Zoo tycoon 2 breeding program zoo
Not Helpful 12 Helpful 7. You can use elevated platforms if you have the expansion "African Adventure" installed. Not Helpful 13 Helpful 5. I am a new player. How do I remove animal from my zoo? Or how do I kill them? Do they die on their own? Animals can be removed by putting them up for adoption to other zoos in game, release to the wild, feed to a predator, or die of age or sickness.
Not Helpful 0 Helpful 1. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Guests like exhibits with multiple species in there.
They really like baby animals, too. Helpful 78 Not Helpful 4. Helpful 55 Not Helpful 9. Check your stores and stands to make sure they are actually making money. You should either raise, or lower the prices, or sell the building.
Helpful 60 Not Helpful Helpful 58 Not Helpful Helpful 19 Not Helpful 2. When animals breed, it's best to sell the oldest animal of the same gender. That way, you will get money off of the older animals before they die of old age.
And, the babies will grow up and mate, with the previous mates. Helpful 54 Not Helpful If you are using freeform mode in Zoo Tycoon 2, you have unlimited money. This means you don't have to be careful with funds. Plan with your budget in mind. Keep enough money on hand for unexpected expenses, but spend enough to reach your goal.
Of course, if you're playing in sandbox mode, you won't have this problem. Helpful 45 Not Helpful Once you have collected all the fossil pieces of any species you can create dinos for free instead of buying them from the adoption panel! Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published.
There are many factors that determine a show's success: - training level of the animal for the trick they are performing - total training level of animal total number of tricks mastered - popularity of the animal - popularity of the trick they are performing - number of animals performing in the show - number of different species in the show - number of acts - number of tricks a single animal repeats in the show as a general rule you want each animal to perform only those tricks which they have mastered.
Try experimenting with the different tabs once you have a show up and running. I am unsure how much they affect the outcome of the show or the donations but they are neat to have. Some final thoughts about shows and aniamls: - The life span on most trainable animals is 2 game years. I have not had the patience to test this myself but if anyone has any solid testing evidence to support any significant life extending through training, please let me know.
I suggest setting up a large city zoo, with a large tank and all the trainable animals. There is a ZT2 fansite called Zoo Tycoon Unleashed which is just full of great ideas and lots of specific research. I do apologize to my readers for not providing any direct information about tours in this guide. When you first start your zoo you want to increase your zoo fame and to do that you want lots of animals.
Guests love to see carnivores feed from a carcass. Of course you could also just feed the animal to a carnivore if you were feeling evil and greedy. I call this my "peafowl trick". Eggs are also nearly indestructable to everything except a curious carnivore. I have even been able to place some trees over some flowers without losing the flowers. I will also comment on their comments.
Well, I tried the scenario with 6 fully trained belugas, 7 acts, each beluga using every trick once and won the scenario after 4 or 5 shows. I just wanted to point this out for you whenever you update your FAQ again. That's no news, of course, since the game says it. What was a surprise to me was find out that the Beluga, being a marine animal, also counted as NA because it belongs in the Arctic Sea!
The Beluga is a good animal to use as it is cheap and available early on. Otherwise, your FAQ is pretty good. Instead, it depends of what you have hightlighted in the adoption menu: If you have female animals selected, you will create female animals, until you change it.
I am still convinced that it is random. Because I can't finish it for that same reason. This has happened to me 2 times at least, and when it happened with my giant pandas I freaked out! One successful attempt later and a panda cub was on the way, however! I look forward to any reader responses on strange things you all find in the game. I had an entire zoo full of scared people once. Quagga can breed with Zebra. Masai giraffe can breed with reticulated giraffe.
If you know of any others that can interbreed let me know. I have also seen rare posts on some forums about this occuring in other peoples games. I am not sure if this is a bug or if this is part of the code, but, I would not count on inbreeding to occur. I guess some people are just never satisfied.
I guess some guests use credit cards! I have not been able to figure out what causes this but I have noticed that if you keep playing the bug fixes itself over time. I have also noticed that it seems to happen more often after you load a saved game with a marine show already running.
There are two ways you can train your animals, with trainers or you can do it yourself! Trainers are covered in the staff section above. They are slow to train and are not very accurate and cost a lot of money.
You need a Training Area which must fit in your animals exhibit. You do not need to have a show tank connected to the exhibit to start training your animal.
This will bring up the training sub menu. Below each picture you will see Lock Icons. When your animal arrives you will be asked to "click your tracer to start the training. Be warned, some of the more advanced tricks get very tough, they curve in on themselves and have multiple button presses. I have yet to see any permanent results from continuous failure.
In order to understand a tricks impact on a show you should consult the SHOW section above. Here is a list of all the tricks listed by animal. Except for 1 False Killer Whale trick the Orca is the only one with multiple 5 star popularity tricks.
Pacific Walrus has the fewest tricks and is thus the fastest to train. In order to find fossils at all you must first purchase and maintain an Extinct Research Lab. The fossil gun has 5 levels of power. There is absolutely no way to fail this game, just walk around and search for dig sites. I have never found a fossile under a building or object, however, so don't tear apart your zoo if you are having no luck because fossils don't hide under rocks or anything else for that matter.
It is interesting to note that the paleontologist will still search for fossils even if you do not have a Research Lab. If you recycle your Lab for any reason you will not lose the fossils you found. Here you will see list of all the complete fossils you have found. Here you will be asked to click the mouse button or press space bar. These creatures are not normal animals which means they do not need to be kept in exhibits and guests will ignore them. I had a KP in a tundra exhibit with two polar bears and they lived quite happily for as long as I played that game.
I have yet to get two of them in the same game so I do not even know if it is possible to get more than one through this minigame. These diseases require more than just a shot from a zookeeper. Once you have cured a disease your zoo keepers will have the cure on hand at all times there after but only for that game.
I would like to list all the diseases in the game, but, since they pop up fairly randomly and rarely this list will have to grow over time.
If you dont want to pay the price for the upkeep or you just like doing things yourself then this is the mini game for you. All dinos can rampage. I like to go into zoo guest mode every once in a while to help out my staff especially if I am trying to save some money for a new exhibit.
I have not found a purpose for the jump, but, I find it amusing anyway. To clear the memory or save some pics you can right click and select the photo album red book button on the left.
If you press the red book with a yellow plus sign you can even create new photo albums to store more pictures, or, load up a previous album. For the most part, terraforming is free unless you want to be professional and use fencing to get things looking the way want and then there is a small fee to buy the fencing and recycle it later.
Remember that for every click of the mouse you will have the opportunity to undo your last changes. Create Hill will cause the area in the circle to rise up where the center of the circle will rise faster than the outer edges thus creating a sloping hill.
Create valley will work just like the Create Hill tool, only in reverse, by causing the ground to go down instead of up. This can be used in conjunction with the hill tool to create rolling hills and valleys to give animals private areas to rest and make for very realistic exhibits. Create Cliff will also raise the ground up, but instead of raising the ground smoothly from outside to inside this tool will raise the entire area under the circle up to the same elevation.
Create Ditch is just like create cliff but it goes down, not up. There two levels down that the ditch tool can bring the ground to. Smooth Terrain is very similar to the valley tool only it is much slower to work and it only functions on hillsides and cliff faces. Flatten Terrain is basically a way to "erase" your terrain changes and start over, or to "copy" a particular elevation and "paste" it over large areas.
Shallow and Deep water tools can be found on the biome brush tab of the landscaping section. The water tools will always lay down their water with the surface equal to the level of the land at the center of the tool.
Water has a very interesting feature; the surface of the water acts like an elevation lock. When making hybrid exhibts you can use all the basic tools under the water to create interesting underwater areas with hills and valleys and even islands. Fencing also acts like an elevation lock. Tank Walls are little different than normal fencing.
Start off by creating a dry mountain complex of your waterfall vision using the cliff, ditch and flattening tools. I will simply list the scenarios goals and what I think is the best way to achieve them and any pitfalls you might want to watch for. I will not cover the tutorial scenarios as they are all very easy and the game itself will tell you exactly what to do to finish each one.
This pretty much means that we don't need pretty zoos, just, efficient zoos. I use the grid layout on most of my scenarios along with chain fencing for most exhibits. I also try to only buy one animal of each species and I try to put multiple animals into each exhibit. I use males when I do 1 animal at a time as males tend to look more impressive than females IMHO , although, it has no impact on the game as far I can tell. Increased zoo fame will increase the number of guests and thus increase the amount of donations income.
Tundra theme is the best as it is a free download and will be available from the very beginning. NOTE: some scenarios will have optional goals. My advise is to first make sure your zoo is running well without your immediate involvement and then go into photo mode and stalk your prey!
Your first open ended zoo. I started my zoo with a sell and smooth. I created a small guest area near the entrance with a hot dog and soda stand and two small restrooms. I then put staff gates to connect my three exhibits and hired 1 zookeeper and assigned him to all three areas.
I also hired one maintenance worker for the guest area. I also began research on the scrathing post as it is one of the most useful enrichment items in the game. I then continued to expand while the game was running by adding in an american bison, velociraptor and an african buffalo. I would also reapply the biomes in each exhibit as they are all very poorly done. I think this map took me a total of 10 minutes with time spent writing this. I sold the gazebo, the ATM and trimmed the path near the entrance a bit.
I added a desert exhibit with a camel and a temperate exhibit with a peafowl. I put an african buffalo in with the beaver both wetlands. I would place an arch at the entrance and a fountain in front of the moose exhibit. I started by recycling the two staff centers and any paths leading up to them as well as all the flora in the back part of the zoo. I also go rid of the ATM and the fencing around the crated elephant.
Where you put the elephant is up to you but remember that it needs space. I chose to do a complete sell and smooth of the entire zoo. After you have all your animals neatly tucked away in nice habitats make sure to go in a clean and cure all of your new animals.
This might be a good time to design one of those ditch exhibits I was talking about before because chimps can climb chain link. You will get new animals one at a time in the following order: Red Kangaroo Bengal Tiger Grizzly Bear Moutain Gorilla Black Rhinoceros African Elephant Snow Leopard after you have put them all in their exhibits you will be given another of each animal and then you must release one of each back to the wild.
Your biggest challenges will be entertainment for the snow leopards and elephants. This scenario is quite easy really. I have completed this one as early as January year 1 and on average by the middle of February. I then expanded with an african buffalo, peafowl, moose, ibex, bongo and gemsbok when I had the funds. I was able to complete this by July of year 1. AA XP really helps out with this scenario.
I have noticed that animals from Madagascar sometimes do not count towards this scenario such as the Dodo so be warned. One problem we have with this scenario is that we will not get an grants for correct animals, so, be careful about what animals you place. California Sea Lion might also be a possibility but it has need of the Coastal Biome which makes it more difficult to share an exhibit with other animals. I have to admit though, that this scerio is very picky about what it considers from North America and what it does not.
I have not fully tested every animal which is listed as comming from North America so some of my information may not be entirely accurate. I suggested releasing the Musk Ox to the wild and then replacing it with an American Bison. I think the design for this zoo is terrible and I did a sell and smooth on everything. I released the free animals to the wild for some quick fame points and the aniamls that did not meet the requirement for release I put in a crate and placed near the entrance. I would keep two and fire one.
Our biggest challenge here is that we have a time limit of 1 game year, although if you follow my advice you should be done by about March or April. Even with the expansions Asian animals are in short supply, but, thanks to EA XP we have a few early and cheap options.
My suggestions for a quick win are common peafowl, velociraptor, markhor, and protacheaopteryx. In this scenario you will not be able to adopt any animals yourself, you must work with what you are given which means that your number of species and number of animals fame will be limited. I would suggest building a modified grid zoo where you only have the center walk way from the entrance. I got a free red kangaroo and later a gemsbok which was great since they are both scrubland biome.
I think the best thing to do is to provide as much privacy as possible. I got a total of 3 African Elephants for my efforts. I think these extra animals are random so if you have a story to tell just let me know. I was given a polar bear and an emperor penguin which was lucky since they are both tundra biome and lived quite happily together. I actually went into FF mode and used the medium city zoo to plan my layout.
Once you get your 5 stars and your male panda you must also have room for the female. First you will have 2 meerkats. First, take the secretary bird from the entrance and you can either build a grassland exhibit for it or you can put it in to the savannah exhibit.
If you build a separate grassland exhibit then you can make it smaller and have a better chance to take your photos. I got lucky on my game. I added both types of giraffe, a quagga, and an african buffalo to get to three stars.
The optional goal here is pretty much a given. This is just like the African Animal Empire zoo from above with a twist. Modified Grid Layout. Make large exhibits that extend from the path to the zoo wall. I recommend you use savannah, scrubland, tropical, wetlands, desert and grassland. I would breed gazelle, bongo, african buffalo, and camel because they are inexpensive to adopt. I then did a sell and smooth on everything I could.
If you kept your animals then you only need 5 more to reach the first goal of 8. I used all the. I added in the following: Giant Sable Antelope Zebra Masi Giraffe Ostrich Quagga Gerenuk African Buffalo you might also want to make sure that you are breeding your gazelles and especially your flamingos.
Quagga and Zebra can interbreed as can both giraffe species. I actually flattened the center area and used it as an enclosed guest area which worked out rather well in the end. I had 1 exhibit each of tundra, savannah, scrub, grassland, desert and wetlands. I also had a small temperate exhibit for the peafowls. I then drew out a nice winding path through all the exhibits with the jeep tour.
I placed at least one animal in each exhibit and when the first person was done with the tour I got my 4 stars and one goal was complete. I just kept adding animals and put in a few tour objects when I had the extra cash. I achieved a 5 star zoo by July. Our first goal is take three pictures: 1. Person immitating an animal. Child playing on gorilla climbing bars.
Of course if you can catch someone immitating something else that will work too. When the baby is born snap your photo and move on to the next scenario. I went with a grid layout for this one. I would suggest keeping your cheetahs and lions in seperate exhibits as lions tend to chase and kill cheetahs when they have the chance.
The tapirs are located in a conservation area in the back of the zoo. I would use this money to buy a second one of each animal so you can work on the second part of the challenge which is to breed them.
Finally, after months of waiting when your last animal is born or hatches in the case of the tortoise then you must release one of each to the wild which at this point should not be too difficult.
But, wait, what's this? Unfortunately, I was not able to win this scenario with extinct animals in my zoo. IMHO, this is one of the most difficult scenarios to win. Just start building your zoo like you would any other 5 star zoo.
One good thing is that the three endangered marine animals can all live comfortably in the coastal biome so you only need one marine exhibit. The timming and species of this event are random. I played the scenario a second time and got a green sea turtle instead.
On my third game I got a galapagos tortoise and then a wild horse. I suggest releasing one non endangered animal for each new endangered animal you adopt until you have no more non-endagnered left.
I am man enough to admit that this scenario took me three separate tries to get right. I also had two restaurants and two gift shops going strong with a gift cart and a compost building to help with income.
I had 4 discovery kiosks to help pad out my donation income. I had 4 zookeepers and no maintence workers which helped reduce costs. The final date was June of year 2.
You can do a sell and smooth but you really don't need to. We need 5 kinds of marine animals 1 from a different order or class of marine life: Order Carnivora Class Chondrichthyes Order Testundines Order Perciformes Order Cetacea What you are supposed to do is look at each marine animal in the zoopediea and learn its order and class in order to make your decisions.
Get the following: Manta Ray. I had this scenario done in the first week of January! I will not list all such animals since you will not need more than 2. I love goals like that since it is going to happen no matter what we do unless you close the zoo of course.
Also if we can display 3 marine animals we will get a free seahorsey bouncy ride; What Fun! At 6 animals we will get a free marine gift cart. Here are the marine animals I choose for the win: manta ray california sea lion green sea turtle blue marlin west indian manatee short finned pilot whale rockhopper penguin beluga sea otter emperor penguin not a MM animal but still counts - The Ocean's Biomes Now things are getting interesting.
Very early on in my game the zoo owner "Pirate Parker" came for a visit and wanted to see three different marine animals in three different exhibits. I already had a manta ray and green sea turtle in two exhibits.
Since I had a decent amount of money and good income I decided to use my "peafowl" trick and adopt some cheap animals and immediately release them to the wild for a quick fame boost. The animals I choose for this scenario were: manta ray reef green sea turtle coastal blue marlin pelagic goblin shark benthic beluga tundra because of the cash grants I was done by middle of February.
If you like you can add to the exhibits with more species or add new exhibits. I built a 20x10 tundra marine exhibt and put in a beluga. The order of the acts is; Bellow, Jump, Bellow, Jump.
Slide, Horn, Slide, Horn. I decided to keep all the stuff they start you out with since you are going to need all that stuff anyways. Walruses are not the best animals for shows as they only know 3 tricks which makes great shows with them very difficult.
I would suggest starting off by training Waldo up to maximum which should help him overall, and then start training a pilot whale to join him. There is a known glitch with this scenario that happens to everyone. I started off with a hybrid Tundra exhibit. I filled it with musk ox, caribou, emperor penguin, polar bear and of course beluga. My winning show had a Dolphin, 2 sea otters fully trained, 2 california sea lions fully trained there were 5 acts.
I had the sea lions do their tricks in a different order so I could reuse thier props as well. I was never able to get that last. Tips: - show fame has to have time to raise up. If you edit a show let it run for a few showings before judging your changes. The first task is to adopt a bluebuck and meet its basic needs. Firstly, with the introduction of family trees, when two animals mate they will be set as eachother's "Mate".
Some animals are monogamous and will not mate with a different animal once their mate is set, while others will mate again, simply overriding the previous mate.
When animals are born, they will automatically have their mother, father and sibling s if applicable on their family tree window. Only siblings born from the same mother even from different births will be considered as such, meaning that half-siblings who share a father are considered unrelated. Baby animals will also always be born and grow up to the base skin, even if their parents have skin variants.
Animals will not mate with related animals, including their parents, offspring or siblings. If a female animal finds no suitable male to mate with, a message will pop up to alert the player that she wants to reproduce but can't find a mate.
Whenever a Critically Endangered , Endangered , or Extinct animal is born, the player will be awarded a balloon bouquet at the front gate, blue circles for a male baby or pink stars for a female baby. If both a male and female are born, there will be mixed ballons. This expansion also introduces a Conservation Breeding Center which has to be unlocked in Campaign Mode which will help endangered and extinct animals breed more easily. The Leatherback Sea Turtle and Green Sea Turtle can live comfortably on a simple tank, but they will need either some land area or a Desert Island to be able to lay eggs.
The Rock Island can also be used by penguins, such as the Rockhopper Penguin , to lay eggs. Most dinosaurs with the exception of Protarchaeopteryx will also create nests for their young, instead of laying eggs directly on the ground. Despite several eggs being visible on the model, a dinosaur nest will only spawn one baby.
Other than being separate species, breeding occurs as usual. The resulting offspring will randomly be either of the parent species. To breed animals in Zoo Tycoon Xbox , a full habitat must have a breeding specialist assigned. The animals themselves must be between level 6 when an animal enters adulthood and level 14 reaching level 15 will stop the animal from breeding.
Ocassionally, animals will produce a rare variant ex.