinCC-projecting functionality and runtime functions to your scripts or to write autonomous applications with direct access to the WinCC system..

Starting with WinCC V7. Also numerous additional ActiveX-elements and a configuration toolset containing Visual Basic Templates is included for the simple creation of ActiveX-Controls. The development of individual controls supports the creation of industry- and technological functions as protected and standardized modules.

This reusable controls shorten your time-to-market and protect your know-how. NET Framework 3. NET controls is also supported. OPC is used as a communication standard for a secure and authentic data exchange between applications within the industrial automation environment. It describes a series of specifications which are used manufacturer independent as an interface between different clients and servers as well as between different servers only. These include amongst other topics direct access to real-time data, the monitoring of messages and events as well as access to historical data.

Originally the OPC standard only was available on Windows operating systems. This standard is based on a secure, simple technology-independent platform which is future-assured and scalable as well as expandable for all challenges of the different company levels. It reduces the complexity of interfaces and data formats.

In WinCC, non-proprietary communication in the field of automation has always been very important. This means that the system can transfer pre-processed process and production data to higher level systems for information conditioning e. Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, etc. The hardware system requirements differ depending on the type of the WinCC installation and the used operating system.

The Compatibility Tool is a function provided by the Industry Online Support with which you can select compatible software products or check the compatibility of existing configurations. Depending on the requirements concerning quantity frameworks the recommended hardware configuration for a central archive solution based on SIMATIC Process Historian differs.

Complete and Runtime package are available with a defined maximum of PowerTags 1. PowerPacks allow an increase in the number of usable Power-Tags 1.

Thus, WinCC also grows when your application grows. In the final capacity stage, Archive PowerPacks enable the expansion to up 80, tags each server. Archive licenses are countable licenses, that means that the number of tags is added.

This WinCC version is intended for machine manufacturers, plant constructors and exporters who supply the regions of China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. Software packaging and licenses are following the same scaling as the European version. For the ordering data of the current version WinCC Asia 7. The coordinated and certified complete package consisting of both hardware and software offers the highest quality level for all industries.

When ordering the Software and the IPC at the same time and the same quantity you benefit from cost savings compared to ordering components individually.

Within the framework of Online and Technical Support, Siemens Industry offers a wide range of services. Siemens Industry's spare parts services are available worldwide and provide smooth and fast supply of spare parts — and thus optimal plant availability.

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Perfect access to automation in digital enterprises: complete access to the entire digitalized automation. Use digital technology to ensure your competitive edge — cut your operating costs and taxes and ensure regulatory compliance through energy monitoring and energy analyses with SIMATIC.

The name Siemens is synonymous with superior expertise and absolute reliability for every project. We want all our customers to benefit from this expertise and reliability, wherever they are in the United States. This page requires JavaScript in order to be fully functional and displayed correctly. Please enable JavaScript and reload the site. It looks like you are using a browser that is not fully supported. Please note that there might be constraints on site display and usability.

For the best experience we suggest that you download the newest version of a supported browser:. Options Basic Software. Efficiency in Engineering and Runtime Intelligent tools for efficient engineering Due to the permanently increasing level of automation and the related complexity of the plants the cost — and time — pressure is increasing because of the international competition. Efficient operations management — the WinCC Runtime functionality Manufacturing processes are becoming more and more complex against a background of ever increasing quality requirements coupled with fast product changes and frequent modifications.

Efficient processing of mass data. Tags and the optimized communication to the S7 PLCs. Ready for worldwide applications. Efficient diagnosis in the engineering using the cross-reference list. Efficient graphics system. High-performance data archiving. Efficient analysis of process values Trends. Efficient analysis of messages. Efficient process diagnostics. WinCC is designed on a non technology-andindustry-specific basis, it is modular and you can extend it in aflexible way.

WinCC makes possible both demanding single-user applications inmechanical engineering as well as complex multi-user solutions oreven distributed systems including several servers and clients -also internet-based — in plant visualization. WinCC combines both production and process automation — numerousreferences across any number of applications and branches ofindustry prove this.

WinCC for applications in the PharmaceuticalIndustry The demands of the market on drug manufacturers are high. Not onlydo the constantly rising cost, price and competitive pressuresrequire maximum flexibility and production output, a competitivecost basis and an ever-shorter time-to-market, the stringent legalregulations also must be adhered to: End products and productionprocesses as well as the handling of production data have to meetstrict quality requirements, e.

Being able to visualize and control discrete as well as continousprocesses of all grades of complexity WinCC offers the suitingSCADA solution for the pharmaceuticall industry. WinCC for applications in the Water and Wastewaterindustry Supplying the population with drinking water and wastewatertreatment poses challenges on a global scale.