Cool things for windows vista

2022.01.17 01:53

Don't be afraid. This is one of the reasons why Jenny Lam is my hero her team at Microsoft really did a great job on this. This kind of improved experience throughout the OS makes Windows Vista much more pleasurable. While there are plenty of people who use our software to make XP look a lot like Vista, there's no substitute for the real thing.

A lot of us have big giant cases under our desk. In fact, in the age of the monitor having the USB ports, the case is getting farther and farther away from us. So the days of being able to simply listen to the hard drive crunching are long over. And if the CPU meter wasn't pegged then I'd go and look at the case to see if I could hear the hard drive crunching.

On Vista, the task manager will tell you how much of your hard drive bandwidth you're using up and tell you what process is accessing the disk. On Windows XP, if your system runs out of handles, programs won't launch and weird things start to happen. There's no warning message about it. Almost nobody knows what a user handle is.

On Windows XP, users would just reboot their machine. People who know what handles know how to kill them off. I wrote an article " How to keep Windows XP stable " that goes into this. Here are ten of the coolest things you can do:. Here are ten of the coolest things you can do: Find that file in a few quick clicks You don't need to remember folder names to be organized anymore. Save time by instantly tracking down any document, photo, e-mail message, song, video, file, or program on your PC using Instant Search.

Just open the Start menu and begin typing in the Instant Search box—Windows Vista searches file names, application names, the full text of all files, and metadata, and then displays the results right away. S ee everything you have open at a glance Have you lost track of what files and programs you've opened?

Flip through all your open files and windows with a simple click of your mouse using Windows Flip 3DA—you're just one click away from everything you're working on. I'm sure there will be compatible decoders by October. How did they miss the new Media Center? Dekoth Gawd. Joined Jul 25, Messages I still don't get what everyone is hyping about the Win7 Gui..

There is little difference between it and Vista, other then the fact that the 7 designer apparently had something against a rounded task bar instead of the square ugly he put in. I wouldn't call this 18 things Vista doesn't do, there are only a few things in that article that vista doesn't actually do. Most are just improvements on vista.

Don't get me wrong, overall I like 7, but I think the interface was a small step backwards. Joined Dec 19, Messages Joined May 27, Messages 2, Shake 'em away Ever had 10 Notepad, two Powerpoint and 50 Outlook windows open?

Want to minimise all of them except the most important one? Joined Apr 15, Messages 17, AVT Supreme [H]ardness. Joined Aug 8, Messages 4, Joined Jun 11, Messages 16, Dekoth said:. AVT said:. Because it sucks ass when you have Explorer windows and it takes like 15 seconds to get the right one open. If I could prevent Win7 from combining that, but let it combine all other windows, I'd be happy. Joined Nov 13, Messages 7, DonInKansas Supreme [H]ardness. Joined Jun 29, Messages 6, Do you have Parkinson's Disease?

No, I have Shaken Mouse Sydrome!!! Fr0zenComms n00b. Joined Aug 24, Messages 5. All I know is Directx11 support get me to switch. Joined Nov 12, Messages New taskbar is handy, especially for toughbooks and small their small screens.

Have you tried 7 yet? The new taskbar is a delight, and it pretty much on par with the OS X Dock in terms of functionality well, sort of. PheonixChameleon Gawd. While these analytical services collect and report information on an anonymous basis, they may use cookies to gather web trend information. The information gathered may enable Pearson but not the third party web trend services to link information with application and system log data.

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