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Partner math games for first graders

2022.01.17 01:59

Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Publisher. All Interactive Whiteboards. Internet Activities e. Boom Cards. All Formats. Grades PreK. Other Not Grade Specific. Higher Education. Adult Education. Graphic Arts. Instrumental Music. Music Composition. Other Arts. Other Music. Visual Arts. Vocal Music. English Language Arts. All 'English Language Arts'. Balanced Literacy. Close Reading. Creative Writing. ELA Test Prep. Informational Text. Other ELA. Reading Strategies. Short Stories. Foreign Language.

All 'Foreign Language'. Other World Language. Back to School. Black History Month. Earth Day. End of Year. Martin Luther King Day. Presidents' Day. Patrick's Day. The New Year. Valentine's Day.

All 'Math'. Algebra 2. Applied Math. Basic Operations. Math Test Prep. Mental Math. Order of Operations. Other Math. Place Value. Word Problems. All 'Science'. Basic Principles. Earth Sciences. General Science. Other Science. Physical Science. Social Studies - History. All 'Social Studies - History'. Ancient History. Asian Studies. Australian History. British History. Canadian History. This is just like the number chart version except we use number lines! We also played Number Line Scoot!

For this activity, students move around the room to identify the missing numbers on each Scoot card. This is a great way to channel those back to school wiggles into a learning opportunity. Another classroom favorite are number puzzles! I have some that are already cut out for my students to put together, but also let my them cut out their own, too. During this lesson, I encourage my students to use what they learned about the number patterns in the number chart to help them put together their puzzles.

Counting a large quanity of objects by making groups of 10 is also a standard we work on at the beginning of the year. My students love playing Collect They roll a die and collect the same number of cubes they rolled until they collect 30 cubes. Students can make 10 sticks with their cubes or use tens frames to group by tens. You can also differentiate this activity by having your kids collect different numbers of cubes.

I usually have kids collecting 30, 50, 75, and ! They love it! In this activity, students go to different counting stations. In each station, they are counting the objects by making groups of It's important to pick real life, fun objects to engage my students! I used old keys, toy dinosaurs, shells, pencils, counters, crayons, popsicle sticks, straws, and tiles. The possibilites are endless! My kids can't get enough of our Mystery Counting Bags!

Trying to guess what's inside always gets them hooked! Once the objects are revealed, they count and represent them on their paper! This is a fun partner game to practice counting and representing objects. Partner 1 spins a number and collects that number of cubes. Then partner 2 spins a number and collects that number of cubes. This continues until time is called.

When a minute is up, each partner counts how many cubes they collected by making groups of tens with the cubes. Spill the Beans is an activity designed for independent or small group practice to reinforce counting and representing a large number or objects.

Welcome friends! I believe that with the right resources, mindset, and strategies, all students can achieve at high levels and learn to love learning.

My goal is to provide resources and strategies to inspire you and help make this belief a reality for your students. Learn more about me. Using Math Partner Games Partner games are perfect for practicing math skills. Bump Partner Games To play the game, the students need two different colored counters or the counters that have one color on each side and two dice. Here are the directions: Objective : To have the most squares covered by the end of the game Directions : 1.

Roll a pair of dice, and determine the sum of the numbers rolled. Find the number that matches the sum of the numbers you rolled.

Answer or solve the task. Find the answer or solution in one of the squares. Place your marker on the square. Other Important Information: 1. Here are the specific directions: Directions : 1.

Choose a game to begin. Decide who will be X and who will be O. Take turns selecting a box and solving the task inside the box. Repeat steps with a new game. Math Game Boards Math game boards are a staple in my math instruction, and my students never seem to tire of them. Here are the directions as written on the game: Directions : Take turns rolling one die and choosing a task in the row that matches the number on the die. Click right here to get signed up for the FREE math partner games featured on this post and many more not shown!

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Kasey Brovold. Thanks so much for sharing all your hard work with others! Much appreciated! Jennifer, do you have labels for these games? Thanks for sharing your talents! Here is a list of six first grade math skills and games that you could be used to develop each skill.

How to Play: Children choose a side on the game card to play and who will roll first. Roll one die and count your dots. Place that many counters on your ten frames. Each time of play child should say how many counters they have on their board along with how many tens and ones. Continue taking turns rolling and placing your counters. The first person who covers both their ten frames wins! Adding two or three numbers together to find its sum. On the two dice board students are adding numbers with the sums of On the three dice board students are adding three numbers together with sums of