teonasoftca1979's Ownd

Debian install nrpe client

2022.01.16 00:47

However there are some plugins that require other libraries which are not included in those instructions. Please refer to the following KB article for detailed installation instructions:. Now you can check that NRPE is executing plugins correctly.

Arch Linux does not have a firewall enabled in a fresh installation. Gentoo does not have a firewall enabled in a fresh installation. Documentation - Firewalls. In the steps below, when installing FreeBSD packages you may be prompted with screens asking what you would like installed.

You can just press Enter to accept the default selections. On a manually networked system, IP Filter is not enabled by default. Documentation - Configuring IP Filter. Already completed as part of the Nagios installation. Please refer to the following documentation:. First, make sure Xcode is installed. If it is not installed visit the App Store and install Xcode 3.

The firewall in OS X is turned off by default. Please refer to the Apple documentation for information on how to enable or configure TCP port inbound. These steps show you how to install the Nagios Plugins that are available via Homebrew. Future versions of the Nagios Plugins package will be updated to support OS X, until then the version available via Homebrew will be fine. Execute the following steps in a terminal session:.

The steps above install the NRPE agent and plugin. For any support related questions please visit the Nagios Support Forums at:. All Categories. You should replace that directive every where it appears in the file, it means for host and all service definitions. The service definitions present in the file are standard.

I will give you below three service definitions to add at the end of the file for imap, ftp and smtp if you need to monitor these services on your remote Linux. Now that we have created a new directory for our remote hosts, we need to indicate where nagios can find it in order to use it.

It means that if we didn't create a directory but simply the file linux. Now we need to check if the nagios configuration doesn't contain any error before restarting the service.

Now that everything is fine, we can start our nagios administration page to see the result of our configuration. I was accessing on my remote Linux this is why you can see that I have indicated the IP of my Nagios server. You can see that we have our new remote Linux with its services. We have not installed FTP service on our remote host yet. This is why this service is in a critical state. You can download it from the official site.

We have downloaded the msi file NSCP Indicate the nagios server IP and the nagios password for web access. Now that it is installed, we shall verify if NSClient service is started by opening services. Now search about nsclient and verify its state must be Running. Check that the startup type is set to " Automatic ". Here you can define or update check commands. The default NRPE service listen on port Use the following commands to open firewall port for NRPE service.

Also provides you instructions to add check command definitions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For example, in my setup, the IP address of the Nagios server is Hence, this parameter is updated such that it looks like;. The others include the commands to check various metrics. Below are my updated commands based on host agent.

The commands above would look like;. If you already added hosts to Nagios and defined the services, then such is the example of how they should look on Nagios dashboard.

Nagios Core Documentation.