lophansado1988's Ownd

Patent exercise programs

2022.01.17 01:59

In the present example, if the user had selected Machines from the equipment selection list screen , the 7. The category 7. An array having a column for each session and a row for each exercise in the selected exercise category is now populated with exercise variants step s An initial variant of each exercise of each category is selected.

Where the sets of variants of different exercises overlap, the chosen variants must be different. These selected variants are then added to the array in the elements for the appropriate sessions and exercises.

If there are 10 or less week's worth of sessions, these exercises are used throughout the program. If the program is to last for more than ten weeks, three of the exercise variants are replaced with unused variants for the 11 th and succeeding weeks. Thereafter, if the program is sufficiently long, further groups of three exercise variants are replaced every five weeks.

Only exercise variants in the original selection can be replaced until all of the originally selected exercise variants have been replaced. The replacing variants may not duplicate an exercise variant already in the array. When the array has been populated, it is saved to the MIDlet's record store and the MIDlet 35 displays a planning complete screen for a short period. After the user has made their equipment selection, a discipline selection list screen is displayed so that the user can select the discipline that they wish to perform during their new program.

After the user has selected a discipline from the discipline selection list screen , the MIDlet 35 then displays a weekday multiselect list screen which enables a user to identify the days of each week on which they are to exercise.

Only 2 to 4 days may be selected for exercising in each week by a low endurance user and only 2 to 5 days by other users. The number of days selected is then displayed in a days confirmation screen which is displayed for a short period. A session time list screen is then displayed to enable the user to select an exercise session length from among 30, 45, 60 and 90 minutes.

Low endurance users cannot select minutes for the session length. The selected exercise session length is confirmed by a session length confirmation screen which is displayed for a short period. When the number of weeks has been confirmed, the MIDlet 35 generates the weight control exercise program for the user. Aerobic, i. For instance, if mode 1 is used, all sessions are aerobic. However, if mode 6 is used, 45 minute sessions alternate between aerobic and strength exercises.

The aerobic sessions are allocated disciplines in accordance with the Grade 1 Wellbeing section of Table 7 and Table 8 above step s Considering now, by way of example, a person who has moderate endurance and has selected four sessions per week over 10 weeks, cycling and machines, Table 14 give use exercise mode 6 and Table 15 indicates that this comprises alternating sessions of aerobic and strength exercise.

The sessions are allocated classes by the algorithm described above with reference all but the last week of an endurance program. Thus, in the present example, the sessions are allocated classes as shown in FIG. If the mode includes strength sessions step s 44 , sculpturing exercises are allocated to the strength sessions in accordance with Tables 9 and 10 and the allocation algorithm described above with reference to generation of a strength exercise program.

In the case of the present example, exercise category 6 would be obtained from Table Assuming that exercise combination 6. Consequently, the strength sessions the even sessions in FIG.

The completed program is saved in the MIDlet's record store. If the user selects the Fitness option from the program type list screen , the user progresses through the same sequence of screens as when Weight control is selected. The generation of fitness programs is substantially the same as the generation of weight control programs. However, the mode is is determined in accordance with Table 16 below. Table 16 also indicates the session number and duration combinations that are allowed for users having different endurances.

The mode definitions for fitness programs are set out in Table 17 below. The process of allocating exercises to sessions for a fitness program is the same as that described above for a weight control process. The completed program is saved to the MIDlet's record store. If the user selects the Start Planned option from the main screen , the MIDlet 35 performs a process to guide the user through an exercise session of the current plan. If there is not a pending session, the user is informed of this by a no session information screen , which is displayed for a short period before the display returns to the main screen If, however, there is a pending session, the user is presented with a session options list screen The user can choose to start the pending session, delete the pending session or delete the entire program from the session options list screen If the user chooses to start the pending session, it is determined whether the session comprises a plurality of exercises.

If the session consists of only one exercise, the parameters of the session are determined. The activity is obtained from the stored data defining the current plan. The factor is initially 1 for a low endurance person, 1. As will be explained below, the user's endurance may be modified as the user progresses through a program. The pattern of intervals and pauses, if any is also obtained from the Table 8 information.

Enough information is now available for the user to be guided through the session. When the activity information has been obtained, the user is presented with an information screen , reminding the user to warm up before exercising, which then gives way to an exercise guidance screen The exercise guidance screen is generally arranged as shown in FIG.

When the user selects the Start command from the exercise guidance screen , the MIDlet 35 begins timing the user's performance of the current session's activity. The motivational message screens are displayed for a short period before the display reverts to the exercise guidance screen The MIDlet 35 also generates audio signals and updates the exercise guidance screen to inform the user when to pause or vary their activity in the cases of interval and fartlek exercises.

If the user selects Options from the exercise guidance screen , the user is presented with an options menu comprising End discipline and Exit session options. If the user selects the End discipline option, the user is presented with an end discipline confirmation screen and, if the user confirms that the discipline is to be ended, the MIDlet 35 stops timing and displays session options list screen again.

The discipline is not recorded as having been completed. If the user selects the Exit session option, the user is presented with an exit session confirmation screen and, if the user confirms that the discipline is to be ended, the MIDlet 35 stops timing and displays the main screen again.

If the user selects the Pause command from the exercise guidance screen , the user is presented with a paused discipline screen The user can also end the current discipline or exit the current session by selecting the Options from the paused discipline screen which takes the user to the options menu screen When the period calculated for the current discipline has elapsed, allowing for any pauses, the MIDlet 35 displays a discipline completed screen , which advises the user to warm down, for a short period.

The discipline completed screen is replaced with a registration list screen is displayed. From the user's perspective the registration process is as described above in the context of the fast start process It differs in that the MIDlet 35 adds the points gained to a local record of the user's process through the program. If it is determined that the current session comprises a plurality if disciplines, the user is presented with a discipline list screen which consists of the disciplines that the user must perform in the current session.

In the present example, the disciplines are Bench press, Pull over and Cable cross and the user has selected Bench press. Icons beside the elements in the discipline list screen indicate whether the disciplines have been not been started, have been completed or have been interrupted.

The title states the discipline. The discipline progress section comprises two sections a , b which display the progress through the current discipline in terms of sets and the number of reps in current set respectively The instruction section provides additional guidance and explanation to the user.

When the user selects the start option from the exercise guidance screen , the main command changes from Start to Next and the information section displays the maximum weight lifted from the preceding session.

When the user has completed the first set of reps, the user selects the Next command and the exercise guidance screen is updated to indicate the current set and the number of reps in the current set. The user keeps performing the sets of reps and selecting the Next command until all of the sets have been completed.

When all of the sets have been completed, the exercise guidance screen is updated so that the Next command is replaced with a Done command. When the user selects the Done command, a maximum weight entry screen which enables the user to enter the maximum weight lifted in the current session so that it can be recorded.

The entered weight is confirmed in a weight confirmation screen is displayed for a short period. Then, if there are still disciplines to perform, the discipline list screen is displayed again. Otherwise, the registration process is joined at screen , which in this case does not refer to points but provides a summary of the weights lifted.

If the user selects the Delete session option from the session options list screen , a delete session screen is displayed. If the user confirms that the current session should be deleted, the current session is marked as completed without any record of performance, i. If the user selects the Delete whole plan option from the session options list screen , a delete whole plan screen is displayed. If the user confirms that the current plan should be deleted, the data defining the current plan is erased and a delete whole plan confirmation screen is displayed for a short period before the display reverts to the main screen As a programs having an endurance element progress, the user's performance is monitored by reference to the accumulated points.

More particularly, after every five weeks, the user's endurance level is adjusted. Two variables, K1 and K2, are then set in dependence on the number of sessions per week steps s 52 to s The new endurance level is then used for setting the periods for which disciplines must be performed.

If the user's performance is substantially at odds with the expected performance, a screen may be displayed suggesting that the users endurance in the user's personal data be changed up or down as necessary. If the user selects the Diary option from the main screen , a diary process is performed. The calendar screen has an option menu comprising View and Update options. Selecting the View option causes a detail screen to be displayed.

The detail screen includes detail of any sessions on the day currently selected in the calendar screen and other date-specific information. Selecting the Update option causes the mobile phone 2 to request update information from the server 3. The update information may comprise information about forthcoming events that may be of interest to the user. If the user selects the Information option, the user is provided with information about the MIDlet 35 and more generally about exercise and fitness.

The user can opt to transfer data to a personal computer using a cable or infrared link not shown. The user can also opt to transmit data to the server 3 via the Internet 5. On the first occasion that the Internet option is selected, the MIDlet 35 causes the mobile phone 2 to send a registration SMS message to the server 3.

The user then receives a reply SMS message in the normal manner. The reply message includes a username and password for accessing the server 3. On subsequent occasions, selecting the Internet option results in data being transmitted to the server 3.

The data transmitted in the synchronization process is an XML document comprising a definition of the current program and a record of the user progress with the current program. The activity monitor 1 can monitor the movement of a user and derive a value for the energy expended by the user while performing the monitored movement. The mobile phone 2 and the activity monitor 1 can communicate with each other using infrared signalling.

Other wireless techniques, e. WiFi and Bluetooth, or wired techniques may be used instead of infrared signalling. The mobile phone 2 can communicate with the server 3 via a mobile phone network 4 and the Internet 5 using xml messages and the HTTP protocol.

The activity monitor 1 can be conveniently worn on the person during exercise. The outputs of the accelerometers 12 are connected to analog-to-digital converter inputs of the microcontroller 11 which is configured to calculated energy expenditure and distance travelled pedometer function therefrom.

The buttons 14 arranged electrically in a matrix which is continually scanned by the microcontroller 11 in order to detect the buttons 14 being pressed by the user.

The display 13 is connected to output pins of the microcontroller 11 and is controlled by the microcontroller 11 to display information relating to a current activity and to provide feedback to the user when the user is setting up the activity monitor 1.

The infrared transceiver 15 is coupled to a serial port of the microcontroller 11 for bidirectional communication with the mobile phone 2. The microcontroller 11 is responsive to pressing of the buttons 14 for the input of user data, comprising the user's name, date of birth, height, weight and sex.

This information enables the monitor to calculate the energy expended by the user during a sensed activity, for starting and stopping sensing and for communication with the mobile phone 2. The MIDlet 35 of the second embodiment differs from that of the first embodiment in that the registration process can accept energy expended per minute data wirelessly from the activity monitor in addition to the manual methods described above.

Points are derived from the wirelessly received data in accordance with Equation 2 and Tables 2 and 3 above. If the user selects the Wireless option, the mobile phone 2 is put into a state in which it can receive performance data from the activity monitor 2.

During communication, the MIDlet 35 31 displays a communication information screen The energy expended is transmitted from the activity monitor 1 to the mobile phone 2 in a data package. The package header comprises version , package length , time , final flag and command fields.

The version field is 1 byte and can be a value from 0 to The package length field is 2 bytes and occupies bytes 5 and 6 of the package. The time field is a bit time stamp. The final flag field is bit 7 of a byte and the command field is bits 0 to 6 of the byte containing the final flag field The final flag field is set to 1 to indicate a final package. The package body comprises a personalized fitness settings section and a fitness entry collection section The fitness setting section comprises an activity monitor ID field , a settings last modified time field , a name field containing the user's name, a date of birth field , a height field , a weight field and a sex field The activity monitor ID field comprises a two-byte integer.

The settings last modified time field is a bit time stamp. The name field comprises ten bytes and holds the user's name. The height field holds the user's height in centimetres in one byte. The weight field holds the user's weight in kilograms in two bytes. The sex field uses one bit to indicate female 0 or male 1.

The fitness entry collection section comprises one or more fitness entries which contain information relating to different disciplines within a session. Each fitness entry comprises a time field , an activity type field , a kilocalories per minute field , a duration field and a distance field The time field is a bit time stamp indicating when the discipline was performed.

The activity type field comprises one byte and indicates which discipline was performed. The kilocalories per minute field comprises 1 byte and indicates the average energy expended per minute during performance of the discipline. The duration field comprises two bytes and indicates the duration of the performance of the discipline by the user.

The distance field comprises two bytes and indicates the distance travelled by the user obtained from the pedometer function of the activity monitor. The short periods mentioned in the foregoing description of the MIDlet user interface are preferably in the range 1 to 5 seconds and may vary from one screen to another.

It will be appreciated that the present invention may be implemented in may different ways. For example, the program generation may be performed at a server and downloaded to a mobile phone or other apparatus, either as a complete plan or session by session. The software of the mobile phone or other apparatus may be substantially limited to providing a user interface to processes running on a remote computer, with which it communicates using some form of remote procedural calls, e.

The other device could comprise computers built into exercise machines which can provide the user interface, e. The user can then have the user interface available as the user moves from machine to machine to perform different disciplines of a session. The role of the mobile phone may be taken by any convenient processing device, e. The embodiments described above use MIDlets for convenience. However, the controlling software need not be a MIDlet.

The software may be provided by an electrical or electromagnetic signal comprising program codes, e. Software provided in this way can be used for controlling a processing device for implementing an embodiment of the present invention. A recording of such a signal may be carried on or in a data carrier, e. An exercise assistance apparatus comprising: a user interface; and. An apparatus according to claim 1 , including an input device that enables the input of physiological information, wherein the software application determines an aerobic fitness value for the user based on the physiological information input using said input device.

An apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the software application comprises a plurality of exercise definitions, each exercise definition comprising a variable exercise duration parameter, and the software application sets said variable exercise duration parameter on the basis of the physiological information input using the input device.

An apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein said physiological information comprises information relating to aerobic fitness for the user. An apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the software application calculates a duration of the exercise program by multiplying a base duration, defined in said software application, by a value obtained from said aerobic fitness value for the user.

An apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the software application receives physiological information from the input device at the end of an exercise program for which guidance has been provided and modifies said aerobic fitness value in dependence on the physiological information input at the end of an exercise program for which guidance has been provided. An apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the software application modifies said aerobic fitness value at predetermined times.

An apparatus according to claim 7 , wherein said predetermined times are at intervals between the range of 3 to 8 weeks. An apparatus according to claim 7 , wherein said modifying said aerobic fitness value comprises determining an expected performance, determining an actual performance from said physiological information received after the exercise program, comparing the expected performance and the actual performance, and increasing or decreasing said aerobic fitness value depending on the comparison result.

An apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the software application generates said exercise program by selecting a plurality of exercises of different intensity classes, wherein the ratios of the plurality of exercises of different intensities classes are determined by said aerobic fitness value.

An apparatus according to claim 10 , wherein the ratios are additionally determined on the basis of the number of exercise sessions per week in the exercise program. An apparatus according to claim 10 or 11 , wherein the software application selects a varied selection of exercises in a class from a predetermined list of exercises.

An apparatus according to claim 12 , wherein the exercises selected for a terminal period of said exercise program have a lesser intensity than the exercise selected before said terminal period of said exercise program.

An apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the software application is configured to determine a strength value for the user in dependence on the physiological information. An apparatus according to claim 14 , wherein the software application generates the exercise program by selecting exercises in dependence on said strength value.

I have ben through the provisional process on another one of my many more tangible ideas. I was able to consult with a reputable patent attorney on that one, I hope he remembers me, recognizes this latest creations potential, and will assist me again. I am excited that I have a direction to go with this, and will begin implementing your advice, first thing tomorrow.

Sorry I am still learning to navigate here. So when you say feel free to ask questions.. When you say don't tell anyone.. Any equipment being used are all products already on the market for consumers.

I have no video, no manual. I have undeniable proof of the results by how I look and feel. The one I could put on shelves, lets say is a new shovel, the actual spade part is original as well as the handle, so I believe that would be two patents correct?

I highly recommend reading through the Tour and referring to the Help Center for general best practices in this community. If you still have unanswered questions about how to use this site or how to ask questions for specific topics, feel free to ask those questions in the Ask Patents Meta community, which would be ecstatic to get site feedback from new members.

Refer to this question for more information. Show 1 more comment. Hope this helps. If were me, I'd consult with a patent attorney of agent before submitting a provisional patent application. A bad provisional can significantly hurt your chances of obtaining a good patent. I have to disagree strongly regarding design patents, based on the practicalities of IP law.

Being able to defend, or contest, a patent, whether utility or design, is largely a function of funds to undertake expensive legal action.

If this inventor is successful, or secures powerful backers, they could certainly make trouble for anyone looking to infringe or "design around", especially if the potential infringers don't have sufficient funds for the legal fight. I wouldn't underestimate the "prophylactic" value of a patent or even a patent pending. Props for your warning about patent mills, though.

Most patent attorneys I've spoken to have made a strong case that using these inventing companies will, at best, result in a valueless application, and, at worst, severely harm the inventor's chances at securing a grant. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Featured on Meta. New post summary designs on greatest hits now, everywhere else eventually. Linked Related 7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the musculoskeletal measurements include either of range of motion measurements or strength measurements. The method of claim 4 , wherein both the range of motion measurements and strength measurements include either of spinal cervical, spinal lumbar flexion, spinal extension, spinal rotation, spinal lateral flexion, hip flexion, hip extension, hip adduction, hip abduction, hip rotation, knee flexion, knee extension, ankle plantarflexion, ankle dorsiflexion, foot inversion, foot eversion, shoulder flexion, shoulder extension, shoulder rotation, shoulder abduction, shoulder adduction, elbow flexion, elbow extension, forearm pronation, forearm supination, wrist flexion, or wrist extension measurements.

The method of claim 1 , wherein the user measurements are received, the computer program is executed, and the exercise program is generated using a server, interconnected to the internet, and administered by an application service provider.

The method of claim 1 , wherein the exercise program includes a nutrition portion. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: delivering the exercise program to an agent for the user at an agent communications device. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: delivering the exercise program to the user at a user communications device. The method of claim 9 , wherein the exercise program is delivered to the user communications device in response to the user not being available to receive the exercise program from an agent for the user using an agent communications device.

The method of claim 1 , wherein the body part is either of the spine, pelvis, hip, knee, ankle, foot, shoulder girdle, shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, leg, or arm of the user. The method of claim 12 , further comprising: generating an update to the exercise program from an updated plurality of user measurements being received.

The method of claim 12 , wherein the exercise program is generated from the received measurements and other parameters where the other parameters include either of user objectives, user medical history, or user cardiovascular measurements. The method of claim 12 , wherein the musculoskeletal measurements include either of range of motion measurements or strength measurements. The method of claim 15 , wherein both the range of motion measurements and strength measurements include either of spinal cervical, spinal lumbar flexion, spinal extension, spinal rotation, spinal lateral flexion, hip flexion, hip extension, hip adduction, hip abduction, hip rotation, knee flexion, knee extension, ankle plantarflexion, ankle dorsiflexion, foot inversion, foot eversion, shoulder flexion, shoulder extension, shoulder rotation, shoulder abduction, shoulder adduction, elbow flexion, elbow extension, forearm pronation, forearm supination, wrist flexion, or wrist extension measurements.

The method of claim 12 , wherein the user measurements are received, the computer program is executed, and the exercise program is generated using a server, interconnected to the internet, and administered by an application service provider. The method of claim 12 , wherein the exercise program includes a nutrition portion. The method of claim 12 , further comprising: delivering the exercise program to an agent for the user at an agent communications device.

The method of claim 12 , further comprising: delivering the exercise program to the user at a user communications device. The method of claim 20 , wherein the exercise program is delivered to the user communications device in response to the user not being available to receive the exercise program from an agent for the user using an agent communications device.

The method of claim 12 , wherein the sport is either of golf, tennis, softball, baseball, swimming, running, soccer, football, or basketball. A system for generating an exercise program, comprising: a server interconnected to the internet;. The system of claim 23 , further comprising: generating an update to the exercise program from an updated plurality of user measurements being received.

The system of claim 23 , wherein the server generates the exercise program from the received measurements and other parameters where the other parameters include either of user objectives, user medical history, or user cardiovascular measurements. A machine-readable medium having stored thereon a plurality of executable instructions, the plurality of instructions comprising instructions to: receive a plurality of user measurements where the plurality of user measurements include musculoskeletal measurements; and.

The machine-readable medium of claim 27 , the instructions further comprising instructions to: generate an update to the exercise program from an updated plurality of user measurements being received. The machine-readable medium of claim 27 , wherein the instructions include instructions to generate the exercise program from the received measurements and other parameters where the other parameters include either of user objectives, user medical history, or user cardiovascular measurements.

The machine-readable medium of claim 27 , wherein the musculoskeletal measurements include either of range of motion measurements or strength measurements. A method for using a computer to generate an exercise program, comprising: inputting a plurality of user measurements into a computer where the plurality of user measurements include musculoskeletal measurements; and.

The method of claim 32 , further comprising: inputting an update to the user measurements; and. The method of claim 32 , further comprising: outputting a summary and measured outcomes of the exercise program using the computer. The method of claim 32 , wherein the exercise program is generated from the inputted measurements and other inputted parameters where the other parameters include either of user objectives, user medical history, or user cardiovascular measurements.

The method of claim 32 , the musculoskeletal measurements include either of range of motion measurements or strength measurements.

A method for generating a nutrition program, comprising: receiving user information where the user information includes food preferences, weight changes, and weight goals; and.

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