Text messaging apps that use wifi

2022.01.19 02:43

Premium users can even record the calls. With excellent user reviews, this app deserves to be in the list of ten best Wifi Messaging apps. This Apps is also for Canadian and U. S population were making calls through TextPlus app is absolutely free. Not only that, making calls to US and Canada is also free. However, to connect with other countries, you need to pay a minimum amount.

This text messaging app exhibits many other features like free calling, chatting, and group messages. This is the native messaging application preferred by most of the mobile phone manufacturing brands such as LG, Samsung, HTC, and Sony. This app supports all the Android devices running on Android version later than 4.

The app is completely free to download and has all the fundamental features that anyone finds in good Wifi Messaging Apps. Although the application does not fully feature to make calls as well, yet it is a good and handy application if you still find sending SMS convenient.

This app is also free to install and runs on any Android phone later than 4. Using LINE, you can send text messages directly to the phone number of your contacts. However, it is a must for the sender to connect with Wifi or enable mobile data. LINE also offers huge storage space to keep your messages, photos, videos, audios, and images online which can be easily accessible later on from anywhere in the world. A very simple, fast, and easy application to send SMS.

The settings of the app enables you to customize your application the way you want. You can change the background image of the application to give it a personal touch. To make use of the app at night, you may also enable the dark mode. With this app, you can send any number of messages instantly to friends and can even create groups to communicate in real time.

Much like whats app, the app link your account with your phone number by sending a special code and after that, it makes make Signal as the main program for sending messages and making calls. The app is downloaded by more than million users allows quickly and securely exchange of messages. Telegram is the fastest wifi texting app available on the market and has a great data processing speed.

With this app users can access the app through any number of devices without losing the received information as all the data is stored in the cloud storage. The app is beautifully designed not only to send text and voice messages but also to make calls throughout the country. The app can be best used for sharing multimedia files — from video, text or pictures, to voice messages. The app not only allows easy exchange of text and voice messages but has the features that provide users with live communication, using emoticons, emoji, stickers and other fun things.

Besides this with mood messenger up to participants can be a part of the chat at a time. Chomp Sms is the most convenient and fast app available on google play store. Besides sending text and voice messages, users can customize tunes, select icons for the notification panel, different vibration styles, and pop-ups as well.

One of the unique features of this app is that users can customize their text messages and make them look as they like. This app needs no introduction. It automatically syncs in contacts from your phone book. There is an option with which you can enable messaging service. You can add a contact or will ask you for permission if someone wants to add you as a contact. It is done by scanning a unique code. There is an option to have a secret conversation which is end to end encrypted.

Facebook messenger also has an option to share files, locations even money in some markets. Besides messaging, you can also do voice or video calls, which are apparent when compared to other similar apps. It is one of the most commonly used apps, with over million users. You can send messages, files and do video calls as well. Another feature is with the Line app; you can call landlines as well. Wait for 3GPP to come up with their ProSe, which will give proximity services in the range of m as compared to the WiFi range of m.

A mesh network of a few phones can give you that kind of range. Mesh networks can be used from phone to phone across great distances, but, there has to be a phone in range and your listed range is too far without other mesh users in between.

So, in these cases, with great distances between, and no internet, and no land based phone network, you will need to go with a Satellite phone option. Bridgify… Somerhing like that…. Every cellphone becomes like an Antena and expand the signal… We used it here in mexico a couples of months ago just after a big earthwake, i dont kmow how to spell it, buy its works great.

The Serval Mesh can do this with a long range relay device they are specifically working on for the purpose of relay communications in the outback. The relay devices are WiFi only the app supports Bluetooth relay but in testing relays between Bluetooth WiFi incur heavy delays, so they are focusing on the longer range option of WiFi.

From what I have read, firechat looks like the first and most popular and thus best connected of these apps. Even if my mobile data is down and I do not have an Internet connection myself? And if that is the case, will the entire mesh be using up that one guys mobile data for the month just because he is the only connection to the net?

Firechat is actually pretty difficult to use. This is false advertising. Wish me luck! The only two I have tested is Serval and FireChat. I have discovered that they do not coexist well, so you really have to pick one that works best for you. FireChat only requires internet to set up, then it will work offline. It can even somehow bypass background data restrictions to some degree.

It is a text only app, but very resilient at its mesh ability and it is cross platform which may be very important in many situations. The Serval Mesh is kind of buggy. The advantage of FireChat is it can take advantage of an internet connection whenever available on top of WiFi and Bluetooth relay ability.

Serval Mesh is very much a point to point communication platform, FireChat is designed as a public communication platform, kind of like a Twitter lite.

Messages move from phone to phone to spread across the network. It can stretch as far as there are phones running the app. If you include a contact e-mail or phone number, these folks can share your status with your loved ones.

Molly, One person said it was integral to the Cajun Navy in Houston for them to communicate rescuing people. I just downloaded it, it took about 30 seconds and it is really cool, works just like a real walkie-talkie.

After it is downloaded it will ask you if you want to test the app, click yes. At that point the walkie-talkie part will show up and you will have a red circle in the middle of the screen, press down on that Circle and hold it until it turns green and start talking, when you are done talking stop pressing, kind of like a real walkie talkies with buttons on the side. Zello can get groups together to accomplish great things but as soon as the tower goes it is useless.

These mesh type apps will work even when the towers go down. The only downside to them is range. Of course range can be extended every time someone installs the app. Sounds like there should be a movement for all Smartphone users to install Firechat, on their phones.

FM Radio: old 20th century tech that works! No, both need to have the same app and within certain distance. A Mesh P2P peer to peer meaning person to person is like the good old days of home or office network without internet.

Max distance varies between few tens of feet to a few feet between peers depending on environment. The Mesh networking makes it possible to communicate between any two peers that are present in a local cluster of any amount of peers where any distance among peers in general is not greater then a few or say a ft depending on the environment open space, air humidity, living trees, stone or wooden walls, dirt, metal construction, metal objects or cagings like cars.

Like cows in a field, as long they stay within a few yards from eachother the cows on the border of the field can talk to eachother privately. Amateur Ham radio is the only true wireless P2P communication system. Check out ARRL. Check for local Ham radio clubs in your area. Is there any apps thst can be used between a lap top and a snart phone without wifi bluetooth or any signal or data or internet access when the person on the smart phone and the person on the laptop are in two sifferent states to be exact georgia and Vermont?

It will happily create its own mesh between phones. Note, it does not need Internet at any point. They have all virtually been abandoned. Firechat disabled my Bluetooth. Main feature of AFIR is one-to-many mode. No registration, no metadata unbreakable anonymity. It works without connection confirmation, just as radio. Available on Google play only…. Is there one out there that really works? I require it to work with a distance of about kms.

Any input would be great. Fm transmitter for upto 2km is the best way for rare emergencies,provided a clubbing of like minded persons takes place. Bridgefy is a great app to consider for this list. Firechat changed their platform and it is definitely not suitable for online use anymore.

Would be nice to see an app where people that have internet connection can be a relay for other people, like for example you could set your device to relay all traffic up to certain quantity of data.

The other problem is that everyone is using different apps but if everyone were using the same app we could create a very good worldwide mesh network. It can work both in local network and over the Internet.

For those who have bad Internet connection MyChat will be a good option. Great article , which allows me to ask: Is there a way to have a cellphone send a text message to a PC to inquire for some data and have the PC respond with the answer and of course,not using internet?

Thank you. There is another application that can communicate offline using only WiFi Direct. In addition, AFIR communicates without acknowledgment, i.

Each user will receive a message from a nearby user, even if these users do not know each other. MyChat can work in local networks via Wi-Fi. It also has own server which gives you more controllabily over your communication process. Blackberry at one time had capabilities to text between blackberry devices when no service was available. You are incorrect about Firechat. It will no longer work when the Internet is blocked. It doesnt use wifi or bluetooth signal anymore.

It is an Internet based tool now.