Nvidia ntune for windows vista

2022.01.19 02:50

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Whenever i open Ntune or the Nvidia CP i get 4 dialog boxes with blank space in the middle. As if i can't locate something. Its specifically dealing with nTune.

I already had them but was seeing the same problem you are. Turns out you need to run nTune as administrator as well.

You can make that a permanent attribute of the file in the "Compatibility" tab of the Properties sheet. If you do this, nTune can then be installed later and it should work. If you have nTune installed and it's not working, remove it, reboot your PC, reinstall your Forceware graphics card drivers, reboot again and then after Windows has loaded, launch the nVidia Control Panel new one thru the Forceware drivers.. Then you should be able to install "nTune" and it work correctly for you.

So what you need to do is use WinRAR to extract the files from the nTune installation file, once extracted you will see a folder that says "Win64", within that folder is a file named "nvCplUI. If nTune still does'nt work for you, then you have other issues too.. Just remember though, uninstall nTune first, reboot, then reinstall the latest Forceware drivers and use the new type nVidia control panel thru the Forceware drivers FIRST!

If this helps you, lemme know.. This totaly works! Great advice. I can turn my noisy fan down now! Problem is, think it might be running too hot. Riva Tuner. If the background temperature goes up you might start crashing or corrupt data depending on what you tweak. Since the video card is by far the most important hardware component to tweak, I wouldn't waste my time tweaking other components and it takes a LONG time to do your system. Why should a video card use Watts just to show a picture file.

Finally, I think NVIdia's headed in the right direction but you might wish to use another tweaking utility that just does your video card like "Rivatuner. I use the auto tune fine tune feature, set it going at night and its all finished when I get up in the morning. I save the settings and bingo it's done. That works for me. I have an asus MB with a nvidia and lots of their chips, it aborted everytime I tried to run it.

So many people have problems with this programme, but I think its great! I am now using this version 5. The picture shown is not Ntune 5, its the older Ntune programme which didn't work for me.