Dd 4e sorcerer handbook

Con and dex its your call. If you want to do some blasting, I recommend dex higher, but if not, throw it in con. If you want skills go with int, but be warned most can be replaced by spells. Int is also nice if you take the metamagic variant listed below. We are talking an 12 or a 10 choice here most of the time, and its not a big deal either way.
You dump strength. As you get older in DND land, you get sexier. Or something. I dunno, lots of gilfs I guess. Anyway, start as old as your DM will let you. Especially if you can find a way to not pay the consequences like a dragonwrought kobold or some kind of zombie. Spoiler: Races. Human is still always the winner. Anything with a LA is generally out. Also, a con penalty is probably a deal breaker. So long as no cha penalty. Best of both worlds for humans and halflings. The flavor is ridiculous, but you get awesome SLAs and stat boosts.
Like races, the sorcerer gets no love here either. You are a sorcerer. Could be kind of cool otherwise for some neat stuff from the 4th level ability. If you have a weird build requiring SLAs Something with an expensive component you want for free perhapse , go at it. If not, ignore. Bad trade, but also not a thing you can do.
Domain Access - CC - This is actually decent for expanding your spell list. You should consider this if you can dumpster dive for a cool domain. Tempest points out that it mandates your spell selection. So be very careful before taking it and ensure you actually want all those spells. It lets you use metamagic without sucking. Unless you can convince your DM to house rule it for you to work that way anyway. Decent reason to pump int too if you take this one. Give up a spell to make your spells half force damage.
This is nice in 1 situation. You need to deal direct damage, and the only spell you have available deals damage they are immune to. If they are resistant, it does nothing. Level 1 lets you add some spells to your spells known which is cool. At the expense of your familiar. A few levels of this into paladin makes for a decent start before you prestige class.
The lizard is cool though. Shoots blood from its eyes. Not in a helpful way or anything. But cool enough to mention. This is worth it if you somehow did this. This is it. Half of them replace your familiar with a new familiar, and the other half replace it with something dumb. There are 4 billion prestige classes for you.
Good news is, most of them suck. Even then, you really only give up 1. You are already a level behind wizards. Its feat heavy, and this can be painful, but the high arcana is nice. Dragon Sep Dragon Mar Cleric Warpriest. Heroes of the Fallen Lands Fighter Knight. Fighter Slayer. Wizard Mage. Druid Sentinel. Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms Ranger Hunter. Ranger Scout.
Assassin Executioner. Lots of resources for finding games, building PCs, running games, etc Actual Play Resources Thread — link to big online 4e campaign on roll20, various places where discussion of 4e happens, and other similar things Last edited: Jul 30, Last edited: Jan 14, Last edited: Jul 25, Last edited: Jan 17, Last edited: Sep 3, Last edited: Nov 30, Just in case an additional post is necessary. One more for good luck. Joshua Randall Adventurer. Good work MwaO! Can I request that the guides get labeled with the class name up front, and then put in alpha.
Because I can never remember how they are named. Should I put those somewhere or will you grab them from the Wayback Machine? Joshua Randall said:. Click to expand I put all of my 4e builds here.
EnWorld Villager. Instead, this section will cover feats which I think work especially well for the class or which might be tempting but poor choices. Cast Mage Armor and learn Shield.
For more on multiclassing, see my Practical Guide to Multiclassing. Even with that conservatice, cautious ruling, this is still a very powerful item, allowing you to dramatically exceed the benefits of Heightened Spell at the cost of as little as one Sorcery Point.
Spamming a metamagic-enhanced Mind Sliver in order to repeat the curse effect and pile on a 1d4 save penalty is nearly unbeatable for most creatures, and if you have two or three suitable spells which target differing saves you can make this combo work against nearly any creature you meet. Legendary Resistances and resistance to spells are basically the only thing you need to worry about, and even Legendary Resistances will fall apart if you have a couple allies with save-or-suck spells.
Orange sparks shoot from sharp talons in the dark, glinting off of a hand encased in deep red scales. Yellow reptilian eyes catch and hold your attention as the large figure steps into the light—clad in a rich, emerald green velvet robe, a black leather belt with pouches slung low across the hips. If you need a functional build with nothing fancy or complicated, this is a great place to start. Classic Dragonborn. I recommend either cold or poison for your racial dragon ancestor.
Cold will be more useful offensively, but there are a lot of enemies that deal poison damage which makes poison resistance very useful defensively. Between your background and your class skills, try to end up with Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion. Otherwise I recommend Noble so that you can get the three Charisma-based Face skills.
Sorcerers only really need Charisma, so feats can be a great option. For your starting gear, take a light crossbow, a component pouch or arcane focus, either pack, and two daggers. We get a lot at first level, and there are a lot of decision points. Things are a little less daunting at higher levels, but we have a lot of choices to make at first level.
First we get stuff from Draconic Boodline. We need to choose a Dragon Ancestor, and since fire spells are more common than other damage spells in the SRD, I strongly recommend a fire dragon ancestor.
Once we get elemental affinity at 6th level, that will present a significant damage boost across most spell levels, including cantrips. Draconic Resilience matches Mage Armor, which saves us a spell known, and on top of that we get an extra hit point per level.
That makes us very durable compared to other sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards. Four cantrips is more cantrips than any other spellcaster. We have lots of great options. However, keep in mind that your light crossbow is a perfectly viable combat option. Eventually Fire Bolt will be your go-to combat option, but for now we can focus on more interesting options. Ray of Frost provides a nice crowd control option.
Shield is a powerful defensive option at every level, and Sleep is powerful enough at low levels to end an encounter outright, but you may want to retrain it later when. Sorcery Points allow you to create additional spell slots, but the primary appeal is Metamagic. We mostly want it for when we pick up Elemental Affinity at 6th level.
You get two choices now and two more later, giving you a total of 4 choices. Keep in mind that Elemental Affinity will only apply to one damage roll per spell, but that also means that you only need to hit with one of the three rays to get the bonus damage.
At this level our Charisma increases. Being blind makes it hard to target enemies with spells, and Disadvantage on attacks is a huge debuff. Take Fireball. Elemental Affinity gives us a serious boost to all of our fire spells. Adding the boost on top of AOE spells like Burning Hands and Fireball makes them especially potent because the damage boost applies to every target.
Use Wall of Fire to alter the layout of a fight; split up groups of enemies so that enemies are forced to to suffer extra damage to reach you and your allies. Polymorph adds a powerful buff option for yourself or for your allies, but you can also use it to turn enemies into something harmless. By this level you have enough Sorcery Points that you should be experimenting with Quickened Spell. Instead, rely on lower-level spells cast using 5th-level spell slots.
Fireball cast as a 5th-level spell deals 10d6 damage avg. Empowered Spell is more effective for spells with fewer but larger dice, which should be enough that Cone of Cold can do more damage than Fireball if you want to spend a Sorcery Point to buff it.