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New Photoshop version Google Chrome Thunderbird The player can forge alliances with or against others as well as challenge the computer. Game features: Grandiose battles of up to 32, soldiers on the battlefield 20 playable nations research opportunities different historic buildings Battles ashore and at sea Five singleplayer historical campaigns Infinite variations of battles on randomly generated maps As a free DLC all the players will receive 8 additional playable nations with the unique music main themes.
Information about Digital Deluxe Edition no longer available for purchase : Digital Deluxe - is a game edition, that contained both base game and 4 previously announced DLC, which are getting consequent releases during 1 year after Cossacks 3 release, along with few great bonuses. Jacob with us, Spain! Digital Deluxe Edition is no longer available for purchases. System Requirements Windows. See all. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:. Review Type. All 9, Positive 7, Negative 1, All 9, Steam Purchasers 7, Other 2, All Languages 9, Your Languages 2, Customize.
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Sign In or Open in Steam. Languages :. Franchise: Cossacks. Share Embed. Read Critic Reviews. Add to Cart. Package info. Bundle info. Add to Account. View Community Hub.
About This Game Cossacks: European Wars is a historical real-time strategy based on events of the 16th through the 18th centuries in Europe, when nations and states were created and demolished, and wars shed seas of blood. Each has its own original graphics, economic and technical development peculiarities, military advantages and drawbacks, and unique units and technologies, providing vast choices of tactics and strategy in war against any enemy.
Thus, England is the mightiest sea power, Austria has powerful light and heavy cavalry, and Cossacks are the pride of the Ukrainian army. Battles of up to 8, units may be conducted on single or network game maps.