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Why is my sims 3 pets lagging

2022.01.16 00:46

What might be good solution for that? I could run game on high quality but now even on low quality this lag appears everytime. I have no mods. If you have any suggestions I am listening. Showing 1 - 15 of 22 comments. Try turning off the in-game store in settings. Sometimes the stream of suggest-sell items from EA bogs things down. I turned it off after first run. I hated real simoleon store ingame and turned it off at very beginning.

It lags much more while moving camera not actually while building walls or floors but ingame slow down proccess sometimes last almost 10 seconds and its annoying very much. What are your computer spec. Pentium Dual core E 2. I would try to turn down the view distance, tree detail, number of high detail lots visible in the game options. It may be lagging because of all the objects it is having to render at once and reducing these things will reduce that. I have everything on low.

Were you just in Create-a-Style. If so, then the easiest way to fix it is to go from whatever mode you are in build or buy to the other, not live mode or edit town. But this only last until the next time you use Create-a-Style. Veonix-E yes I do so everytime. But I have few seconds until game starts lagging again. Hi, I remember seeing this post a while back, I also had the same trouble, build mode only.

I never said anything back then because I was not ready to look into or fix it. But today I took the time to hunt around and find a way to get it from lagging. So here is what I did for any-one else with the same trouble? Open up the Sims3. Remember you always have programs running in the background so I would not advice using your full ram on the game.

Once you've changed it to what you want, just save and close the file. Run the game and see if things are any better? If not, then it's something else? If all works well remove the back up folder and file, if you've messed up you, take out the messed up folder or file and you have the ones you backup to put back. Which world am I playing? As in town? Um, it varies, actually. I was playing in Isla Paradiso a while back, but my game was laggy kind of right away, so I moved my family to Sunset Valley or Appaloosa Plans one of the two.

Just 30 minutes ago, I played a family that I created a while ago a three to four generational family and I am in Sunset Valley?

That family is one of the few families that hasn't lagged yet. My main family is in Twinbrook. Although, I was playing in Sunset Valley a while back and one of my main family games is in Sunset Valley and it was starting to have the problems I need help on. Would it help I deleted everyone in the towns?

See, my main game is my husband and I and our close friends and family in the town, so I wouldn't know who to delete out of the town. My "second attempt" main game, which was made after my original game started going jumpy, has the same families and friends.

My "third attempt" has no one, except for my husband and I and that one is also lagging. Could it be the weather, too? The expansion packs I chose to have are what real life has and I love playing with them, especially Pets, Seasons, and Generations. I am big familywoman, too, and these are important to me. The other expansions are meaningful, too. I have Windows 7? The computer is a year old this year.

In fact, last year, for my birthday, my husband surprised me with the computer April 21st. Of course, it's for the both of us, but he wanted to surprise me with it. It has the best quality parts for the cheapest price my husband, his youngest brother, and my brother could find for it. I don't remember how much ram is in the computer, but, my brother checked that up this past weekend and informed my husband and I that have MORE than enough ram to play the game.

Any more questions? I'll do my best to answer. Also, please be patient with me, I am not that good at finding all the details on my computer about systems and such, I'm not as tech-savvy as my brother is. Being that Windows 7 is a different operating system than my Windows Vista on my laptop and the windows 98? I grew up on, I am not familiar with how Windows 7 operates very well or where to find that information. Also, I'll do my best to answer questions about the game, itself.

Hope I answered your question, too. How do I reset them all? Is it all at once or do I take the time to reset every. I'm a little bit confused on this. I hardly ever travel anymore for I heard there was a glitch that my family relationships could be severed like mom and daughter aren't mom and daughter anymore.

I'm kind of expecting to get on today or tomorrow and things aren't fixed, so I wont "accept as solution" until I have tried my game a few times to make sure. Thank you, though, for the suggestion. I've used it quite a few times when my sims seem to start getting glitchy and it works. I returned to it the following day and it was fine. I think it was because I had some youtube videos up and it was making the game run a bit slow I hope, anyway.

I have installed some content from the store over the past two days, but only about items hair styles and a grill. I also, I believe, installed I hope two mods on breastfeeding and homeschooling. Are these good mods for glitchy computers? We can't really talk about them here since they are not supported by EA and you'll be using at your own risk. Thank you for your feedback. Thank YOU for your help. You have no idea how relieved I am to be able to play my Sim family again. In fact, I've been able to achieve some goals that I wanted to achieve.

Of course, the end goal is really far away, and I'm having a lot of fun getting there. Your help has saved me much stress and has allowed me to enjoy my game again.

Thank you, once again. Where can I get information about mods? Help us improve Answers HQ! Take Survey No, Thanks. Sign In or Register. See details Show less.