Windows media player command line parameters loop

But, the real problem is there will be multiple windows opened and there might be a delay in opening file due to the other vbscript running in the background.. Thanks a lot.. Re: How to play video file repeatedly using command prompt 6 Post by Fawers » Thu May 10, pm rajeev wrote: But, the real problem is there will be multiple windows opened and there might be a delay in opening file due to the other vbscript running in the background..
Re: How to play video file repeatedly using command prompt 7 Post by aGerman » Thu May 10, pm There is no command line option to enable the loop mode for WMPlayer. The only possibility is to change the registry setting before you run it. Re: How to play video file repeatedly using command prompt 8 Post by rajeev » Wed May 16, am aGerman wrote: There is no command line option to enable the loop mode for WMPlayer.
For all of these, you have the possibility to make them item-specific, using ":" instead of "--" and putting the option just after the concerned item. These are the old style VLC filters. They only apply to on screen display and thus cannot be streamed. However, on version 1. Note: for --wall-active , to select windows 2 and 4 you would write --wall-active 2,4. When this option isn't specified, all windows are displayed.
The time sub filter was merged into this module. See also: Command-line interface. See also: Documentation:Modules. Navigation menu Personal tools Log in.
Namespaces Documentation Discussion. Views Read View source View history. Any additional feedback? In this article. Details values that you can change in the user's registry to enable Windows Media Player to recognize custom file name extensions. Details the set of command line parameters that specify how Windows Media Player behaves when it starts. Redistributing Windows Media Player Software. Publishing Codecs for Windows Media Player. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support.
Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. Windows Media Player supports a set of command line parameters that specify how the Player behaves when it starts. The following table details the parameters and their behaviors. Examples include the starting and stopping of browsing and sharing services and the enabling of exceptions in the Windows Firewall.
The following table describes the possible values for the command line parameters.