Diskless remote boot in windows

2022.01.17 01:53

Pro: The size of the remote disk does not have any impact on teh performances of the client: Since the remote virtual disk is a disk to the OS, the OS reads sectors on it on demand and does not need to load the complete disk sectors in RAM hopefully, because typical disk sizes are above 15GB.

The remote virtual disk can usually be shared by several client at the same time: the system is made to adapt "unique IDs" such as computer name, domain credentials etc; Then there is only one "disk" to manage for as many clients as desired deployment is not even needed.

Updating the reference remote disk is made very easily: Set the disk to be shared as "writable" by a single client, boot a client off it, make the modifications, shutdown the client, share the updated disk. I believe image size was a reason why network boot feature was not supported in WES7. Network install is supported, but this is to install on to media. You would have to find a work around to make this idea work. The content you requested has been removed.

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Share on email Email. Open Source. Legal Notice. The geograp… bit. Reply on Twitter Retweet on Twitter 0 Like on Twitter 1 Twitter Request a demo. Preview file. Hello Atencio, Thank you for the image and reference video.

We are still investigating the issue. Has Microsoft replied to you with any other information? If you have any other questions please let us know. I finished downloading everything I needed for Windows PE install last night, trying it today. Thanks for your help so far. I think I'm very, very close. I haven't been able to find a way to suppress this prompt. Any ideas on that?

Hello Atencio, Thank you for sharing the feedback from Microsoft. We will look into this issue. If you cannot find these markings please inform us. For windows 10 pro. Run thru the steps I had above for setting up the NIC 2. Mount the VHDX image on the server. On restart, boot into the windows PE disk again. Install the NIC driver. Restart the PC again. Hope this helps the next person to come across this issue.

Hi atencio, Thanks for sharing the update. Glad to know the issue has been resolved. Regards, Vince T.