Office 2010 powerpoint crashes windows 7

2022.01.19 02:50

Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Office - Planning, Deployment, and Compatibility. This IT Professional forum is specific to the Office version. Sign in to vote. Check whether PowerPoint is in use by another process. Investigate possible issues with add-ins. Repair Office. Check to see if your antivirus software is up-to-date. Check whether antivirus software is conflicting with PowerPoint.

Change printer defaults. Try some advanced troubleshooting solutions. Installing any important, recommended, and optional updates can often correct problems by replacing out-of-date files and fixing vulnerabilities.

To install the latest Office updates, see Install Office updates. You can also attempt to get updates manually at any time. If installing the latest Office updates doesn't resolve your issue, continue to the next step. Click Send a Frown. The Feedback pane opens on the right side of the PowerPoint window. Describe the problem, and then please select the Include diagnostic and usage data box.

Sending diagnostic data to the Office product team allows it to analyze the context in which your problem has occurred. This helps the team determine what needs to be fixed in the software. If PowerPoint is in use by another process, this information will be displayed in the horizontal status bar at the bottom of the screen. If you try to perform other actions while PowerPoint is in use, PowerPoint may not respond. Let the task in process finish its job before attempting other actions.

While add-ins can enhance your experience, they can occasionally interfere or conflict with PowerPoint. Try starting PowerPoint without add-ins to see if the problem goes away.

If you're running Windows 10, click the Start button in the lower-left corner of the screen. If you are running Windows 8, move your mouse to the upper right corner of your screen and select Search. If the issue is resolved, on the File menu, click Options , and then click Add-Ins. Click to clear all the check boxes Disable the Add-ins in the list, and then click OK.

Deepa Raj. Check if it opens fine. Open a new PowerPoint window. On the right hand side you will see a browse tab. Click on it to browse for the file. Select the file and click open. Once you see the slides on the right hand side, at the very bottom check the box for Keep source formatting and then right click on the first slide and select insert all slides. Once the slides are inserted, delete the first slide empty slide and save the file to the desktop and try to reopen it, check the result.