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Eye-fi failed to download update

2022.01.17 02:08

Which should be used? And with none of the keys I receive the photos to Mophotos. I can connect to the wifi-hotspot and mophoto triggers that it's connected to the hotspot, but no photos are transferred. Any ideas? Thanks for a great effort! Got it to work by restarting the phone : The -u key was the right one to use. Hi, after making the youtube video, I did a bit more work on this and I was able to put together a step by step way to get the eyefi card setup and using the eyefi utility without the activation part and doesn't require mophotos.

It also includes how to get your MAC address and upload key and downloadable links for the 3 files needed from my google drive acct. It should be able to help anyone that has one of these eyefi cards to get it to a useable state for tethering, even if you bought it second hand or got it from ebay or whatever. One caveat is that I used windows 7 - not sure if it works on Windows Ya q no he podido hacer funcionar mi Sd.

Gracias de antemano. These are really good cards. Mine is just about dead from having to insert and remove it when i was shooting movies - superglued together it still functions flawlessly in 2 of my cameras. The Peak Oil Poet 30 October at The Peak Oil Poet 1 November at Pantaleoc 31 March at Pantaleoc 17 April at Rob Tesnear 6 November at David 9 December at Anonymous 26 July at The Peak Oil Poet 26 July at Anonymous 24 August at Unknown 18 October at Rob Tesnear 5 November at The Peak Oil Poet 5 November at The Peak Oil Poet 9 December at Unknown 14 December at MAX 19 December at MAX 20 December at MAX 21 December at Unknown 28 December at David 3 January at Anonymous 19 September at Lily 2 November at Luis Zambrani 24 June at Newer Post Older Post Home.

I have tried several times and each time it seems like it is almost finished, but then stops. Or I get the red X on my screen Hello KimB76 sorry to hear this.

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