Clinical microbiology procedure 2nd edition

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Language: English. Brand new Book. Continues to serve as the sole major publication providing step-by-step protocols and descriptions that enable clinical microbiologists and laboratory staff personnel to perform all analyses from the receipt of the specimen through processing, testing, interpretation, presentation of the final report, and subsequent consultation. In response to the ever-changing needs and responsibilities of the clinical microbiology field, Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, Fourth Edition has been extensively reviewed and updated to present the most prominent procedures in use today.
The Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook provides step-by-step protocols and descriptions that allow clinical microbiologists and laboratory staff personnel to confidently and accurately perform all analyses, including appropriate quality control recommendations, from the receipt of the specimen through processing, testing, interpretation, presentation of the final report, and subsequent consultation.
New - Hardcover Condition: new. Condition: new. Provides step-by-step protocols and descriptions that enable clinical microbiologists and laboratory staff personnel to perform all analyses, including appropriate quality control recommendations, from the receipt of the specimen through processing, testing, interpretation, presentation of the final report, and subsequent consultation. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability. Special order direct from the distributor.
Used - Hardcover Condition: Like New. Condition: Like New. Like New. Ships from multiple locations. Published by Amer Society for Microbiology, In Stock. From Australia to U.
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Contact seller Seller Rating:. Free shipping Within U. Seller Image. Free shipping From United Kingdom to U. Sterile deionized reagent-grade wa- 1. Supplies QC records. Using a 1. Sterile 1. Acid-washed glass screw-cap tubes c. Bring to ml with deionized of a diameter comparable to that water, and mix. Parafilm or paraffin 2. Barium chloride, 1. Weigh out 1. See Appendix 5. Add approximately 50 ml of volumetric pipettes needed for deionized water, and mix well to preparation of other standards.
Bring to ml with deionized with a volumetric pipette. Magnetic stirrer and stirring rod d. Store in a screw-cap glass bottle 4.
Spectrophotometer III. At time of preparation of standards Check optical density of McFarland standard at wavelength of nm and record results. The acceptable range for a McFarland 0. For standards other than 0. Additional checks continued 1. Check in-use standards with each use for visible evidence of clumping, and periodically compare in-use standard with a standard that has not been in use. If clumping is apparent, discard the standard.
Check standards for any evidence of evaporation. This can be accomplished by drawing a line on the tube at the meniscus when the tubes are filled. A drop in liquid level below this line indicates that evaporation has occurred. If evaporation is evident, discard the standard. Check the optical density of a representative standard that has not been in use at 3 months to make certain that the optical density of the lot is still within control limits.
If in control, the shelf life of the lot can be extended for another month. Repeat optical density check monthly. If in control, shelf life can be extended for another month for up to 12 months. Refer to Appendix 5. To prepare McFarland 0. Using a 0. Place magnetic stirring bar in flask and place on magnetic stirrer for ap- proximately 3 to 5 min.
Examine solution visually to make certain it appears homogeneous and free of visible clumps; check optical density and record on QC sheet. Providing QC is acceptable, dispense 2- to 7-ml volume depending on vol- ume routinely used in inoculum suspension preparation into each tube. Cap tubes tightly. Seal with Parafilm or paraffin. Store in the dark at room temperature for 3 months or longer see item III above.
In the presence of good lighting, visually compare turbidity of test suspension to the McFarland standard. Hold both tubes in front of a Wickerham card Appendix 5. If it is more difficult to see lines on Wickerham card through test suspension than through the McFarland standard, the suspension is too dense and must be diluted. If dilution is necessary, use a sterile pipette to add additional sterile broth or saline to the tube to obtain turbidity comparable to that of the McFarland standard.
Before subsequent examinations, vortex test suspension and McFarland stan- dard well. If test suspension is too light, inoculate with additional organisms or rein- cubate suspension depending on inoculum preparation protocol until tur- bidity reaches that of the standard.
Test suspension and McFarland standard should be contained in tubes of the same diameter. McFarland standards are more likely to clump and evaporate if exposed to air. Thus, it is imperative that caps be tightly sealed with Parafilm or paraffin.
Standards in use clump and evaporate more rapidly than those in storage, and in-use standards must be examined regularly. Discard standards with evidence of clumping or evaporation regardless of stated shelf life. When glass tubes are used, acid washing helps minimize clumping. A practical storage container for the McFarland standards is a test tube mailing container. Alternatively, wrap tube in aluminum foil.