Send to mail recipient not working windows 7 live mail

Rather a simple one that Microsoft cannot even fix. This problem has come up several times in recent weeks, but it dates back a few years, possibly back to Windows 98 days. The solution is about as simple as it gets though and works on all versions of Windows. To use either shortcut, open Windows Explorer and type or paste the path in the Address bar and press Enter to to taken to the Send to folder location.
I was shocked that Microsoft couldn't fix it in 5 minutes flat. They certainly have a KB article on it somewhere. Bing couldn't find a KB article using typical search terms, Google couldn't find one. I have the instructions in an article at Slipstick. I'm not confident that this article is going to come up any more often, except maybe at DuckDuckGo, but the problem and solution is now back in it's own article, not buried in another article… and I might get back in the swing of writing tips.
Where is File tab in Outlook? Using Two-factor authentication Where are my Outlook Files? In this post, we summarize some solutions that are proved to be effective. Microsoft Office has a built-in option that allows you to perform a quick repair of the program. Try these steps to do the work:. When the repairing process ends, you can go to check whether you can use the Send to Mail Recipient option as normal.
Usually, the Mail app is set as the default Mail client. If you are using Outlook instead, File Explorer error will occur. To correct this situation, you need to set Microsoft Outlook as the default mail client:.
In this post, we will show you how to customize the Windows Send to menu including adding folder to Send to menu and removing entries from Send to menu. Yes, you have to choose the option Run All from my Computer in the 8 th step.
Also is it a 32bit or 64 bit Outlook application? Set Outlook as default mail client and check if it helps. Follow the steps given below to do the same:. Shane Doyle. Nothing happens whatsoever when I right click an image and try the "send to mail recipient" option, it does not bring up a new Outllook email. Also, the same problem is present when trying to email an image from within Picasa 3. I have Win7 Professional 64bit, Office Professional. I have gone through the Set Default Programs dialogue and activated both the options for Microsoft Outlook.
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