Research benefits corporate wellness programs

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I'm seeking Tab Content. Tip: We even have an infographic that illustrates some of the benefits of wellness programs. Bring copies to your pitch to make your points memorable. We find that these effects are sustainable over time and clinically meaningful. This result is of critical importance, as it confirms that workplace wellness programs can help contain the current epidemic of lifestyle-related diseases, the main driver of premature morbidity and mortality as well as health care cost in the United States.
From a public health perspective , health behavior change is difficult to accomplish. If employee wellness programs can motivate long-term behavior change, then they hold far more value than traditional, less effective, health interventions focused on individual willpower. Make your case: A well-executed employee wellness program can actually make our employees healthier in the long run. The benefits of healthy employees is something not to be looked over. The evidence: In a report conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Humana, researchers write:.
Employees are also more likely to see their own wellness as being linked with professional success. Companies that build a wellness culture thus acquire a workforce that is not only more focused and engaged, but that sees that culture as benefiting their careers.
Make your case: Evidence suggests employee wellness programs could boost employee engagement and the tremendous benefits of employee engagement leads to improved retention and productivity. The evidence: Experts from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health analyzed surveys to determine the overall perceptions of wellness programs from employee and employer perspectives.
Their data analysis revealed that about What does this statistic really indicate? It indicates that popular opinion supports the idea of corporate involvement in our health. As more companies adopt wellness programs, the number of employees demanding them will likely increase. Companies can stay ahead of demand by developing wellness methodologies and infrastructure now. This proactive strategy avoids scrambling to develop a worthwhile program when employee wellness matures into a must-have benefit.
Make your case: We can use our employee wellness program as a recruitment tool. Instant communication tools, globalization, shifting responsibilities, and tons of other factors necessitate adaptability in employees at all companies, the big and the small.
Programs that boost adaptability stand to benefit any organization. Make your case: We need to increase our roster of adaptable employees, people who can roll with the punches and shift with changing responsibilities, and it turns out, adaptability can be cultivated. By implementing an employee wellness program, we can help our most engaged employees adapt to change, increasing their performance and reducing their stress levels. Implementing the program could leave us better off than we were before; it could actually save us money.
Make your case: An employee wellness program could save us money in lost productivity. Company culture comprises tons of variables, and many of them are challenging, if not impossible, to pinpoint.
Make your case: Evidence suggests that an employee wellness program could benefit our company culture, and our surveys indicate that our employees are looking for improvements in that area.
An employee wellness program could give employees exactly what they want. The evidence: In another report published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine , researchers concluded that:.
The researchers caution that the link between the wellness programs and market valuation is neither direct or immediate, but they encourage companies to make long-term plans and investments to develop truly effective programs that may one day benefit stock performance.
Make your case: Some studies connect outstanding financial performance to outstanding wellness programs. Stay on top of latest health news from Harvard Medical School. Recent Blog Articles. If you have knee pain, telehealth may help. How to address opposition in young children. Are poinsettias, mistletoe, or holly plants dangerous?
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