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[Kindle] The Book of Candle Magic: Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life download

2022.01.21 08:26

The Book of Candle Magic: Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life. Madame Pamita, Judika Illes

The Book of Candle Magic: Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life

ISBN: 9780738764733 | 336 pages | 9 Mb
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Download The Book of Candle Magic: Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life

Free download english books The Book of Candle Magic: Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life (English literature) RTF PDB MOBI 9780738764733 by Madame Pamita, Judika Illes

Featuring authentic candle magic that anyone can do, this impressive little book shows how you can connect to spiritual realms and bring positive change to your life with just a little wick, wax, and flame. Madame Pamita offers both step-by-step instructions for specific candle spells and reference materials to create your own spells. The Book of Candle Magic empowers you to manifest more happiness, love, prosperity, and fulfillment through candle spells. Discover how to make candles from scratch, perform candle readings, create your grimoire, and add some pizzazz to your rituals. Explore the best herbs, gems, talismans, and symbols for giving your spells a boost. With this beautiful book, you can claim your birthright of using fire to reach your magical goals.

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