
2017.11.06 04:00




Assalamualaikum. Last time, I explained the islamic thinking behind marriage. 

This time, I would like to introduce the roles and responsibilities of husband in Islam in terms of maintenance. 


Islam has laid down several conditions for the validity of the marriage contract to make marriage life blessed and happy. Both husband and wife are responsible for welfare of the family and they should not demand the other to do something beyond their capacity. 

 そもそもイスラームでの夫の条件は、ムスリムでなければならないということがあります。 女性は非ムスリムと結婚することはできません。 

In Islam, the husband must be Muslim, and a muslim woman can’t get married to a non-muslim man no matter what his religion may be. 

  夫は妻と子どもたちを適切なかたちで養う義務があります。彼らの衣食住の事柄においてきちんと準備し、養わなければなりません。夫の収入によりその具体的な額は異なりますが、これは妻が裕福な家庭出身でも変わりません。 聖クルアーンでは、このように記されています。 


 The husband has a duty of maintenance for wife and children and needs to prepare for clothing, food and suitable home. Although the amount of maintenance depends on the husband’s income, It’s same even if the wife is wealthy. The Quran states 

Let a man of wealth spend from his wealth, and he whose provision is restricted - let him spend from what Allah has given him. Allah does not charge a soul except [according to] what He has given it. Allah will bring about, after hardship, ease. (65:7)  

ムスリムの男性は妻と子どもを支える義務の責任を果たすときに、アッラーから素晴らしい祝福があります。 預言者ﷺは以下のように仰りました。


When a Muslim man fulfill his duty of supporting his wife and children, he will be rewarded abundantly by Allah. As the Prophetﷺ said, 

When a man spends on his family, anticipating allah's reward in the hereafter, this act of his will be counted as an act of charity ( Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree ) 



On the contrary, if a husband refuses or neglects his duty to spend on his family, even though he has the ability to provide, he is committing a sin for his negligence. As the Prophetﷺ said, 

A man who neglects those who are under his care would surely be committing a sin. (Sunan Abu Daawood) 

最近は女性の社会進出も進み、男性が主夫として活躍する家庭もありますが、イスラームでは夫は一家の大黒柱として責任をもつべきであるとされています。ムスリムの男性は頑張らなければいけないところもあると思いますが、女性としては心強いですよね。 私はこれはイスラームの素晴らしい点の一つであると感じています。 

These days, women’s social status has changed and there are families where the husband become the homemaker. But in Islam, men have responsibilities to be breadwinners of families. Muslim men need to do their best to provide this, which is reassuring for women. I think this is one of the good points in Islam. 


That’s all for this time. Stay tune on next column.