Usb descriptor tool

2022.01.16 00:42

These structures include Device, Configuration, Interface, and Endpoint Descriptors, as well as the current device configuration. Select View , and then select Hidden Devices to display additional devices for example, those that are not currently active. Expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers node in Device Manager and select the device in question.

Select and hold or right-click to select Properties and view summary device status info. Select Property to view details such as Status or Problem code. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Development Tools What tools do I need? Packs vs. What is contained in DFPs? How are DFPs Distributed? Add Existing Items From Folders Overview II. Getting Started III.

Hardware User's Guide IV. What is USB? How are the Coefficients Calculated? Physical Memory Virtual vs. How does cache work? Descriptors inform the Host of the following information about a device: The version of USB supported by the device Who made the device How many ways the device can be configured by the Host The power consumed by each device configuration The number and length of endpoints on the device What type of transfer method is to be used to communicate with endpoints How often the endpoints are to be serviced What text to display if the Host operating systems accept text descriptions Descriptor Structure There are several types of descriptors for USB devices arranged in a logical hierarchy.

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