Utah dealer license lookup

2022.01.16 00:42

Request an educational WPS Inspection. You should receive your license within 30 days. If not, please contact us at option 2 or UDAF-pesticide utah. Paraquat dichloride paraquat is a highly toxic herbicide registered by the EPA as a restricted use pesticide. Restricted use pesticides can only be mixed, loaded, and applied by licensed and certified pesticide applicators. Because of the exposure risks associated with paraquat-containing pesticides, either through the skin or through inhalation.

The following measures have been implemented to reduce the risk of harm when handling paraquat-containing pesticides by certified pesticide applicators:. Paraquat-specific training is now required for any certified applicator using a paraquat product. Please note that dealers and distributors can continue to sell their remaining paraquat products that do not meet the closed-system requirement until the stock is gone, and pesticide applicators may continue to use existing products without the new label updates.

Just looking for Pesticide information? Want help choosing the right pesticide company for you? Need to see what pests you have? This is the section for you!

If you are a cannabis grower, this section will provide the guidance you need to use pesticides in accordance with the rules of the State of Utah.. Please click here to continue! We have this year's round of events coming up see below.

Everyone with a pesticide license will receive an email notification from UDAF once the sites are in place. If you do not have a license and would like to receive that information, please enter your email below. Search Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. Once your training is over, make sure you keep track of your course completion certificate —you will need to provide it when applying for your new or used dealer license.

Once you have approval, you must register your business name with the Utah Department of Commerce— call the department at for details. The office structure, display area, and signage must be adjoining. If your location passes and all your application materials check out, you should receive your dealer license in the following days. Exchanging or transporting motor vehicles. Manufacturing or distributing motor vehicles. Dismantling or crushing motor vehicles.

You also need a license if you: Work as a salesperson for a dealership. Represent a distributor or factory. Operate a body shop. Cattle Consignment Sale. Horse Consignment Sale.

Livestock Production Sale. Utah Agricultural Code. Utah Administrative Rules pertaining to Agriculture and Food. Horse tripping legislation HB and other information about events. Register a Feed Product. Register a Pesticide Product. Make an online payment. Section 18 and 24 c pesticides approved for use in Utah. Century Farm Registration. Search Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. Industrial Hemp Licenses Grower Application.