Recycle bin disappeared in vista
Now my Recycle Bin has disappeared from my desktop. How do I get it back? To me this seems like a step backwards for Vista. On Vista there is. Become a Patron of Ask Leo!
So, we dutifully fire up Control Panel and click on the Personalization options:. Subscribe to Confident Computing! Less frustration and more confidence, solutions, answers, and tips in your inbox every week. I did the exact same thing. When I tried to put it back on the desktop by dragging it from the Explorer, it does not appear correctly. It appears full when it is not and empty when it is not. In response to the question about the recycle bin not showing full- that is an Icon problem.
First, click on Start and then type in desktop icons. Go ahead and click Show or hide common icons on the desktop. This will bring up the same dialog similar to the one in Windows Vista where you can just check Recycle Bin to bring it back to your desktop. On Windows 8, you click on the pseudo Start button and start just typing desktop icons.
The Charms bar will appear on the right with the search results. This will bring up the exact same dialog as in Windows 7. Firstly, you can bypass the recycle bin by simply holding down the CTRL key when you delete a file in Windows.
Secondly, you can right-click on the recycle bin, choose Properties and configure a couple of options like the size of the recycle bin and whether or not you want to see the delete confirmation dialog. If you have a small hard drive like an SSD, then reducing the size of the recycle bin can save you quite a bit of space. Founder of Online Tech Tips and managing editor. He began blogging in and quit his job in to blog full-time.
Note When you use these step to work around this problem, you cannot right-click the Recycle Bin shortcut to access the Recycle Bin Properties. To set properties for the Recycle Bin, follow these steps:. Double-click the Recycle Bin shortcut on the Desktop. The Recycle Bin folder opens. In the upper-left corner of the Recycle Bin folder, right-click the Recycle Bin icon, and then click Properties. If this procedure did not fix the problem, you can contact support. A Group Policy setting was used to hide the Recycle Bin.
For help with common system maintenance tasks in Windows Vista, visit the following Microsoft Web page:. Fix problems with common system maintenance tasks.
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