Crack sig

They will probably have trouble concentrating. If the drug is used over a period of time, the user is likely to show premature aging. Of course, one of the major effects of crack cocaine is rapid development of addiction.
Cocaine causes the strongest mental dependency of any drug. This dependency can occur within just days of starting to use crack cocaine. Binge use of crack cocaine can result in a psychotic, over-stimulated state accompanied by paranoia and compulsive behavior. At the end of the binge, the person will normally crash, suffering exhaustion, agitation, depression and intense cravings. While a driver who has used crack cocaine may feel invincible, he is likely to lose his concentration while driving, increasing his risk for accidents.
He may also suffer attacks of paranoia, hallucinations or mood swings while driving. Lack of concentration may result in a loss of control of the vehicle. Of fatally injured drivers in Michigan in a two-year period, ten percent were found to have cocaine or residues of cocaine use in their blood. Cocaine users in the workplace often begin to deal drugs in the workplace or commit theft. Work performance normally suffers greatly because nothing is as interesting or exciting as using the drug.
Employees who use crack cocaine normally miss work and deadlines. If a person consumes too much crack, they can get into an over-stimulated condition in which their body temperature soars, and they can suffer hallucinations and convulsions.
They may be in a confused and delirious state that requires hospitalization. Death can result if treatment is not prompt.
A person may experience an overdose after swallowing their supply of crack cocaine to avoid arrest. The ingestion of crack cocaine can result in serious intoxication and may require hospitalization.
It may be fatal. Even a person addicted to crack cocaine has the opportunity to get free of it through the Narconon drug rehabilitation program. A key phase of the rehabilitation is the Narconon New Life Detoxification, a sauna-based program that also utilizes moderate daily exercise and a precise regimen of nutritional supplements to flush out old drug toxins.
All drug or alcohol abuse leaves residues behind that lodge in fatty tissues and can trigger cravings. But after this phase of recovery, those finishing talk about a brighter viewpoint increased energy and lower cravings.
Find out now how the Narconon drug recovery program can help someone you care about who is addicted to crack cocaine. Sign up free to receive our email newsletter: Email. Next Dextromethorphan Prev Codeine. Ron Hubbard. Someone cracked him over the head with a beer bottle. The baby cracked her chin pretty hard when she fell. He fell and cracked his elbow on the ice. Noun The crack runs all the way from the top of the wall to the bottom.
I could see them through the crack in the doorway. Light came through the cracks in the walls of the barn. Adjective The company has a crack sales force. Huriash, sun-sentinel. Roustan, sun-sentinel. First Known Use of crack Verb before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1 Noun 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a Adjective , in the meaning defined above. Learn More About crack. Time Traveler for crack The first known use of crack was before the 12th century See more words from the same century.
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