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Summer reading programs washington dc

2022.01.17 02:08

Students may arrive between am and am. Dismissal at except for students staying for related services allows for pickup between pm and pm. Any visitors that the School permits on campus will be required to complete a health check prior to entering the campus and must comply with all other protocols. We will not be holding group gatherings or meetings on the Lab School campuses. Parents who are dropping off forgotten items at the Reservoir campus, must leave them outside the Castle Reception Door and call the Receptionist to retrieve the item in a contactless fashion.

No food deliveries, unless organized by the school, will be accepted until further notice. The School has therefore adopted this COVID Travel Policy, which is subject to change as guidance surrounding the pandemic continues to evolve: For individuals not fully vaccinated, the school requires a seven day quarantine during which the individual monitors for symptoms following travel.

Travelers are advised that they are expected to follow applicable law in the jurisdictions in which they travel, including following quarantine procedures between states. All families and employees are also strongly advised to wear masks, wash their hands frequently, practice physical distancing, and follow other best practices related to COVID when and if they must travel, particularly to an area experiencing an outbreak. Upon return from personal travel, students and employees will need to comply with the DC Department of Health seven day quarantine policy.

Facilities Protocols Enhanced Facilities Cleaning Our cleaning protocols are guided by the CDC, which outlines everyday steps, as well as actions in the event of contamination.

To read that guidance, see CDC Guidelines on Cleaning and Disinfecting your Facility Steps include: Nightly, the cleaning staff utilize Peroxide based disinfectant for high-touch common areas, restrooms, and classroom and office surfaces, including tables, desks and chairs. Periodically during the day, Operations staff utilize Peroxide-based disinfectant for high touch common areas and restrooms. In classrooms where occupants rotate, teachers spray non-irritating cleaner and students wipe down their desk and chair before use.

High-touch surfaces, such as copier and coffee machine touch pads, elevator buttons and other such surfaces, have been covered with NanoSeptic skins, which utilize mineral nano crystals to kill coronavirus germs. In addition, disinfectant wipes are provided near each surface so the user can wipe before and after using.

Buses, both Lab School and Fleet, are wiped down between uses. Enhanced Building Ventilation and Water Safety To meet the needs of this emergency we engaged an HVAC consultant to evaluate building systems and improve ventilation, filtration, and air cleaning across all our buildings.

As a result: We have increased outdoor air ventilation wherever possible; For rooms with unit ventilators we have installed advanced air cleaning with ultraviolet germicidal irradiation UVGI ; In other areas we have increased the level of filtration to MERV13 or higher on recirculated air; We are increasing the frequency of all filter changes; We have recommissioned the high school building ventilation; and We have installed new exhaust fans in multiple spaces.

All faucets, showers, water fountains and other water features have been and continue to be run regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria. Everyone Taking Responsibility for a Clean Facility -- Good Housekeeping While the Operations staff will be aggressively cleaning, we do need all members of the community — student, faculty, and staff — to do their part to protect us all. Students — We need to engage students in the cleaning process as they start and finish activities.

We provide disposable towels and non-irritating cleaner for students to clean their own desks prior to and after use. COVID Medical Response Personal Protection Equipment PPE In addition to masks, employees who work in the nurse offices are required to wear protective eye gear, and may wear additional personal protective equipment, such as gloves and gowns, as necessary and appropriate under the circumstances.

Contact Tracing The School nurses have been active participants in reporting and contact tracing with the DCDOH and will continue to follow that practice. Student and employees health information relating to COVID will be kept confidential to the extent practicable, in accordance with applicable state and federal privacy laws In the event of a positive test or suspected diagnosis, it may be necessary to report this event to other members of the School community, so that the School can implement additional precautions and other members of the community can also be tested.

This is particularly true where a student or faculty member has been in classes with a small group of other students on a daily basis. Where a case of COVID is confirmed, exposure tracing may commence and members of the School community with high-risk of exposure to the infected individual whether on or off campus may be instructed to quarantine and get tested in accordance with CDC guidelines.

Students and employees are advised that they may be asked to quarantine themselves for a period of days or weeks before they are able to be meaningfully and effectively tested for COVID Depending on the circumstances, the School may require the community member to provide negative COVID tests from a doctor before returning to school. Shared Responsibility -- Our Community Agreement By participating in on-campus teaching and learning, community members agree to adhere to the safety practices outlined here.

Lab School community members all students, faculty, staff, and administration are expected to adhere to these requirements for coming to campus: Complete and submit the daily health check by am through the MagnusApp each school day regardless of attendance on-campus. The School Nurse will reach out to parents or faculty and staff members when this happens, and everyone is expected to follow instructions if follow-up is needed.

Community members must participate in contact tracing practices by their jurisdiction. Follow the directions of the school nurse if exhibiting symptoms of illness, including picking up a student promptly as requested. When in proximity to others, at all times wear a face mask that meets the CDC recommended guidelines. During eating or drinking outdoors, maintain appropriate physical distancing. Maintain prudent physical distancing in classrooms and shared spaces. Practice good hygiene, including frequent hand-sanitizing, especially after using the restroom, before and after eating, and after any coughing, sneezing, or nose-blowing.

Lab School community members are expected to adhere to risk mitigating practices when off-campus, including: Follow the guidance of DC public health officials regarding risk mitigation, including staying home, wearing masks, maintaining physical distancing, and frequent hand-washing.

Adhere to DC requirements regarding travel and avoid non-essential travel. Refrain from participating in gatherings and events that do not follow CDC and DC guidelines for risk mitigation, including physical distancing and mask-wearing.

Refrain from outside activities, including athletics teams, clubs, etc. During periods of in-person learning, avoid gatherings such as sleep-overs. If hosting a playdate or small gathering, use risk mitigation practices that align with the protocols required at school. Unless counseled otherwise by a physician, get a flu vaccine for all family members. Summer of Insects: Ant Research Lab — Join our team of entomologists as we explore and study the world of ants!

Insect Art Gallery — Join us at our gallery as we study and create art inspired by insects. Guided by examples both ancient and modern, the beauty of bugs will spark our artistic creativity.

In collaboration with DC Beekeepers Alliance. What is the theme of the Virtual Summer School program this summer? Students will: increase executive functioning skills for planning, organizing, and self-assessing written work. Please note a writing sample will be required for admission into this program.

Students will: learn time-management strategies for daily, weekly, and long- term assignments. Two times per week, Speech-Language Pathologists will: assign reading sections. Daily sessions include: individual and small-group instruction, tailored to student- specific needs. Instructional Goals: Develop pre- and early-literacy skills.

Increase phonological awareness skills including rhyming, blending, segmenting, and sound manipulation. Improve knowledge of alphabetic code for reading and spelling skills. Develop syllabification skills and morphological awareness to enhance reading and spelling e. Enhance reading accuracy and fluency for comprehension.

Students will: learn the critical components of a narrative. Students will: extract, analyze, and synthesize facts. Students will: increase executive functioning skills for planning and organizing the writing process.

This group includes: individualized handwriting instruction. Benefits of Interactive Metronome include: improving working memory, learning to filter distractions, inhibiting impulsivity, and promoting self-regulation. Sessions will be provided by an occupational therapist trained in IM. All sessions are 45 minutes in length, highly individualized, and can target skills such as: handwriting keyboarding gross motor skills fine motor skills visual motor integration visual perceptual skills ocular motor skills sensory integration executive functioning.

In-person while following safe risk-mitigation practices and ratio for instruction and therapy OT sensory motor activities emphasize motor coordination, body awareness, balance, core stability, and self-regulation while utilizing suspended equipment.

Fine motor activities target foundational skills necessary for handwriting and tool manipulation, including bilateral coordination, hand and finger strength, visual perceptual and visual motor skills, and more! Activities of daily living are integrated throughout the day, including lunch time, to promote independence.

End-of-summer report provides individualized suggestions for home and school. Speech-Sound Success — Practice generalizing articulation and speech skills in play and craft activities. SLPs will provide multiple opportunities for cuing and practice in a fun, group dynamic. Early Literacy Lessons — Work on pre-literacy skills such as phonemic awareness, letter recognition and formation, and early sound-symbol correspondence. The Library is also hosting special programs for readers of all ages throughout the summer!

Read on to learn more. Register Sign up online or visit your neighborhood library If you've participated in any of the Library's reading programs in the past, you can log in to your existing account with your username and password.

Track Your Reading Track your reading on your smartphone or tablet with the Beanstack mobile app. Not sure how to log your reading online? Ask a Library staff member for help or email readingprograms dc. Parent of ninth grade student and summer program participant. She has grown so much more confident and assured in her abilities to read and do math. Liz told me one day after I picked her up from camp for time in her life she felt smart! It brought so much joy to my heart the I wanted to cry.

You will never know what this experience has done for both Liz and I and no words can express my gratitude! Parent of 5th grade student. ASDEC serves children directly during the summer programs bringing the best components of our research-based training into the classroom. Sessions take place in Rockville and Northern Virginia. The program provides intensive instruction in reading, writing, spelling, study skills, and handwriting and math.

Physical movement along with visual and auditory stimuli to provide multisensory learning. The hands-on aspect of the structured routines facilitates attention and concentration. The careful development of conceptual understanding and the high level of repetition reinforce memory.

All activities build on the mastery of skills, which helps students build self-esteem as they experience success each day. Students who currently are struggling in school and require special accommodations as specified in an IEP or some other educational testing. Northern Virginia for Students in grades July 6-July 31