Openlayers windows download

Tutorials Spend time learning the basics and graduate up to advanced mapping techniques. Workshop Want to learn OpenLayers hands-on? Get started with the workshop. Older versions In case you are not ready yet for the latest version of OpenLayers, we provide links to selected resources of older major versions of the software.
Latest v5: v5. Fork the repo. The 6. GeoTIFF sources now have a normalize option. Set normalize: false if you want your style expressions to work with raw floating point values instead of normalized values from 0 to 1.
The GeoTIFF source also now uses nodata values from the source imagery — so in most cases you don't need to specify this yourself. For people configuring vector layers with styles that use custom rendering, you can now get hit detection on the rendered result. See details on these features and other included fixes below.
This is a patch release which updates ol. Data tiles now handle bit data in addition to 8-bit. Views properties can now be provided that sources that fetch view-related data. Vector tile rendering got some performance enhancements. Find detail on these features and a number of fixes in the list of changes below. See the full list of changes from pull requests below, but here are some highlights:. This is a bugfix release which brings improvements to the included TypeScript types, and fixes two minor issues with the Draw interaction and hit detection of regular shape symbols.
With more than pull requests from 14 contributors, this release brings improved support for using OpenLayers in Node. In addition, several examples were added or improved, and many bugs were fixed. If desired, e. Use the new placeholder option instead. When the mouse position is not available, the control renders a non-breaking space.
To render something else instead, set the placeholder option. OpenLayers users are recommended to upgrade to version 3. Although occasional commits to the repository continue to be made, there are no longer regular releases. Those wanting the latest code for version 2 are recommended to download the master branch in the repository and use that.
The code is stable even if there is no longer any formal release cycle. OpenLayers makes it easy to put a dynamic map in any web page. Since the only layer we use is in Spherical Mercator projection EPSG , we can reproject them on the fly to be able to zoom the map on the right coordinates.
Quick Start This primer shows you how to put a simple map on a web page. Put a map on a page Below you'll find a complete working example. Let's break this down: The following line creates an OpenLayers Map object. The first and only layer right now is a tiled layer: layers: [ new ol.