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Introduction to web browsers pdf

2022.01.17 02:00

The data link layer protocols of the virtual network are said to be tunneled through the larger network when this is the case. VPNs, for example, can be used to separate the traffic of different user communities over an underlying network with strong security features.

Network topology A network topology is the layout of the interconnections of the nodes of a computer network. Network topology signifies the way in which devices in the network see their logical relations to one another. The use of the term "logical" here is significant. That is, network topology is independent of the "physical" layout of the network.

Even if networked computers are physically placed in a linear arrangement, if they are connected via a hub, the network has a Star topology, rather than a bus topology. In this regard the visual and operational characteristics of a network are distinct; the logical network topology is not necessarily the same as the physical layout. Networks may be classified based on the method of data used to convey the data, these include digital and analog networks.

Common layouts are: 1 Bus Network: all nodes are connected to a common medium along this medium. Internet History In ARPA university and private sector contractors met with representatives of the Department of Defense to discuss possible protocols for sharing information via computers.

In , the U. Defence Department funded a project to develop a network, which can withstand the bombing. Basically the idea was to develop a very secure network which can work even after a nuclear attack. The proposed network was not supposed to have a central control—which would be an obvious target. There were computers connected at about two dozen sites when the first email was sent in , but the number of sites and messages soon mushroomed. By there were 63 sites.

Protocol is a network term used to indicate the standard used by a network for communication. TCP "converts messages into streams of packets at the source, and they are reassembled back into messages at the destination.

IP handles the dispatch of these packets. It handles the addressing, and makes sure that a packet reaches its destination through multiple nodes and even across multiple networks with multiple standards. The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities.

The Internet is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. The Internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure.

In the 's and 80's people who were online put out information about furniture and cars they wanted to sell. Debates raged about whether this was an appropriate use of the new research tool, the Internet, but when the Commercial Internet Exchange CIX was formed in the genie would not go back in the bottle.

As Tang and Teflon began as curiosities of the space program and later became common consumer products, so too have email, web research, and home shopping on the Web. It has only been ten years since the first relay between a commercial entity MCI Mail and the Internet was made. Since that time technologies have emerged that have fuelled the growth of private enterprise on the Web. In Paul Linder and Mark McCahill at the University of Minnesota released Gopher, a tool that allowed researchers to retrieve specific data from myriad 8 locations.

The Past, Present, and Future of the Internet As the technology advanced, the Internet became easier to use and the World Wide Web sites became more intricate and inviting.

In shopping malls arrived on the Net. Of course, the advancements came with a downside. Vladimir Levin of Russia became the first publicly known Internet bank robber when he used the Internet to illegally transfer funds to his account saw the introduction of several emerging technologies such as JAVA and JAVAscript, Virtual Environments, and RealAudio which further enhanced the kind of product information which could be made available to consumers.

Commercial users now outnumbered research and academic users by a two to one margin, and Bill Gates decided to redefine Microsoft as an Internet company. The Past, Present, and Future of the Internet Today one can shop online for books, food and wine, travel, and real estate. Other business activities include buying stocks and bonds, banking, and retirement planning.

In light of this growth, the U. Commerce Department will begin studying the impact of online shopping on total retail activity. Commerce Department to Measure Online Sales Consumer spending via the Internet draws much interest, but business to business activity is also booming. For further information on the history of the Internet, an extensive list of links may be found at the Internet Society Web site.

Connecting to the internet 1. May be four things, basically: mail, discussion groups, long- distance computing, and file transfers. Internet mail is e-mail or electronic mail , much faster as compared to normal postal mail. One can also send software and certain forms of compressed digital image as an attachment.

News groups or discussion groups facilitate Internet user to join for various kinds of debate, discussion and new sharing. Programmers can maintain accounts on distant, powerful computers, execute programs. File transfers service allows Internet users to access remote machines and retrieve programs, data or text.

E-Mail Electronic Mail E-mail or Electronic mail is a paperless method of sending messages, notes or letters from one person to another or even many people at the same time via the Internet. E-mail is very fast compared to the normal post. E-mail messages usually take only few seconds to arrive at their destination. One can send messages anytime of the day or night and it will get delivered immediately. It works 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You have the privilege of sending something extra even such as a file, graphics, images etc. The biggest advantage to using e-mail is that it is cheap, especially when sending messages to other states or countries and at the same time it can be delivered to a number of people around the world.

Although e-mail is faster and cheaper, it has many of the components of regular mail. It allows you to compose note, get the address of the recipient and send it. Once the mail is received and read, it can be forwarded, replied.

One can even store it for later use, or delete. In e-mail even the sender can request for delivery receipt and read receipt from the recipient. Components of an E-mail Address As in the case of normal mail system, e-mail is also based upon the concept of a recipient address. The email address provides all of the information required to get a message to the recipient from anywhere in the world. Consider the e-mail ID john hotmail. Hotmail is the mail server where the mailbox "john" exists,.

It gives access to directories or folders on remote computers and allows software, data and text files to be transferred between different kinds of computers.

FTP "Client" is a program running on the your computer that enables you to talk to, and get stuff from, remote computers. If one does not have an account in the remote FTP server, still he can connect to the server using anonymous login. Using anonymous login anyone can login in to a FTP server and can access public file archives, anywhere in the world, without having an account.

One can easily Login to the FTP site with the username anonymous and e-mail address as password. Telnet Remote Computing Telnet or remote computing is telecommunication utility software, which uses available telecommunication facility and allows you to become a user on a remote computer.

Once you gain access to the remote computer, you can use it for the intended purpose. The commands typed on the client computer are sent to the local Internet Service Provider ISP , and then from the ISP to the remote computer that you have gained access. The WWW is a system that we use to access the Internet. One can easily surf the Web by jumping from one document to another using the links in those documents. These documents can be in many formats, such as text, graphics, animation, sound and latest is video.

They may also be a combination of all these. All the information on Internet are presented to the user as a document or more popularly known as Web Page.

All these Web Pages are link to each other or even to section within a Web Page. And these links are known as Hyper Links. A Usenet newsgroup is a repository usually within the Usenet system, for messages posted from many users in different locations.

Usenet newsgroups, are a similar e-mail conferencing system, but are less intrusive to the subscriber than list-servers since messages are posted to Usenet sites around the world instead of appearing in each subscriber's mailbox. Usenet refers to the huge collection of messages which are posted to tens of thousands of newsgroups worldwide.

The Images button loads images into the current Web page displayed in your browser. This button is used when you have specified in the Options Menu to turn of the "Auto Load Images" but you want to view the images on a particular page. If you are on a slow Internet connection or the network just seems stuck in mud, you can search the Web with the images turned off. This speeds up the loading of documents considerably, especially for machines that are not quite state-of-the-art.

To do this pull down the "Options" menu and de-select "Auto Load Images. The Find button allows you to find a word or phase located on the current Web page loaded in your browser. Computer Graphics 99 Lectures 6 hours Arnab Chakraborty. Computer Fundamentals Online Training 46 Lectures 2. Previous Page Print Page. Save Close. Internet Architecture Internet is called the network of networks.

Services on Internet Internet acts as a carrier for numerous diverse services, each with its own distinctive features and purposes. Internet Access Techniques A chart is a graphical representation of worksheet data. Configuring Web Browser Search Engine is an application that allows you to search for content on the web.

Search Engines Search Engine is an application that allows you to search for content on the web. Search for the content Search Engine helps to search for content on web using the different stages. Accessing Web Browser There are several ways to access a web page like using URLs, hyperlinks, using navigating tools, search engine, etc.