Games to play on a hens night out
This one is really fun. Group yourselves into teams, it's usually best if you have 2 teams, but you may be able to get more if you have more people.
You create a list of items which you have to get on your night, and the one with the most is the winner. It could be a photo with a random guy to a pair of boxer shorts. A great game which will get things off to a bang, literally. Balloon questions is all about writing a question on some paper, putting it in a balloon and inflating it.
Then the bride has to pick out a balloon and pop it, and answer the question. This can be a fun game as the questions can be quite anonymous, so you could really get some cringe or embarrassing questions for the bride using this game! The good old game of MR And Mrs is a classic one to play.
All you need is a few MR and Mrs questions and then you're good to go. Get some paddles going if you have him or her style questions, and it will be such a laugh for everyone involved. A hen party wouldn't be complete without some music, and you can have fun with it by playing name that tune. Take it back to a nostalgic twist with songs from the bride's childhood, and see if she can remember them. Have you heard of pin the tail on the donkey? Pin the junk on the hunk is like that, but more adult.
Yes you have a photo or picture of a near nude hunk, and you have to pin the "junk" on him in the correct place. Same rules apply as above, simply get a cut out of the bride, and the aim is to pin the bouquet on her, while being blindfolded.
A game you may want to play before the big night is coming up with some hen party nicknames. They can be funny, cheeky, naughty and use the personality of the hen along with her name to come up with something witty. Then you can have these printed on T-shirts, badges or anything else you can imagine, and be referred to your nickname for the rest of the night. One which could leave the bride unhappy about how little her friends know about her, playing How well do you know the bride might not go down too well.
This can be as fun as you want it to be, from quietly discussing it with the girls, or actually going up to the guy and giving him a card with a number rating - He'll not complain if you're giving him 9 and 10's.
The same rules apply, but instead of using beer, you can fill up large prosecco glasses and have a blast. A really great game if you're planning a hen party at home , use the dining table, get some ping pong balls and a bottle of fizz and you're all set. This is, however, bingo with a difference. You come up with ideas, thoughts and scenarios which you think may happen, and as they do, you can check them off. Start this by creating a card with a grid of squares, write down your thoughts of common things that can happen, and as they do, cross them off.
The game snog marry avoid is best played when you're in a bar or club and you see a couple of guys. If you're feeling more naughty, you can replace these with different words, but you get the general idea. Go back to your childhood with a classic, it's truth or dare.
You know how this one goes, you take turns asking each other truth or dare, and then the person who picks has to then do their truth, or a dare. Write these down on card, or buy pre-made cards with them on, and throughout the night, you have to complete your own little mission. Click here to buy some ready made hen night games. We also a fab range of hen night accessories too.
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Then in a group read out each one and the hens have to take a drink if it applies to them. This can easily become a rude hen party game if thats what you were wanting. Members sit in a circle; give two people sitting opposite each other a cup and dice. Each number has a different result. Pick out a select few words that you are not allowed to say during the trip. If any of the words have been said by any hen, she has to face the consequence Make sure you have a shot glass for every lady.
Secretly fill some of the glasses up with water and the rest up with a clear spirit. Get each girl to take their glass and as soon as you say "HOT" everyone has to take the shot! Everyone take it in turns to tell two truths and a lie. The rest of the group has to figure out which is the lie. If they get it right, the liar takes a drink, if they're wrong they have to!
It's your classic game of jenga with a twist. Instead of just pulling out a jenga block, each block will have different things wrote on them to ultimately get you all drunk! When someone messes up they have to shot. Wrap up a present like pass the parcel. However someone is trying to open it with oven gloves on the other throws 2 dice. Like the classic game everyone used to play, except for your ships are now shots. Secretly arrange your shots like you would ships and start your guessing.
Write dares on paper and put them inside balloons before blowing them up. Then take it in turns to walk from one side of the room to the other with a balloon in your legs.
Bringing all the girls together for an all-important celebration of the bride-to-be is a wonderful occasion, but sometimes you might need to break the ice a little bit before kicking off the antics. If so, then what better way to get everybody feeling more at ease than with a few fun and silly games and hen do dares?
By starting off this way, those in your group who don't know each other very well or at all will be able to get acquainted early on, making for a more social and enjoyable experience for everybody from then on! Give every lady a biscuit and give them an object that they need to shape the biscuit into. The hen with the best shaped biscuit at the end is the winner!
Make up a piece of card with different would she rather statements on. Like would she rather go abroad or would she rather stay in the UK, for example. Circle which you think most suits the bride-to-be and see who knows her the best. Before the trip ask all the girls to send over a few words of advice or kind words that can be funny or cheeky. Print them all off on a piece of card and fold them into a hat. The bride-to-be then picks them out of the hat, reads them out and guesses who said it!
Similar to our Advice for the Bride. Bridal Mad Libs are fun cards that have been made for you to simply fill in the blanks to create your own personalised letter to give to the bride before her special day. These can often come pretty hilarious. Write a list down of random objects you may find in your purse. Get the ladies into 2 teams and start shouting out each object. The team who pulls it out of their purse the quickest are the winners of the round.
Of course, hen party games with family members can be brilliantly hilarious!