Employer handbook

A little over five years ago, TikTok , the social networking platform where users post videos ranging in length from 15 seconds to three minutes, was born. Just ask a former flight attendant for a major airline. In an unintentionally-pervy post a few days ago, I told you that the CDC was considering amending its COVID isolation guidance for asymptomatic individuals and those with resolving symptoms to include testing.
That change did follow. You can test if you want to. Or you can leave those tests behind. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC decision last week to shorten its recommended COVID isolation and quarantine periods to five days for asymptomatic individuals followed by masking for five more days did not go over well with many folks.
It depends. So far, Minnesota is the only participating state that has agreed to adopt and implement the ETS for private employers. Illinois has done it for public sector workers. According to my sources, if the Supreme Court invalidates the federal ETS for a substantive reason e. I imagine that other participating states e. Others e. Iowa, for example, has already said that it will not adopt a state version of the ETS.
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