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Design a subdivision software

2022.01.16 00:47

Curb returns can be easily modified during the detailed design phase. Once confirmed — Project Assist will automatically build out your design and then generate a PDF file describing each step taken in the design along with links to videos that show exactly the actions taken — a great training tool for new users. Below is the preliminary design that Project Assist generated for this subdivision in under 5 minutes.

Civil Site Design generates the vertical design of the entire road network with all curb returns dynamically updated as design change are made. There are many more features in Civil Site Design that are not discussed here. You can Learn more about Civil Site Design at www. A professional engineer and solution architect with direct experience in a wide range of industries including GIS, water, sewer, power, transportation and oil and gas.

Currently focused on delivering software for the civil engineers, surveyors, utilities, local governments and their supporting organizations. Plot lots in Google Earth. Plot a location in Google Maps. Export linework to a shape file. Draw arrowheads and leaders. Draw text along a curve. Custom bearings and distances. Import images of aerials and scanned TOPO maps for background or tracing.. Calculate lot coverage with the Site Calculator.

Calculate area for each lot. Force lots to be an exact area. Hannes L. Karol Klimowicz , 11 months ago 2 min read. Rose Barfield , 2 years ago 1 min read. Sander Scheiris , 4 years ago 3 min read. Don Strimbu , 4 years ago 2 min read. You can also have multiple subdivision site plans completed in order to see the impact of changing specifics, such as lot size or street layout. Our designers can also offer solutions for concerns you may have about your subdivision design.

Often, you can adjust other aspects of the site plan, such as setbacks or street layouts and other infrastructure, to meet your needs.

We can also suggest other ways to maximize your subdivision design, such as reducing the number of intersections in order to have fewer corner lots. Corner lots in subdivisions tend to be harder to sell and go at a lower price. Or you can work towards other goals for a more efficient design, such as ensuring that a house is on both sides of every street that you will have to build. You can use this information to make a decision to purchase land for a subdivision, speak with potential investors, and determine customer demand.