Elite program software engineering

The education is focused on the following five central topics of modern software engineering:. Courses are taught in Augsburg and Munich, with slightly more courses in Augsburg. For detailed curriculum information, please see the program website. Applicants should have earned outstanding grades in previous courses and exhibit personal dedication that reflects their ability to excel in a challenging course of study.
Fluent written and spoken English is also required. Admission to this program is for studies beginning in the winter semester see our academic calendar. Applications are due by May 1. Detailed application requirements for this specific degree program are available on the program website. During their studies, students are supported by mentors from science and industry. The following industry partners support this program:. Clicking once on that button will create a new directory, or folder as it is called in Windows The cursor will move down a bit and you will be able to enter the name you want for the new directory.
First, wipe out the name of the directory that is automatically suggested to you usually the word New Folder is there by pressing the backspace key. You can also use the cursor keys and delete keys. Just do whatever you like to blank out the suggested directory name and position the cursor to the left of the input space. With the cursor positioned left most in the little name entry box, type in the new directory name. Elite suggests that you simply repeat the filename displayed below, but drop the".
So for the new directory name you would just type "rhvacw" and press the enter key. The name will then appear highlighted in blue. Press the enter key again and the directory name should appear in the "Save In:" input box above. At this point, you are finally ready to click on the rectangular "Save" button that appears in the lower right corner of the "Save As" dialog box.
Clicking on that button starts the download process, removes the "Save As" box, and pops up a new box that continually shows you the status of the download process. When the download is complete, the status box disappears and you are ready for the next step.
Skip to the Download Time section if you are a Windows 95 user. How do I find a file on my hard drive? Click the Start button on the task bar below. Point to Find, and then select Files or Folders. In the "Named" box, type the name of the file you want to find. Example: type chvacpt. Check the "Include subfolders" box. Click the Find Now button. Double-click the file you were looking for - the name and location should be shown. Most of Elite Software's programs require 32 bit versions of Windows, so they will not run on Windows 3.
Download Time The total time needed to download a file is mainly dependent on the baud rate of your connection. It is also dependent on the quality of your phone connection and whether the Elite Software web site is busy or not.
The busiest time for our website is in the middle of the afternoon, Monday through Friday. In general, downloading with a Using a A 56K modem would be even faster.
Be sensible about what you attempt to download in the time you have available and be aware of your local prevailing weather conditions. A glitch in the phone line during a thunderstorm would likely require the download process to be completely restarted. After a Successful Download After you downloaded an ". You can run the file in many ways. If using Windows 95 or later, you can use Explorer to locate the file and then double click on it.
Alternately, the fastest way to run it, would be to click on the "Start" button in the lower lefthand corner of the screen. This pops up a menu where the selection "Run" is shown second from the bottom. Clicking on "Run" opens a dialog box and puts the cursor in the "Open:" input box. There may be some program name already appearing there, if so, use the backspace key to blank it out. Next, type in the drive letter, directory name, and program name that you want to run.
Pressing the enter key starts the file extraction and decompression process. A status box appears displaying the progress. After the process is complete, the status box remains onscreen, but you can remove it by double clicking on the upper left hand corner of the box. Installing Windows Based Software If the program you had selected to download was a Windows based program this is indicated in the second column ofthe Demonstration Software table. So continue here only if you are sure you that you have downloaded a Windows program, otherwise skip to the "Installing DOS Based Software" section below.
If using Windows 95, the easiest way to do this is to click on the "Start" button in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
There may be some program name already appearing there; if so, use the backspace key to blank it out. Next, type in the drive letter, directory name, and the word "setup". Just accept the default responses by clicking on "OK" and the process will soon be complete. Once setup ends, if using Windows 95, there will be a new Elite folder created in the programs section that is accessed under the "Start" button.