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2022.01.17 01:53

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Before we go you should be aware that editing the registry can be dangerous, so before you begin make sure that you have a backup copy of your registry saved in a safe place see Question 62 for more details.

It is also wise to create a System restore point prior to changing registry entries. Post a Comment. No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. There is no separation of node vs. Belmont, Belegdol] clifront. Galibert] raiden2: First stab at a cop "disassembler" [trap15, O. New file uml. Though not completely accurate yet, this should improve music speed and DAC audio pitch a bit. Also included documentation in source of known register functions.

Improvements to goldnpkr. Added the game selector switch. Nice improvement. Figure 8. Network of actions by different users of the platform. During development of the platform, firstly, the biomass quality parameters and related During required information developmentto beofgathered the platform, firstly,were and stored the organized biomass quality parameters in a manner and related convenient to be During development required to of be the platform, gathered and firstly, stored the were biomass organized quality implemented in the online platform.

For this, a spreadsheet database was created for storing theto information in a parameters manner convenient and related be data implemented entered into information in the online the platform. This information enables for the the smart geographical system position andto tointeract displaywith updated on the Google platform Maps with the locations of The platform pruning [20] has detailed information farms, biomass been for the integrated geographical storage also with position and and processing Google Maps sites,to energy using display plants, on the the Google platform planned Maps the routes, Engine locations andof API version ct Using geographic information provided by the user e.

Interfacesfunctionality additional based on the of the SLS Platform for feedback DifferentofActors users and experience of the logistics manager who administrates the Central control unit. The platform has the characteristics of an on-line marketing system. For instance, the interface for 3. All registered actors such as farmers any action. For instance, the administrator can add new users, edit the profile of registered Interface for administrator: the platform has been designed to have additional functional users, or delete users who want to unsubscribe from the system.

This enables the logistics manager of features for administrator. For instance, the administrator can add new users, edit the profile of the logistics smart system to administer the whole material and information flow along the biomass registered users, or delete users who want to unsubscribe from the system. This enables the logistics logistics chain. The platform allows the producers farmers or traders to enter and their pruning products see Figure 9. The tool allows a producer to enter location information for edit the information each regarding pruning batch,their pruning products if its location see from differs Figure the9.

The lot number It also enables the producers to generate a QR code of biomass products with a specific lot number. The lot number generation has been linked to the actual processing date i. Figure 9. The page displays a data Figure 9. The page displays a data entering entering format where some of the parameters will be added. The page displays a data entering format where The interface some allows of the parameters the biomass providerswill be added.

Figure 10 presents label with company The interface allows the biomass providers farmers and name label holder ,to traders product lot number, print the and label associated Theproducts. QR to their interface Figure code. Figure 10 presents label with company name label holder , product lot number, and QR code.

Figure Sample of label indicating appearance of company name with its identification code, lot number of ordered biomass product, and QR code. Interface Figure for traders: Sample the platform supports the traders during procurement and selling the Figure Sample of oflabel labelindicating indicatingappearance appearanceofofcompany company name name with its its with identification identification code, lot code, pruning biomass.

Traders can search for available products in the platform and order it for number lot number of ordered of ordered biomass biomass product, product, andandQRQR code.

Interface forfor traders: traders: thethe platform supportssupports the traders traders during during procurement procurement and and selling selling the Interface Interface for consumers:platform the consumers havethe access to search for available products that are the pruning pruning ready biomass. Traders for sale, Traders read qualitycancan searchsearch parameter for available for information available productsproducts providedinbythe in the make platform producers, platform orderand and orders it tofor order it for purchasing.

Interface for consumers: Interface the consumers have access to search for available products that are Interface for for transporters: consumers: the the interface allows consumers a transporter have access to searchto enter for aavailable different products start, storage, that are and ready forend location sale, read for eachparameter quality shipment route. The platform information allows provided by the transporters producers, maketo receive orders different to purchase ready for sale, read quality parameter information provided by producers, make orders to purchase ordersand products fromselect different consumers and an appropriate appropriate add the company transport accepted orders into aplanned to obtain obtain transport shipments.

The location information attached to each user profile will be Interface for transporters: the interface allows a transporter to enter a different start, storage, Interface for transporters: used to determine the source and thedestination interface allowslocationsa for transporter each order to enterasaindifferent as well planning start, storage, the route and end and end location location for each shipment route.

The platform allows the transporters for each shipment route. The platform allows the transporters to receive different to receive different for each shipment.

The location The location information information attached attached to user to each each profile user profile will bewill usedbe used to determine the source and destination locations for each order as well as in planning the route to determine the source and destination locations for each order as well as in planning the route for for each each shipment.

Central Control Unit The central control unit is the governing unit linked to the Information platform and On-board control unit see Figure 2. It could be able to receive and transfer information within the decided intervals of time, and saves information. It provides a human—machine interface to administer and enable the monitoring of the system. The Central control unit was designed to enable the administrator of the pruning trading system to monitor the SLS performance as whole. In general, it receives, controls, and transfers information from one actor to other actors along the pruning supply chain.

This is an important unit that enables evaluation of the performance of the SLS and seeks continuous improvement measures that could lead to an economically effective and environmentally sustainable supply chain of renewable biomass energy generation.

Implementation and Management of the SLS 4. Material Flow Along the Logistics Chain In the smart system, the web-based Information platform plays an important role to run and manage the whole pruning trading system.

The tool allows each actor to understand the types of data to share and receive using a user-friendly interface as explained above. Once the new pruning biomass enters the system, it passes different stages along the logistics chain. These terms indicating the status of recorded pruning biomass are defined in Table 2. Table 2. Pruning record status. Status Definition Pending The pruning has been entered into the system; the provider can still edit or delete that pruning.

The pruning has been flagged as ready; all consumers can access the system to view its quality Ready parameters and order it. The pruning has been ordered by a buyer consumer or trader and assigned to a specific Ordered transporter. That transporter can access the system to view its source and destination locations and add it to a shipment. The pruning has been selected by a transporter to be included in one of the shipment routes.

Routed The transporter plans its best delivery route In general, integrating the Smart box tool and web-based Information platform, the SLS enables users to perform tracking, tracing, and monitoring activities [8] for improved management of the pruning biomass supply chain.

Data Acquisition and Management The platform enables users to have an effective data acquisition, monitoring, and utilization system. Yu et al. The developed platform receives data from two sources: i Actors farmers, traders, etc.

The collected data will be stored in the server of the platform and monitored by the administrator of the system. The platform has a spreadsheet-based database on the server. This data can be used for different purposes, such as analysis of biomass quality against required quality standards, performance analyses of biomass distribution and traceability systems, and identifying improvement strategies.

The information that documented in the database and needed to be public could be printed as a barcode or QR code. The information from the barcode or QR code can also be used for traceability purposes. Tables 3 and 4 present data source, destination and transfer intervals. Table 3. Data type, source, destination and utilization.

Smart box data recording and transferring intervals. Order Management Using the Platform Order management is one of important contributions of the information platform. This functionality enables online pruning biomass trading i. Pruning biomass order management: in this smart system, the contact could be directly between farmers and consumers or between farmers and traders as well as between traders and consumers see Table 5. Order tracking using smart logistics system. Purchase Additional Processing To be assigned by by producer by consumer - - pruning provider To be assigned by by producer by trader by trader by consumer pruning provider Transport service order management: traders and consumers order the transport service.

Transporters are order receivers. The transporter has the right to accept or reject the service ordered by traders or consumers while the traders and consumers have the right to choose transporters from a list of transporters registered in the SLS. In both cases of order management product and service orders , there should be a predefined contractual agreement between the concerned actors using the SLS platform.