Yum update repository package list

2022.01.19 02:52

We can list this history with the history list command like below. Because this command may contains sensitive data we need to use root privileges if not we will get an error like Error: This command has to be run under the root user.

Distributions like CentOS, Fedora, RedHat provides group packages which contains multiple package to setup different environments. These environments can be development, XFCE etc.

We can use grouplist in order to list this group packages. As we can see from screenshot that there is different packages like Environment Groups, Installed Environment Groups etc. In some cases we may need to filter listed group packages. We will again use grep command in order to filter listed group packages.

In this example we will filter groups packages which name contains Desktop in order to list desktop group packages. We can count packages too. We can count total packages those starts with a like below. To view, disabled repositories or all repositories refer below section in this article. In the above output, you can see the repo list with repo id, repo name, and status. Also, last repo rsawaroha we added for installation of xsos tool used to read sosreport.

Last column of yum repolist output is status which has numbers in it. You might be wondering, what is the meaning of status numbers in yum repolist? What are repositories and what do they contain? Why software in Linux comes in the form of packages?

So, let us begin! The following are the 5 main tasks of yum install new software hire new employees remove unnecessary software fire employees who are not needed anymore update software improve the skillset of employees upgrade system improve the entire organization, not just the employees and maintain a database about software installed in our system maintains the employee records! Step 1: check the internal database Step 2: check the repository database Step 3: update old packages Step 4: update the internal database Let us learn each of these steps in more detail.

Step 1: Check the internal database As we have seen in the article linked above , there is an internal database stored in our computers which contains information about all the software packages presently installed and the versions of each of the software package.

As you can see there are 3 columns, column1: shows the package name openssh-server. So that ends the explanations for Step 1 , let us go to the next step! Step 2: Check the repository database Repositories, simply put, are places on the internet where software is stored by the developers and maintainers of our distros. The next step is to check the repository to see if any newer packages are available. Step 3: Update old packages to newer versions This step is simple, if a newer version is found, yum will update our older package into the newer one!

Step 4: Update the internal Database Once a given package has been updated to a newer version yum will update the entry in the local database to keep everything in order! With that I will end this article! Hope you have enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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