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Files reappear after deleting

2022.01.16 00:46

In this box, input diskpart and click OK. Disable write protection in Registry Editor If files on flash drive still reappear after deletion, you can open Registry Editor to disable write protection through following steps: 1. Double click WriteProtect and set the Value data to 0. Disable write protection in Registry Editor When the three solutions aforementioned are not working, probably you can clean this flash drive in Diskpart utility to solve problem.

In diskpart window, input commands as follows and hit Enter after every command. Format flash drive with third party GUI format tool If you are unfamiliar with Diskpart and afraid of cleaning wrong disk, you can employ a 3rd party format tool, AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard to format flash drive, when you encounter deleted files on flash drive just keep coming back problem.

Still Need Help? Have your problem been solved? Active Oldest Votes. Take a look at this page at Microsoft's support site: You cannot delete a file or a folder on an NTFS file system volume Cause 2: The file is being used You may not be able to delete a file if the file is being used.

Improve this answer. However Windows should give an error saying the file is in use. Sometimes just the empty folder is left behind incase its in use — Ganesh R. The handle command shows that the handle is opened by a non-existent process. This was happening to me, from a Win server clustered file share. Rebooting wasn't an option because of the other failover cluster resources that would be affected. I found a user who had the file open. Community Bot 1. Mordred Mordred 4 4 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges.

Disabling indexing helped Control Panel » Indexing Options. Hope this helps. Imemine Imemine 1. Md Imran Md Imran 1. The solution given above works..

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Since Microsoft Safety Scanner is not a built-in tool in Windows, you will need to download it first from the official Microsoft site. Run the tool and select the type of scan you want to run, Quick scan, Full scan, or Customized scan. Then click "Next". Step 3. Wait for the scanning process to complete.

When it has done, the scanner will tell you there is no virus found or it has removed the deleted viruses, spyware, and other potentially unwanted software. If there is malicious software deleted and removed, you can click "View detailed results of the scan" to check for more information. If there are files and folders being infected by a virus or malware, they will be removed by the Microsoft Safety Scanner.

Thus, data loss may be found after the fix. Do you currently use a cloud syncing service? If you do, the problem is there. Whether you're using Windows 10 cloud storage or a third-party cloud syncing app, they're probably Sharp shell that controls the context menu. You don't need to know the exact impact of the Sharp shell. Just uninstall the cloud storage or turn off the syncing service, the deletion function will return to normal without the files and folders reappearing.

If there are files you don't want to delete after you have emptied the recycle bin, how can you make it? All you need is EaseUS data recovery software. Click the "Scan" button to start looking for deleted files that can be recovered.